Monday, I worked at the bookstore that I worked at during the summer of '08. But it's owned by a family in my ward so I work there whenever they need me. I worked there on Monday and Wednesday.
Tuesday, I went shopping and got some new clothes (like pants and jackets!) and didn't really do a whole lot of anything. Although my day was pretty busy... shopping, lunch at nVidia, etc.
After working at the Bookstore all Wednesday morning (and into the afternoon) I then spent an extra 45 minutes at work buying books for my family. hahaha both my dad and my sister sent me with a list of 5+ books. That was an adventure. When I was done with that, I finally got home and got to relax and do nothing for a little while. But instead of doing nothing, Jack and I went to Target and bought LOTS of cute clothes. I am going to be so cute this semester. hahaha but yeah, that was fun. Then I had like 10 minutes at home before going babysitting for the Parent's. Recently, they have been my most frequent employer. haha which is good. Those kids are cute.
Thursday, I slept in (because I knew that I would be up late) and then we went to go and return some of the clothes that we had bought previously and exchange them for different sizes. As we were driving down the street, my phone rang and it was Lisa. Lisa is Ron's husband and they needed someone to work there (at his office and the mail place I worked at before). There had been some drama apparently the night before and Sarah hadn't showed up for work. So we went back home, I changed my clothes and I left for work. I worked there from 12-5 and then I had a babysitting job at 5:30-late. They were going to dinner and then to Wicked in San Francisco for her birthday. Well, I was at work a little late and didn't get out of there until 10 after 5 and then I had about 10 minutes home to get ready before I had to leave again. Babysitting was alright but everything on TV was about weddings or relationships or something of that nature. The Office was on but it was the Valentine's Day episode where they had the Lonely Heart's Mixer. I don't know why but that was definitely a theme with TV last night. Oh well. They got home a little before midnight and then I came home. It was exhausting.
Well, then this morning, they wanted me to work again (because they didn't know if Sarah would show...), at 8:30. I got up at 7:30, showered, got all ready, and left the house at 8:32. I drove the .3 mile and got there at 8:33. Sarah's truck was in the parking lot and she was just entering the building when I pulled in. I had a key so I couldn't just leave. I went up there and talked to her, gave the key back and just as I was leaving, she asked if I could work today because she didn't feel good (although she used different words that I won't repeat...). She called Ron in Utah but he wasn't in the office so she decided to just stick it out for the day.
Well, after I got home, at 8:40, I called Lisa and told her the story. She called me back like two hours later and told me the whole story. But before that, I'll tell you what I already know:
Apparently there was a big fight at the apartments that Sarah both lives in and manages for the Bushnell's (Ron and Lisa). It was at 2 in the morning on Thursday. Supposedly, the police got involved and somehow Sarah also got involved and got punched in the face, resulting in a black eye, and her phone was damaged. She didn't show up to work that morning and they didn't really hear from her except for an email retelling the above story. Well, she never showed and that's why they urgently called me in that afternoon. Lisa called the Sunnyvale Police Dept to find out about the incident and they had no record of it. So that is suspicious. This is also why they didn't know if she'd show up today. But I made sure to check her face today and guess what? No black eye. Surprise, Surprise.
So, Lisa told me on the phone that this wasn't the first incident that they've had with Sarah and that they had already given her a second chance. While I was there before, they were suspicious of her because money was suddenly missing. And I guess two weeks ago she appeared to be drunk at work (although she claimed to have taken some heavy pain medication because she got in a car accident on the way to work. But her car looked fine...) Anyway, Sarah has now given her notice and today was her last day. Fran will be working there in the afternoons next week but it really is too bad that I'm leaving. They could really use me. Luckily, they love me and I'm pretty sure that they'll rehire me come December. Lisa told me how glad they were that I was so dependable and trustworthy, "qualities that are so hard to come by in the world now." :)
That is the end of my crazy drama. That place is cholk-full of drama.
Tomorrow we're going to the California Academy of Sciences which I am SO excited to go to. I've wanted to go there since it re-opened a year and a half ago. Seriously, this place looks freaking fantastic. AND there is a special Extreme Mammals exhibit right now. I cannot wait.
After that, I have Sunday and Monday and then on Tuesday morning, I leave Cal-i-for-ni-a for 3.5 months and return again when I can no longer bear the cold of Idaho. My flight leaves at 7am out of OAK so it's going to be a loooooooooong day on Tuesday. Goodie!
haha tis all.
HOLY CRAP! that is crazy. sheesh. Im glad you are leaving though! cause that means I get to see you!