It's really strange how these ten years have passed. It seems like it was so long ago yet I remember what I was doing so vividly. And not only that but looking at these powerful pictures here brings back so many prominent memories. Which I realize is semi-ridiculous because I was only in 5th grade and the attacks didn't impact me personally at all.
But the events have changed the way that we live today and it has impacted the entire world in a variety of ways that we couldn't have even imagined.
I remember waking up that morning in California and my dad told my mom that two planes had crashed into the World Trade Centers which in my 10 year old mind, I didn't know what that meant so I just blew it off as an airplane crashing.
Later at school though, everyone was talking about it and it became a much bigger deal. Everyone was talking about it and I feel like we were told about what was happening from the teachers. Everyone was also freaking out because people were concerned that San Francisco was next and it caused some emotional chaos.
When I got home from school, I turned the TV on and on every single channel was footage of the events in New York and for some reason I found it fascinating because I was just so awestruck by the magnitude of the event. Even though the video images were exactly the same, over and over again, I couldn't stop watching because my 10 year old brain couldn't fully understand the impact of the events and even now, reading through articles on the anniversary, I'm learning new things about the event that I didn't really know back then.
I just think that it's important to reflect on our past and remember the events that have transpired. And that is what this post is about.
I really like this quote from Mayor Michael Bloomberg, at the site of the World Trade Center this morning who said: "Ten years have passed since a perfect blue-sky morning turned into the blackest of nights."
That's funny because everyone where I grew up was convinced Portland was next! I guess that just goes to show how afraid it made everyone.