Friday, February 10, 2012

Back from P-town.

Well friends,

I'm no longer in Provo which is sadder than I imagined it being.

The 6 days that I spent in Provo were some of the funnest and craziest times I've had in ages.
(And by ages, I mean in the past 6 weeks or so).

Provo successfully landed me more first dates in the 5.5 days I was there than I've had in the 4 semesters in Rexburg.

And technically, I had a three day- date marathon (three dates, three days in a row.)

Although one of them was a second date? haha

I also got to hang out with my favorites from Jerusalem lots and lots.

Ice cream, tennis and class(es) with Suzy.
Lunch dates, grocery shopping adventures and sleepovers with Charlotte.
Bean Museum, Bowling, movie at the grandparents, apples and peanut butter and the Provo Temple with Junior. :)

It's funny how I didn't really have any plans going into the week, besides JC reunion at the Ludlow Cabin on Saturday night but by the end of the week, every second of my day was planned out.

And it was fun seeing Mark & Danielle and hanging out with them for a couple hours. Oh cousin bonding. :)

I think I'm going to give a full run-down of my activities and adventures in another post (or 2) but I just figured I needed to update this little blog for now.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, this goes for everyone, if you want to date, go to Utah.
