Monday, June 13, 2011

Sunburns, Singers, Silly Songs, Shmackely. :)

This past weekend, Shmackeley came to visit me.

She arrived on the shuttle at 2:25ish and so I met her outside the Hart a little after that (because I was in the Benson studying for a Lab Midterm...) We then took her stuff home, had a little snack and then went back to school. I dropped her off at the bookstore to browse and read while I went back to the Benson to take my midterm. Luckily it was very quick (and easy!) so then I went back to the bookstore to pick her up.... and buy her a shirt. After that, we were both very hungry so we came home and then we went to Sammy's.

Sammy's was delicious. The last few times I've been there it has been sub-par but on Friday, it was yummmmmmy. We both got The Provo (basically a regular bacon cheesburger) and then we shared an order of battered fries and a Mint Oreo Pie Shake. It was great. And there were quite a few people there on dates and it was pretty awk. Not going to lie. There was one couple who was on their first date, another who were definitely an item and she was picking fuzz off his sweatshirt like a monkey would and then their was a NORMAL married couple. It was strange.

After dinner, we came home and then we went to go play tennis with Callie and Jessica. We played for a little while and it was pretty fun. My "fiance" also drove past and everyone was happy for the opportunity to see him. After tennis, we went to Snoasis/shack and got some snowcones. They were yummy. haha definitely worthwhile. But we were super full. Obviously.

We also went to Horkley's and got "Morning Glory" to watch. It was pretty good but I was super tired and thus, don't remember much of it.

Saturday, we had a tennis match. It was nice because it didn't start until 10:30 so we didn't have to wake up super early but things got kind of messed up and Callie and I didn't get to play (1st doubles) until like wayyyyyy late. So we just sat up on the courts and got really sunburnt while watching Jessica's match. When it finally was time for me and Callie to play, we were just tired of being there... But we WON! It was the first time either of us have won a tennis match. We won it 6-0, 7-5. Woo! But we didn't finish until 2:30. Insane.

We were starving during the match so we decided during the second set that we were going to go to Jimmy John's. Well, apparently everyone else had the same idea because once we got there, they were all out of their french bread. :( So we had wheat but it was like wheat slices and not a french loaf and it wasn't good. So unfortunately Shmackely missed out on that experience. :( After sandwiches, we headed over to Nielson's for some frozen custard. Their flavor of the day was Mint Oreo so Shmack and I shared a concrete (basically a think shake) with brownie. So it was mint custard with oreo AND brownie in it. So yummy.

Then we came home and our sunburn was starting to set in and we were just tired. I did laundry and we just hung out and relaxed. Then Shmack realized that she needed to go to D.I. to get some shirts for trek next week so we borrowed Elaine's car and went to D.I, got the shirts and a sweater for Elaine, went to Walmart where I got some cereal and shampoo and then we went to Craigo's (Pizza Pie Cafe) and got a Spud Pizza.

We hurried home and changed our clothes and stuff so that we could go to the Nik Day concert.

Waiting for the performance to start.

Stephen Jones from here was the opening act and he was hilarious. Seriously SO funny. I really wanted to meet him (because how cool would that be!?) but he was no where to be found after the show. Sad day. But seriously, he was awesome and just seeing him was worth the $5.

Stephen Jones action shot.

Nik Day was really good too. He played a lot of other people's song which was alright but I like it when people play their own songs.... he has some really good songs that I liked a lot and he was accidently funny which was fun.

Nik Day-- am I crazy or does he kinda look like a vampire?

The lady sitting in front of us (I suppose she wasn't really a lady, she was a girl.... haha) but she was SO annoying. We were sitting there for literally two seconds and she said a creeper comment to us. And we took some pictures and she kept creeping on them. Weirdo. And she stole a free CD from me. But I'm over it.

We then came home, ate out Spud Pizza and watched 17 Again. That movie is so awkward sometimes. But it was a wonderful little day.

Sunday we went to church, which was presh, and then came home and ate more Spud Pizza. Then while all my roommates were either sleeping or were at choir, Shmack and I made Nicole a super funny video. And then another one. Then we had to make dinner and people's VT came over but by the end of the night we made (a super long) one for Katie and a pretty good one for Erin. They are hilarious, people. Definitely an enjoyable night. Shmack then had to pack and such and then we had to go to bed.

We woke up at 6 this morning and she finished packing and then we walked over to the shuttle and she left at 6:30. I went back to bed for two hours and then I woke up at 8:30, went to swimming and had a marvelous time. And now it's almost 5 and I still have lots more studying to do. Woooo.

But it was a great weekend. :)

Time for school now.

Peace & Love.

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