So, recently, I haven't really been that tired at night. I went to bed last night at 3 but since we changed our clocks, my body really thought that it was 4. I don't understand why this is happening. And then when I woke up this morning at 7:40, I wasn't even that tired which is weird. It still hasn't hit me yet. I've been up until at least 2 for the past 3 nights I believe and its really weird because its totally not normal for me. Now, for a update on this weeks events:
School was normal as always. Nothing too exciting happened. Except for midterm grades were due and well, I was pretty happy with my grades thus far. Except for like two and they are just dumb classes which a weird grading method so oh well.
On Thursday, our boys needed to go to Walmart so they bummed a ride off Erin and then they invited us to go and see a movie with them later. So we went to go and see Fame with them. I was expecting it to be pretty good and it was just kind of...pointless. There wasn't really a plot at all. I felt like I was watching a more ghetto High School Musical. haha after that, we decided to go to Maverik to get some of our last $1 hot chocolate since October is over now. And it started snowing so we were cold. It was fun to hang out with our brothers. We're really starting to get pretty close which is fun.
That night, there was some drama which prevented us from sleeping at a reasonable hour. haha it was pretty funny just to not really be a part of it but I felt kind of bad for the injured party. haha especially the whole panic attack incident was pretty scary.
So then on Friday, I hung out, and did homework and such since I don't have class and then I had a swim meet at 5:30 (but I had to be at the Hart and warming up at 4:30) so I swam which was actually kind of fun. I always dread the meets until they are like over and then I like them. EVERYTIME. but oh well. I didn't have to swim anything horrible (I swam fly in the Medley Relay, 50 Free, and then the anchor leg in the 200 Free Relay.) After that, we went to Walmart to get some last minutes additions to our halloween costumes. And then we came home and got ready for the Halloween Havoc. Josh came over and we went over with him. It was fun. Except the party was kind of lame but we had fun anyway. Then we all came home (after waiting in the freezing cold for the shuttle for like 40 minutes) and we then went to Taco Bell because we were starving. We brought the food back and started to watch The Illusionist but then the boys got kicked out because it was after curfew.
The Girls:

With Josh, Minus Erin:

Saturday was Halloween and we all slept in and Erin went to work. Jessica and I went to the temple at around 2 and then were back at 4. Our boys came over at like 5:15 and both Jessica and I were so gross (because I hadn't been able to shower after swimming so I had swim hair plus hairspray hair plus temple hair. gross) so she quickly showered and then they all went to watch the movie while I quickly showered and then they left to go eat dinner and Jess and Michelle had to do some homework so when they came over, we just hung out for a while and then we decided to go to Sonic since they had $.50 corndogs. Well, Jonny was over "hanging out" with Erin so there were four boys and four girls and only Erin's two door car. We didn't let that stop us though. We crammed us all in and got to Sonic. By the time we got there though, they were all out which was way sad. So then we went to Walmart and just played in the toy section and messed around. Everytime we rode in the car, we changed the seating arrangement. The first time it was all the boys and then Jess and I in the back and Erin and Michelle in the front. (Josh was sitting on the floor at my feet and Jonny was on Logan/Eric's lap.) Then Jessica moved to the front and sat with Michelle and the boys and I were in the back. With Josh having his arm around me because he had to like prop himself up to sit. And then finally, on the way home, the people were in the same areas of the car only Josh was sitting on my lap. It was definitely very entertaining. We then played a fun little game for a while until the boys had to go home. It was way fun. Then we stayed up until 2ish talking to Josh on facebook. Fun night and probably one of the best Halloweens to date.
Well, thats all the news. I don't understand why my blog posts are always so long but oh well. Until next time!
I love you Danielle!!!! Thanks for writing about all of this! Cause I for sure forgot about all of that stuff in my blog. hahahaha!! You make me Laugh!!