So, this past week has been pretty crazy.
Wednesday, we went to another one of Dave's soccer games. Except for right when we got there, he totally rolled his ankle so he sat out for a little while and then he played keeper to not run that much so he didn't really play. At the end though, he did go into and play for reals. He has been hanging out with this really gross girl. Her name is Katie and she is basically extremely irritating. When he hurt his foot, she was going way over the top to try and help him and was rubbing his foot and stuff and we could all tell he was annoyed. I felt bad for him. Hopefully he realized that she is no bueno. haha
Thursday, we went to Arby's (after Dave and Katie dropped by for a quick little visit) for dinner and we were basically there for a few hours. The high school football team/cheerleaders from Salmon (Idaho) were there and they were all trying to get out attention which was kind of funny. Jessica's cousins are from Salmon so we were tempted to ask all the people there if they knew them but we didn't. We then had a car party for quite a while which is always fun.
Friday we just kind of hung around and we were going to do to Adam's ultimate frisbee game (he is Jessica's cousin) but then Erin got called into work because it was super busy and a girl didn't show up. But on her way there, they called and they didn't need her. So she came home and we went to the game. It was on top of the hill and it was pouring rain and it was absolutely freezing. We had to leave after an hour and a half because we just couldn't stand it any longer. So we went to Maverik to get some hot chocolate (because its $1 any size all of October!) We then went to Taco Bell because Jessica knows a guy who works there and so we went to visit him. We were there for more than an hour as well. Haha something about fast food restaurants just attracts us.
Saturday, we all slept in. I had a swim meet but I accidently slept in and so I missed it and I felt really bad about it. Ooops. But Erin had to work and Jessica and Michelle had to go to a Vision Conference for Business so I just got to hang out by myself in the afternoon. We went to get some groceries and while we were there, our brothers called us to see if we wanted to go to the Straw Maze with them. Well, we did but we didn't really know how we would get there so Jessica decided to call her grandma and we got to use her car so we had two cars for 8 people so we split it up two girls/two boys in each car which was fun. The straw maze was pretty scary. In like a really fake way. But it was still really fun even though we were all way freaked out. Well, we ended sooner than we thought so we came back to Rexburg and we were all way hungry so we went to Dominos because it was the only place still open. Then we took our 4 pizzas and went back to the guy's dorms and ate out pizza/watch Van Helsing. We also broke curfew. woopsies. We got home at like 1... :/ haha but it was so worth it. and we just came in through the trash room.
I guess the rest of the week has been pretty normal. Except for I was so busy yesterday (well, I guess I started this yesterday and I talked about it). But I was up until 2 doing homework which is always fun. And my presentations went pretty good which is a relief. Glad its over.
Tonight I think we might have a movie or soccer game in store so we'll she what happens. Tomorrow we are going to a Halloween party in our costumes which will hopefully be really fun. :)
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