Within the past couple of days, I've acquired some possessions that I am especially fond of.
The first item, might seem like nothing to most people. And in fact, it is kind of a silly thing. BUT I love it nonetheless. (Okay, they're both actually silly...)
Anyway, a couple of months ago, I was at Target and I saw a watch that I really liked. My mom told me she didn't think I would wear it and that I should think about it and then if I really wanted it, I could go back and get it. Well... I had forgotten about it.... Kinda. I didn't really have much need for a watch but I still wanted it. A couple of weeks ago, on one of my outings to Target, I saw the watch again and this time, I bought it. I knew that I could always return it but it was the last one at the store and I didn't want to lose it.
It sat in the bag for a couple of weeks until... yesterday. haha I decided I wanted to try it on and wear it. I wore it for a couple of hours and I loved it. (It wasn't set though. haha) Then I set it and I wore it with me to my 6-hour long babysitting job. In the 4-ish years since it's been since I've worn a watch, I've forgotten how useful they are. They tell you what time it is, at all times. HANDY. haha now this might seem dumb and yes, I understand that I sound like an idiot but it's actually quite cool.
So yes, I am now obsessed with my new watch. Here is a picture of the cute thing. :)

Also, haha as dumb as this sounds, I know that most (if not all) missionaries wear watches... So I was super excited to serve a mission so that I could wear a watch. Because let's be honest, that's the perfect excuse to wear one. And for some reason, I think watches are super... cool. haha
Just another fun fact: I think watches are extremely attractive. If you're wearing a watch, you become more attractive in my book. If you're wearing a watch AND glasses, we should just go get married now. haha
Okay, item number two requires a foreward.
When I was about 8, I traveled to Georgia to visit my aunt, uncle & cousins. Now, this aunt is my mom's only sister and my only aunt I'm related to by blood (i.e. my dad has no sisters and my mom only has one. haha). We visited the Peach State annually so it wasn't a special trip across the country or anything. We had gotten used to the 5.5 hour flight from SF Bay to Atlanta. JOY. Trust me, when you're a child, the last thing you want to be doing is sitting on an airplane/in an airport for the entirety of a day.
Anyway, for some reason, my aunt, had this great t-shirt. It had Tony the Tiger (from Frosted Flakes) on it in a hot air balloon. I don't really remember the specifics about why she had the shirt or anything but she decided that I should have it. I treasured that shirt.
Every time we got ready to go visit them, I hurried to get the shirt and make sure it made the journey with us. At home, I didn't wear it after about the first year I had it because I didn't want it to get thrashed. haha But even to this day, whenever I see Aunt Barbi (that is not her real name...) I have to make sure I have "Tony".
So moral of that story, I kinda have a strange affection towards "Tony the Tiger." Whenever I see Frosted Flakes at the store, I kinda feel like he's my friend. haha but yeah... (also, i just tried to find a picture of my shirt on Google and I didn't have any success... Sorry friends!)
Back to point of the story. I was at the store on Monday and I saw these bowls in these boxes on top of boxes of boxes of cereal. hahahaha I'll give you a second to understand that sentence... I was immediately curious and confused. I didn't understand what they were doing until I read the handy sign next to them... it said that:
If you bought TWO boxes of ANY Kellogg's cereal, you got a free bowl. And on these bowls were like, antique-y pictures of the Kellogg's characters. Obviously I had to have the Tony one.
After buying a box of Crispix and Frosted Flakes, I got to bring home a Tony the Tiger bowl. I've used it the past two days for breakfast and it's wonderful. My younger brother and sister (N&A) have been rather upset and jealous about it but it's my bowl. haha here is a picture, courtesy of google.

Now, it doesn't seem that cool.... and it really isn't unless you love Tony like I do. haha I don't really have anything else to share with you...
Maybe more pictures will be posted tomorrow? We'll see...
bahahahaha danielle you are my favorite!
ReplyDeleteCute watch!