I am obviously horrible at remembering to blog/I haven't really had oodles of time.
It is SOOO good to be back though. Like seriously, it feels wonderful. It's amazing how my whole Rexburg routine just fell back into place. Even though I'm living in a whole new apartment with some new roommates and just a bunch of new stuff. But it feels like home and I love it.
There are 6 of us living here: Erin, Jessica, Michelle and me plus our two new roommates, Breanna and Shay, who are both freshman. It's cute and we're all friends which is good.
We've officially had 7 days of school. It was SO nice because I only have one class on Thursdays and classes started on Thursday so I got to work my way into school rather easily. I am only taking 12 credits but it is really more like 15 credits since I am in classes for 15 hours AND it's all real classes. Chem 105, Math 110, D&C, and Natural Disasters. No fun classes for Danielle. :(
But yeah, I really like my Chem class which is good, since it's 9 o'clock every morning. My math class is so retarded. We never really do anything in class and today we cut paper into boxes which is obviously very educational.... :/ I love Natural Disasters; it's probably my favorite. I just find it so interesting. And it's also kinda why I want to cluster/minor in Geology. haha we shall see though. And D&C is with Erin Young so that's presh, as always.
We've done so much stuff since being back in this little ol' town.
On Saturday, a new little diner opened up here and so there was a huge grand opening. It's called Sammy's and it's super cute. They have delicious food and shakes (which are apparently famous haha) but it's a little pricey which isn't good. But yeah, we had dinner and then as part of their two-day grand opening, there was a free concert in the street and it was a good concert. The Neighbors, Benton Paul (love him), Fictionist, and Mindy Gledhill (whom I also adore). It was super fun. And it was free. haha
Monday, after our super fun ward activity, and after getting snowcones, we had a late-night ice cream run to G's Dairy. We got the Holy Cow plate or something which is 13 scoops of ice cream. So good. mmmmm :)
Tuesday, we tie-dyed shirts for our skydiving adventure. It was really fun. And then Wednesday we opened them all up and our shirts are so cute! They're all different and reflect our personalities I think. I'm excited to wear it! Unfortunately, our skydiving adventure got postponed a weekend but that is okay.
Last night, we had Toy Story night. We watched Toy Story and ate Toy Story Macaroni and Cheese. Tonight is Toy Story 2 Night. We're watching Toy Story 2 and eating Toy Story Popcorn. haha and then tomorrow is Toy Story 3 night! Woooo! :)
This week has been kinda.... bittersweet. Josh leaves on Tuesday for Utah/Provo/the Empty Sea. But his Stake president is leaving on Sunday night for a while SO Josh is getting set apart on Sunday right after church. Which means the last time we get to talk is pretty much Saturday. Except I'm waking up kinda early to talk to him before my church on Sunday. But yeah, it's not going to be bueno. Thinking about him leaving is reminding me of Nicole leaving and it's making me miss her too. It's reminding me of the last time I talked to her on the phone on September 16th at like 11 am, right before she entered the Empty Sea. I was like bawling when I got off the phone with her and I have a feeling that is how it'll be on Sunday morning as well. Hahahaha I'm already like crying right now. LAME. But yeah, Nicole's year has flown by so I'm sure Josh's two years will as well. It'll just be hard to adjust for a while. :(
Speaking of Troll, I need to write that chica a letter... Maybe I will do that now...
But yes, I am back in Rexburg, constantly doing homework and dreading for it to turn into Iceburg.
Until next time!
p to the s. There was so much to write so I just didn't really write about anything. haha sorry team!
oh danielle I always love reading your blogs because they are pretty much my life. except a little different. HAHA. also.. I will be here for you when Josh leaves. I know that you don't take comfort in that now but it will get better and you will have so much going on his 2 years will go by so fast you will hardly have time to miss him! I love you tons!