To the tundra we call Rexburg. Or Iceburg.
It's cold. And so windy. But I suppose I can't really expect anything else.
I'm all moved in. And unpacked. And our room is pretty cool. hahaha
AND good news! So far, our roommates are wonderful. haha we've only met 3 (and we don't know if there is another one...) but they're cool. We might not be best friends but we'll get along with is great news. :)
So yep, that is all. It's kinda good to be back. But kinda not at the same time.
ALSO. I felt like Erin Young today at Walmart. I saw LOTS of people I knew.
First Craig, my british chem tutor. funny.
Then the Haights (which don't really count but whatever.)
and then Benjamin who was in my first chem group.
I felt so special. haha
Anywhooo... school starts tomorrow and I don't know how excited I am about it. But we shall see.
And maybs I'll blog more?
who knows.
hahaha you make me laugh.