Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I'm Back!


Sorry I'm horribly inconsistent at blogging.

But I've also been rather busy these past few days.

Last Monday-Wednesday we had our last day of classes(!) which was stressful because that's when everything was due. All the projects, papers, assignments, all that jazz. And then, we had to take finals and pack and clean on Thursday and Friday. Basically after my crazy ridiculous final on Thursday (that I studied for for like forever), I was pretty much done with school. I just had a presentation Friday morning at 7:00am but other than that, I was done.

But I did have to pack and clean the entire apartment.

Jess and I were up until 3:30 am packing and cleaning and doing whatever else needed to be done (we also had a car party and car-flirted which was super funny) and then we had to wake up at 6:30 on Thursday morning. We were exhausted on Friday. We got out of class at like 8:10 and then from then until 2 we were packing plus some cleaning. We were running all day long. I have never been so stressed. Then we had to walk across to the shuttle station where there were hundreds (okay, maybe not hundreds) of people there waiting too. All the little AFY kids and everyone else who was going home. It was precious. The bus was rather late which was annoying. But I sat by myself until IF until I got to sit by a cute little old lady all the way down to Salt Lake.

Once I got to Salt Lake, I checked in, went through security, and then sat at my gate... I was supposed to be sitting there for like...20 minutes. But out airplane had some mechanical failures and it was MIA. So we kept getting more and more delayed (but it did give me the opportunity to get some TCBY.) Instead of leaving at 7:53p like we were supposed to, we left at 9:30ish after we stole a plane from Denver. But that meant that I got home later which actually ended up being okay. But theeeennnnn we got to drive to Auburn. That was an adventure.

We got to out hotel in Auburn and by then, I had been up for 22 hours and had been traveling for 11 hours. I was so exhausted. I feel asleep in like two seconds and then slept like a rock. We had to wake up at 7:15 for our rafting adventure. We went to breakfast and then got all ready. We drove to the rafting location and then watched a fun training movie. Then we went down to the river which was great. But it was SO hot. Once we got in our little rafts though it cooled down. And we got to go swimming in the river which was fun. And super cold. But it was quite an enjoyable day. The best part was when we got SUPER stuck in rocks for like 30+ minutes. We kept maneuvering our raft around but it was pretty slow. We were getting almost done when we had some assistance arrive. Three strong men came and saved us. Then we got to the end and everyone was so curious as to what happened to us which was funny. Then we had to roll up all the rafts and everything and pack it up and it was SO hot standing in the sun waiting.

Then we drove home. And on the way home, we stopped at Chick-fil-a which was SO good. mmm :) And it was so nice to finally be home after so long. We went to bed kinda late as well on Saturday night.

Sunday morning, I had to wake up early for church. And then I got to work in the Nursery so after church i was way tired. Sunday was busy because the Bishop was out of town so my dad had to do everything and so I helped him. We watched UP! but I was so tired that I couldn't even watch the whole thing and I went to bed at like 9:30. So lame.

These past few days have been pretty low-key. Just going to Target (twice), Rok (twice) and just hanging out and sleeping in until 11. It's been a wonderful start to the summer. Plus, I've bought some super exciting things while at Target... Some things I won't mention here. haha

This week is going to continue to be super crazyyyy.


  1. hahaha you make me laugh! Thanks for that play by play... Im glad you are having a very low-key week:) Love you shmanly shmanielle!

  2. Blue fish - acting up a little bit. A little slow. I think the summer is getting to him. I would suggest perhaps summer school. It would keep him fresh. I wouldn't want the other fish to get ahead of him. That would be embarrassing and sad. and it would hurt my feelings :(
