19. A picture and a letter:

Dear Kafryn,
I miss days like this. I miss how we used to be inseparable. I miss the fantastic four. I miss you knowing everything going on with my life. I miss the days when we were best friends. I don't like where we are right now. And you're moving to NY so soon and it's just crazy. Remember when we would literally count down the days until we would see each other again? And I would spend weeks convincing my parents to let me come and see you? And at EFY, we would do crazy things and it would be awesome? And then all our super fun times at my house. I remember going to the Sacramento Temple (open house I think?) and we were planning on having a double wedding (which we both knew was unrealistic...) but now... that won't happen. I don't even think that you'll be able to come to my wedding ceremony which breaks my heart. Um yeah, I just miss you a lot and I miss the way things used to be... :(
I still love you tons though! :)
18. A picture of your biggest insecurity:

17. A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently:

Caption reads: "You reach the greatest heights while on your knees. (See D&C 19:38)"
16. A picture of someone who inspires you:

Gordon Bitner Hinckley.
Tell me he isn't the cutest old man you've ever seen.
15. A picture of something you want to do before you die:

Marry my best friend in the Oakland Temple for time and all eternity. :)
(and yes, I did just steal someone else's wedding picture and put it on my blog...)
14. A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without:

This is cheating and I don't care. I cannot just pick one person. :)
(This is my immediate family, one set of grandparents, a couple of my mom's cousins, one of my cousins, an aunt, and then 12 "cousins" and 4 "aunts/uncles".)
P.S. The littlest boy in the front right (in the blue shirt) is the cutest kid ever. :)
13. A picture of your favorite band or artist:

T-Swizzle. (Surprise, surprise, I know.) Also, I love her dress in this picture.
12. A picture of something you love:

I love THIS pool (at Homestead High School.) SO many memories, plus, I would swim all day long if I could.
11. A picture of something you hate:

Seafood. EW.

Matching outfits to play soccer? Yes, please! :)
love you jaybeecakes. :)
Unfortunately, I can't just say it is one person. It's usually multiple people. Including these girls:

Love (times 4).
(Sorry for cheating!)
hahahaha we do some pretty insane awesome things!! More to come:) love you!