Before we left!:

We were supposed to go last weekend but Erin couldn't get work off so we went today. We made tie-dyed t-shirts and wrote on them and we just got all ready! Then we left today at like 9 am. We got to Ogden Skydiving Center at about 12:30 and we got all ready.
In front of Ogden Skydiving Center!:

We filled out all the paperwork and such. It was so crazy. We had to wait a little bit because we walked in but we didn't have to wait too long...
Signing our paper work!:

haha and the wait...

Then we got all suited up and ready to go! Erin, Jessica, Breanna and I were the only ones who actually dove from the airplane but Shay and Michelle were there for moral support and to take out pictures.
Our scared faces!:

Haha but we met our diving buddy and mine was really weird at first. It was funny because he brought pizza and a bunch of fruit on the airplane and ate it right before we jumped. His name was Ryan and he was hilarious.
Ryan tightening all my straps:

Our little airplane! :)

He found out that I went to BYU-Idaho and he told me that we were going to have to break school rules to jump because we were going to be spooning. haha so when he strapped me to him in the airplane after that, he started singing "I'm the big spoon, I'm the big spoon!" It was so funny. And then my straps over my shoulder were super loose so I asked him about it and if he would tighten it and he was like "Geeze, I cuddle with you a little bit and you just want more..." He was great. He definitely made the experience a whole lot better.
But I was super excited until we had been in the airplane for a little bit because I knew that at any moment we could be falling out. I was the third to leave the plane and once Breanna left in front of me, I was freaking out. But then we just scooted right up to the door opening and I got my feet hanging out and then we rocked back and forth a little bit and then we just fell out! I didn't arch my body enough so he had to like pull my legs back with his legs so that we were in the right position. But we did flips and everything as we were free-falling. It was SO ridiculous. It didn't even really feel like falling, it was just like there was a huge fan blowing air against us.
Falling I'm with the bright pink parachute!:

We did a bunch of spins and stuff and he showed me how to do it at first and then he let me do it. It was so great! I don't even know what to say about it anymore, it was just so insane! I was falling from the sky and doing tricks. HOW INSANE.
But yeah, once he pulled the 'chute, it was kinda fun. When he actually pulled it, it like shot us up in the air (not really but that's what it felt like). And it hurt. Haha it just yanked us right up there. But then he adjusted the straps on my legs a little bit so that I was in like a sitting position and then it was really nice. We kinda just floated down and we spun in circles and just drifted down to the ground. Ryan was awesome and him being the guy I was with definitely made the experience. We landed on our butts and just kinda sat on the ground. haha and then we were done and they ran off to get another parachute and do it all again with another group. Crazy!

We took some pictures and kinda just took it all in! We also got a sweet certificate and a pen and a bumper sticker and a bunch of other fun stuff.
Alive and on the ground again! :)

After we got all unsuited and everything, then we went to lunch at Olive Garden. I'm not really much of an Olive Garden fan and I would've much rather gone to Chick-fil-a which was RIGHT next door. :( I was so sad.
After that, we came home pretty much and we were all so tired during that 3 hour drive. But we got back to Rexburg just as the Relief Society broadcast thing was ending which was kinda funny because we were still on this huge skydiving high and everyone else was on this spiritual high. But now we've really done nothing and we're exhausted. Skydiving takes a lot out of you.
But yep, that's my exciting day! So great!! :))
p.s. anyone who wants to go, I'll totally go again.
And we fell from 12.000 ft but it didn't feel like that at all.... I wanna go higher. hahahaha