So after my super sad last day of work, I am then leaving to go to Rexburg on Thursday. SO CRAZY. And it's going to be super fun because we're adding a few more temples (Reno, Twin Falls and Idaho Falls) to our list. Which I am pretty excited about. Then I get to Rexburg for the weekend, then it's off to Island Park for the week. Super great. Then back to Rexburg to move in and such and get all settled. It's going to be a crazy week.
I am SO excited because on Thursday, on our drive up there, we are going to drive right past our closet Chick-Fil-A which means I will be getting myself one of these:

I've seriously been looking forward to this for weeks. hahahaha my mouth is watering just looking at that picture... I haven't had Chick-Fil-A since.... uh, I think early August... the last time I went roadtrippin'. I also had my last Chipotle burrito today for lunch before I go back to the land of zero good fast food. haha it was SO good. Last time I went here it was definitely mediocre but today was fantastic. Someone needs to open up a Chipotle/Chick-Fil-A in Rexburg, please. :) p.s. I'm kinda only mentioning this to make you jealous Josh.... hahaha :)
Um, I am also getting a new passport soon! As in, tomorrow I'm going in to turn in my forms and stuff and tonight I went to Walgreen's to get my picture taken for it. It's so nerve-wracking because now I'm going to have this passport for TEN years! hahahaha that's like an eternity. But I'm excited for it because it's the new passport which is super pretty! And while I was at Walgreen's, I also bought two of the coolest shirts on the planet. Remember back in the day when people wore those shirts that started out really small and they were all scrunched but they fit everyone? yep, I just bought two of those... SO EXCITED! Ah! I just found a picture as well, here is what it looks like (except the sleeves on mine aren't as long and I have a blue one like this and then a super crazy multi-colored one!):

So yep! That's my exciting news for now. I see Jessica AND Josh AND Erin AND America's Family Community in 3 days... although, it's like 83 hours so technically I guess that would be 4 days... right? But yes, it is SUPER close.... I better get packing.... :/
(and this song, Break Your Heart, has been stuck in my head ALLLLLLL day long....)
I also hope that this blog satisfies all your wantings. Because I've been hearing that I "haven't been blogging as much and that they haven't been as long..." Hopefully this is okay. :)
Danielle I love how concerned you are for everyone you work with. that is too cute. haha. and chick-fil-a is not even that good. haha but they could open a chipotle in rexburg! ooo we get to go to the thai place! haha party! and I cannot wait to see you! I miss you so much!