(Since it's mighty hard to tell from that, those numbers are in French, Portuguese, Spanish, English, Portoguese, English. hahaha)
It's weird because I'm the age right now where basically all of my friends are on missions.
And this summer is especially weird. Let me explain to you.
For 6 continuous months, I have a (pretty good*) friend entering the MTC.
[*pretty good means someone that is more than an acquaintance. It's someone I would consider a good friend. haha]
In May, Charlotte entered the MTC.
She's learning French and will be serving in the France, Paris Mission.
[I'm seriously SO excited for her and France is SO perf for her!]
In June, Erin entered the MTC.
She's learning Portuguese and will be serving in Brazil.
(At least that's the hope... she's still patiently waiting for her visa.)
(also, funny story. I told Erin and Charlotte to find each other. Erin recognized Charlotte right away... from the many blogs but Charlotte thought she had a creeper on her hands. But now I think things are good.)
In July, (actually, today), Kayla entered the MTC.
She'll be learning Spanish and will eventually be serving in Ecuador.
(Which is literally perfect for her because she worked in an orphanage there last year and already loves the people.)
In August, I enter the MTC.
English speaking and Colorado Bound! :)
(Which was a shock. But it'll be lovely.)
In September, Suzy Q enters the MTC.
She'll also be learning Portuguese and serving in Brazil.
(Although a different mission than Erin. And she goes to the Brazil MTC so we don't overlap in Provo, sadly.)
In October, Suzanne enters the MTC.
She'll be speaking English and serving in Texas.
(We're kind of twinsies.)
So yeah. It's pretty insane actually.
I seriously love these girls.
Ecuador, Texas, Colorado. (We were the three pre-missionary friends.)
And this was our final picture until we're reunited again. :)
France, Colorado, Brazil.
After Hezekiah's Tunnel.
[We're statues.]
Brazil and Colorado.
Everyday is an adventure.
So, Six months.
Six friends.
Six happy reunions. :)
Until Fall 2013/Spring 2014.