Thursday, May 14, 2015


I think it's happening, people. 

Senioritis is officially getting real.

I think it's obvious that senioritis is a real thing when you watch entire seasons of Gilmore Girls in an entire week.

It's become an obsession. Seriously. 

I think I've been through 2 seasons this week. 

Andddddd. It's still going.

Instead of working on my lab notebook, doing research, writing my paper, doing my picture project or any number of tasks, I've decided that netflix is really nice. 

So. That's a thing. 

On that note, I need to go back to Stars Hollow.

Monday, May 4, 2015


I never read my horoscope.

But today, as I was scrolling yahoo's front page, I happened upon it.

And boy, was it SPOT. ON.

Take a look for yourself (although you don't know what has been happening today, the horoscope will let you know. haha)


Everything seems more complicated than necessary today. People may tell you more than you deem appropriate and knowing too much isn't a comfortable position for you. You might want to retreat in your mind to a simpler time, but going back to the past won't prevent the future from arriving. The wheels are in spin and you can't stop them even if it all feels like too much. You have the best chance to positively influence the future when you fearlessly act with good intentions. Instead of closing down your heart to protect it, keep returning to a place of love.