Goodness gracious.
SO MUCH has happened since I blogged last.
Let's see, I went down to Salt Lake on the 25th to pick up Josh/see Nicole. I met Josh at the airport and then we took the shuttle thing to the Square. Nicole, being the rude missionary she is, had to postpone our appointment so Josh and I had a lot of free time to spare before we met with Sister Quister Twister. So we went to the Nauvoo Cafe for lunch and then to the Conference Center for a tour. Then we met up with Sister Quist and Sister Kinman (who by the way were late...) and they took us to Assembly Hall and then into the South Visitor's center. It was pretty precious. Basically what when down is Nicole and I talked while Sister Kinman taught Josh. haha It was great. Then we hurried to get to our shuttle and all that jazz. The shuttle was uneventful. It was SUPER hot inside the bus which was a bummer. But it was so nice to just be with Josh again and be able to talk to him face-to-face.
Sister Kinman, Sister Quist, Me, Josh

When we got to Rexburg, we hung out with Jessica and Erin and Ricardo and such. Erin's roommate's fiance is in a band and he was playing at Relay for Life at Madison High School so we went to that, which was fun. Except for there was a lightning storm so it was postponed for a while. But it was still fun to hang out with all of them.
Saturday, Jessica and I had a tennis match at 1:00. Except our two matches were postponed to Monday. So we just sat there and cheered for our teammates. It was still fun although the weather was perfect so it would've been nice to actually play but whatever. It was fun to sit and watch a bunch of tennis. Then that night, Josh and I went on a date (and Jessica tagged along for the ending). We went to dinner and then to Toy Story 3. It was SUCH a good movie. I would watch it all day long if I could. It was great.
Sunday, Jessica and I went to Rigby for church because her cousin was getting blessed. And I'm basically a part of the family. Plus, we always look for an excuse to not go to our super late church. So we went to that, and then to a brunch after at the Barton's house. It was fun because her family is super fun. And they had a dog that I got to play with so it was great. Then when we came home, Josh came over and he and I hung out and played wii and stuff while Jessica took a nap. haha it was a great Sunday. We also made pancakes for dinner and watched The Singles Ward 2. It was precious.
Monday I had school and everything. Josh came over and watched me do my homework and tried to distract me but it was good having him here. Then we had tennis and FHE and it was just crazy. But super fun. For FHE, we had a water fight/capture the flag with the neighbors which was fun because it was so hot. We kinda just hung out and did normal ol' stuff besides that.
The rest of the week kind of followed suit. We didn't really do anything too exciting besides school and hanging out with the gang. We did go to Snoasis a couple of times (since it was Josh's new favorite thing) and we went to the grocery store a few times as well. It was quite great. We also had a HUGE freak thunderstorm on Tuesday night. The city streets were like rivers it was raining so hard. It was ridiculous. We played in the rain for quite a while which was super fun.
Wednesday, tennis practice was cancelled so Jessica and I decided to go and play/practice by ourselves. We went at like 8 when the sun was just starting to set. We play two sets; 2-6 and then 7-5. It was so great because I've only been playing tennis for like 10 weeks... and now I'm pretty much a pro. We were both playing really well so it was super exciting. The only problem was that we were playing in the prime mosquito time so I got quite a few bites, which wasn't good. Then we came home at like 9:30 and we were both starving and we had a 15 pound watermelon sitting on our table so we decided to split it in half and eat it. It was so good.

After that, we had our two empty halves so for some reason we decided to put them on our heads. Josh walked in while we were wearing our new hats and taking pictures of them and his face was priceless. It was so funny. Those watermelon rinds were so heavy, which was kind of unexpected. But it was great. She and I do the most random things sometimes.

Thursday, I had a very busy day of classes but once I was done, I was done until today, which was good. I had a 4 day weekend. But on Thursday afternoon, Jessica's friend Vikki came to visit from Colorado. It was fun. I had to go to a meeting for extra credit on Thursday night but after that, the three of us went to Craigo's which was delicious. And we walked to Jessica's grandma to get an air mattress and stuff for Vikki to sleep on. The walk back home was super long but it could've been worse. There was a dog that freaked out and scared all of us which was quite memorable.
Friday, my class was cancelled and Jessica doesn't have class so we went to Broulim's and Walgreen's (and Josh got some Snoasis...) and bought our daily groceries. Then we came home and we were lazy and just sat around for a while. But then Vikki and Jess went and played tennis and Josh and I went to dinner with his grandparents. I was kinda nervous for the dinner but it was actually pretty good. They were fun and it was good. We went to Original Thai which was de-licious. And then we went to the park to play. It was so fun to just be kids again. I loved it. I love swinging a lot. haha after that, we just kinda hung out and then when Jessica and Vikki (plus Eric and Logan) came home, we decided to go to the park to play soccer. But the park was kinda dark so we just sat around and talked and played which was fun. But then I started having really bad allergies and I didn't feel all that well so Josh and I walked home earlier than the rest of the gang. But when we got home, I pretty much passed out on the couch and Josh sat next to me and then he fell asleep. It is so easy to fall asleep cuddling with that boy. Then he went home a little after curfew (oops) and then I went to bed.
Saturday we slept in and then got all ready for the day and while Vikki and Jessica were getting ready, Josh and I watched the World Cup which was fun. It was an intense game. Then we walked to Nature's Nook to get Jessica's grandma's car and then we went to Walmart to buy some stuff for our BBQ on Sunday and then we came home and got ready for our trip to Idaho Falls to see fireworks! So we got to Idaho Falls, went to Red Robin, ate some delicious food and then we found a sweet parking spot and then we found a sweet spot on the lawn by the river and right next to the temple.

