Cindy, who works in their St. George office flew in on Wednesday night and came in on Thursday and I "trained" her in the mail counter so that she would know what to do while I'm gone on Friday-Tuesday. I thought that she'd be watching me like all day long but she was upstairs mostly the entire day so I feel like this weekend is going to be pretty rough for her but hopefully she'll do fine. I'm nervous for her. But yeah, it's so strange that she flew in for the weekend but I guess they didn't really have any other options so it's alright. I can understand why they didn't want to hire a new person so quickly so they only had the option of finding someone that they knew and they would trust. It's just so... strange.
But yes, I'm currently sitting in the Salt Lake Airport, waiting for my shuttle that leaves in 30 minutes. I am so excited to be back in Rexburg. I miss it. And I'm super excited to see Josh, Erin and Michelle. Ahh, it's going to be so fun. I also am super excited to meet Ricardo and Sasha and like, everyone else that I've heard so much about. It's going to be fantastic. Except for the fact that we're not going to get any sleep the whole weekend but I think that will be okay... kinda.
The only thing that would make this weekend that much more fun would be if Jessica was coming too. It's super depressing because I haven't seen here in 8 weeks and I won't see here for another 8 weeks or so. Super sad. But hopefully our road trip will happen and that will make up for the fact that she isn't in Rexburg this weekend. :)
Dear, I wish I was in rexburg with you right now too! But its probably better that I am not there so you get more Josh time! Our road trip will be amazing! I love you tons!!!