Okay, then after church, we had a grilled cheese party at Jessica's friend Michelle's house. We met a ton of cool people and it was pretty fun. Except that we were the only freshman yet again. (We had gone to a bonfire on Saturday night that Erin's brother always does and we were the only freshman in a sea of seniors...) It was cool to just met more people in a more relaxed setting especially since I wouldn't have really met them in any other circumstances.
For dinner, we decided to make crepes. Well, Michelle and Erin made them and I kind of helped and Jessica provided all the ingredients. We decided to invite our neighbors who we always talk to as we walk down the stairs and they always have these crazy parties. There weren't as many people as there usually are but they came up and we had a good time with them. It was delicious. After dinner, since I didn't really help make it, I decided to do the dishes (since our dishwasher is broken so we have to do them all by hand). I had basically washed everything except for a few things and as I was washing a knife, it kind of slipped into my hand and it cut my index finger really deeply. So I was bleeding pretty profusely and so I tried to just keep doing the dishes while covering my finger with a paper towel. I took a little break to try to help it stop bleeding but it didn't really stop. It kept bleeding even after I put a bandaid on it for a while. But I put neosporin on it when I went to bed last night and it is still tender to the touch but it doesn't look as bad anymore. Hopefully I don't have a scar forever.
here are some pictures for your enjoyment!
Day One (Sunday 9/13)
Day Two (Monday 9/14)
On a side note, I also got a nasty bruise on my inner knee last week. I'm not exactly sure what it is from but it was quite painful. and it is still pretty gross. This picture of it is from friday or saturday I don't remember which.
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