We played Phase 10 (and I won) and then we played Your Team (which Josh didn't approve of) and then we sat at waited for the fireworks to begin. Jessica and Vikki had to go to the bathroom so they walked like all over the city to find an acceptable bathroom. Josh and I waited for them to come back for like an hour. I was semi-afraid that something happened to them but Josh was very good at assuring me that they were fine. And they were fine. But from our little spot on the grass, we couldn't really see the fireworks except from through a tree. But it was still funny. We saw these guys wrestling for a light up sword but it looked like they were making out. It was a grand ol' time. Then after the (not as great as it was supposed to be) firework show, we decided that it would take us like 2 hours to deal with all the traffic so we went to Denny's and got some... dinner? I don't know what meal it was but we were all hungry. We parked and walked all the way there because there was SO much traffic. But we first sat at the breakfast counter or whatever it's called. And it was nice because we got seated right away but we were all SO far away from each other. So after they all got their soda floats (and Josh spilled his all over everything) we moved to a table right nearby. Jessica was sad we left the view we had. and then she started hallucinating. It was one of the funniest nights ever. It was so awesome. I loved it. We were laughing the entire time. People kinda hated us I think. We were acting like we were drunk mostly because we were just so tired and being so crazy. It was grand. And the food was good. Then we walked back to the car (while Jessica was talking in a man voice the whole time...) and then we drove home, dropped Josh at Biddulph at like 2 and then we drove the car home to Grandma's and then we walked home which was kinda creepy since she lives in the semi-sketchy part of Rexburg and it was 2:30 in the morning. But we got home a little before 3 and then we had to do some things and then we finally went to bed at 4. It was so eventful.
Sunday, we had church at 1:30, which was good because we were all SO tired. Church was pretty good, as usual. We combined three wards so Hannah from tennis was there which was fun. And Josh was there which made it even better. :) It was Testimony meeting which is always enjoyable. But Josh left after Sunday School to go and pack so we had to endure through Relief Society by ourselves... I mean, obviously we would since he would have to go to Elder's Quorum but whatever. Then he came over right after church and we had our BBQ. It was really good but it didn't go as expected. And there was a tension between me and Josh mostly because it was his last night and we didn't know what was going to happen between the two of us once he left.
After dinner, we had to do the dishes (and I really felt like a housewife...) and then we went to the park to play soccer.
Matching Outfits for Soccer! :)

It was so much fun. We were all so tired though. Josh was so good at soccer and the rest of us were just mediocre. First we played girls against guys but they kept beating us by a lot so then they decided that we should switch up teams but that Josh and I couldn't be on the same team (because we were dating and because we were both the best on our respective teams). So it ended up with Jessica, Josh and Vikki on one team and Eric, Logan and me on the other team. Josh was still the best but it was still way fun. I got a nasty jean burn on my knee though from Eric's pants though. After that, everyone went and played on the swings and Josh and I went to go and talk and hang out by ourselves. He had a hammock so we set that up and just cuddled in the hammock for a while. But then it was freezing so we came home where everyone else was still watching Zoolander (even though it was past curfew). Josh stayed for a while after that and we just sat and talked on the couch and ate ice cream and just enjoyed our final hours together before he went back home and then on a mission for two years.
Monday morning, I woke up to go and see him off on his shuttle. We kinda just sat there enjoying just being together and near each other for a while. By the time it was time for him to go, we were both crying. He got on the shuttle and he was crying and I was bawling the entire time I walked home from the Hart. Seeing him leave was horrible. He has never been the one to leave me; it has always been me leaving him. I cried for a good hour and a half and ate some ice cream. Then I took a nap, woke up and continued crying. haha and then we went out and did stuff (Wendy's, Walmart, Payless) and then we came home and watched the Bachelorette. Josh called me once he got home and we talked for a while and I cried again. It was so hard being away from him for after being so close to him for the week. I then cried myself to sleep. I'd never cried so much in my life. It was ridiculous. And I think that it might happen again tonight. And since he is gone and he will be getting his mission call (probably tomorrow) we just decided that it would be better to end our relationship now. We're still really good friends and there are no hard feelings but it's definitely going to be tough to shift from boyfriend/girlfriend to friends. But I know we can do it so it'll be fine. I don't think it's fully hit me yet so we shall see what happens with this week.
BUT, I got a letter from Connor-kins today (finally) and I got my new battery/AC adapter so I'm using my computer again. After it stopped working suddenly last Wednesday (which was a nightmare).
It is all good.
Sorry this is the longest post ever. I hadn't blogged in more than two weeks, and A LOT had happened.