First a recap of my last few days in Rexburg:
Monday, Josh and I met at the MC to just, hang out. But we wanted something to do so we were going to watch the Olympics back at Biddulph but it wasn't working. So we got the Lion King and his computer and went back to the MC.

We couldn't find a good place to plug in his computer (after scouring the entire building...) for forever but then we actually did find a place to watch the movie. haha so it was all good. :) After the movie, we went to dinner at Gringo's which was yummy (and also where we went on one of our few dates last semester...) then we walked back to Sasha's to pick her up for our double date. We were going to go rock climbing, but as we were walking there, we decided it was too far of a walk so we went to the Rex to go bowling instead. Bowling was fun. Josh won but I got second so it's all good. Ricardo and Sasha are super fun. I would totally hang out with them if I lived in Rexburg. After bowling, we decided we wanted to see a movie, but none of them were starting for a while so we went to Walmart and then to Coldstone and then to Wendy's. Then we watched Sherlock Holmes which was pretty good. We were late for curfew but not by that much so whatever. Wow, long day. Tuesday, I woke up kinda early and met Josh at the MC right after his class and then we had a fun little chat... :/ but then we went to the Post Office to get his package and then we walked up to the temple.
We were up on the temple grounds for a few hours. It was really nice to just be close to him since it would be our last day together in a really long time. After we were too cold, we walked back to the MC where we ate lunch and just sat and chatted and then we went back to Michelle's, I finished packing, and then we walked to the Hart where I said the hardest goodbye, got on the shuttle and left. I seriously felt like someone had ripped my heart out and that it is still in Rexburg. I felt horrible. I started crying on the shuttle just because leaving him was so hard. Hmm, but the shuttle was eh, pretty normal. I kept falling asleep and so no one sat next to me (because I was taking up more than one seat), which was nice. I met this girl named Veronica, who is from Danville. She went up to Rexburg for a boy too. And when she got on the shuttle, we both just looked bad. haha But she sat next to me on the flight out there, and was in the seat in front of me on the flight home. And we took both shuttles together which was pretty crazy. I had to wait at the Oakland airport for a while waiting to be picked up because Mom and Dad thought it would be a good idea to go to the temple and do a session on the way to pick me up. So they were late. But I got to talk to Josh on the phone while I was waiting so it wasn't that big of a deal. Then we stopped at Taco Bell on the way home, and then ate our food while watching the Olympics before going to bed. haha it was weird to be home.
So, I came back to work on Wednesday after getting back from Rexburg on Tuesday night. Which was nice to get right back into things although it was a little hard to wake up on Wednesday morning (even though I got to sleep in a little bit later...). Work on Wednesday was eh, alright. It was hard to be back home after such a good weekend. Especially since I don't really do anything at work anyway... Oh well. Wednesday night, I babysat for the Halls which was... interesting. Those girls are terrible. I don't understand how they are so bad. Anyway... When I left, I got in Cupperton, turned the car on, sent a quick text, and when I looked up, everything was dark. All the interior lighting was off. No speedometer, no radio, no nothing. Well, everything was still working, because I continued listening to my music I just couldn't see the display. So I started driving. But then, I realized that I didn't know how fast I was going or anything. A quick call home... and nothing was solved. So I drove home, with the lights off. It was like a blackout in my car. Super exciting.
Yesterday, I actually had a lot of work to do at work. I was pretty busy like all day long which was nice. And I actually knew what I was doing (partly because I convince people to send UPS because that's all I really know how to deal with... haha). Then I got to go home, watch the Bachelor from Monday, and then go babysit for the Johnson's. My car is still dark so it was pretty crazy. Luckily I am pretty good at knowing roughly how fast I'm going and I have driven to their house many-a-times. I watched the Olympics there and skyped Josh and got paid. Wonderful night.
Well, I rented The Proposal from Redbox yesterday because for some reason, I haven't seen it. And neither has Jack or mom. So we were going to watch it. I brought it to the Johnson's but then I didn't want to have to stop partway through the movie so I didn't start it. But I had a brilliant idea. I bring the movie to work, and watch it on a laptop.

So, today, I brought the movie and a laptop to work. And since Ron is in Utah, I really have nothing to do in the mornings besides answer the phone. So I sat and watched the movie all morning. Usually there are quite a few phone calls but today, during the movie, there was like one. So perfect. I am going to do this every Monday and Friday from now on I think. Then, after my movie, I had lunch delivered to me. I've had Jamba Juice Wednesday and Thursday (because Jack is a chipmunk from her wisdom teeth extraction and can't really eat anything...) so I was hoping to get some today as well. But she wanted french fries from McDonalds today so today for lunch, I got french fries and a McFlurry (from McDonald's) and a zesty chicken bowl from Taco Bell. haha I'm going to get fat... Ron also has these delicious hard candies in a bowl upstairs that I can't stop eating. (You know those fun strawberry flavored candies that were in a red speckled wrapper with the green "stem" to make them look like strawberries? These:
Yeah, it's the same kind of candies only there are a bunch more flavors (like pineapple and lemon and orange...). SO yummy.) Luckily, I have to go up and down stairs a lot during the day, so that's like working out, right? Hahaha no. :/ But yeah, I am babysitting again tonight (that's three nights in a row...) which should be interesting... I guess. I don't really have any other exciting plans for the weekend or anything so uh, yep. Sorry this is insanely long...The end.
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