I've finally done it.
I officially swam (er... floated) in my last sea today.
We got the Med(iterranean) when we went to Tel Aviv in September:
Got the Red Sea when we went to Eilat in October:
Checked off the Sea of Galilee while in Galilee in November:
And today, I finished off the list by floating in the Dead Sea (in December!):
Looking at this now, it's semi-awkward that we didn't get a jumping picture here... butttt we didn't really have a place to do it slash Nicole was injured at the conclusion of our adventure so we are floating in the sea. Good enough, I'd say.
The Dead Sea was... unreal. I spent my afternoons in high school teaching my body how to swim and then I entered this water and my body didn't know what to do. I was floating by myself. I couldn't put my feet/legs under water. It was funny because we would flip onto our stomachs and try to swim but our feet would be sticking out of the water. (Notice Matty behind us, exhibiting this.)
I would also find myself subconsciously eggbeatering and then I would realize that I am floating regardless of what my legs are doing underwater. So weird.
All that hard work learning how to swim for so many years, gone out the window. Although, knowing how to heads-up freestyle was definitely helpful.
Good day though. Even though we were caked with salt after. Super gross.
People told me that they were going to come to my hair when they needed to salt their food at dinner. FUNNY.
Definitely a good experience. And now I can say I've swam in all the Seas here in Israel! Yippee! :)
ALSO, This is my 200th blog post! Wow. That's insane.
I am very jealous of this... I know that's pretty much all I ever say now a days, but I never knew how badly I wanted to be able to say I swam in all those seas until you said it. I even want to be salty!