Ladies and gentlemen (except mostly ladies because no one reads this blog haha),
I only have TEN more days in Rexburg until April 15th (give or take). Who thinks that's insane?
Me too.
Instead of looking at this everyday:

I'm going to see this:

It's going to be VERY different. But so good.
I don't like new things or change so I'm a little nervous/anxious about this but I know once I get there, I'm not going to ever want to leave. hahaha :/
Here's what I have to do between now and 6:30 am on July 23rd:
Two finals on Friday (7/15)
Two finals on Monday (7/18)
Take a test before 10:15 Tuesday (7/19) morning.
Project due at 10:15 Tuesday (7/19) morning.
Final on Friday (7/22) at 7:00 AM.
Plus a testing center + take home portion of my Stats final which open on Friday and are closing... sometime next week.
And I have to pack EVERYTHING, store it/get it airplane safe.
AND white glove. Oh gosh. Things are going to get crazy.
Want to hear how my "summer" starts out?
Shuttle at 6:30 AM.
Flight out of SLC at ~12:30.
Land in OAK at ~3.
Go home, unpack, repack, shop, etc.
Go to church Sunday/finish packing.
Wake up "before the butt-crack of dawn" on Monday morning to fly out of SFO at 7:30.
I will then spend MORE than an entire day in the sky/in airports. ha. great.
Anywho, onto more serious things. This is my new favorite song. I LOVE Michael and I adore this song.
(Sorry team, I can't embed it because Mr. Buble's channel won't allow it. But follow that link!)
It's been my theme song for this week.
I've been in this weird funk these past couple of days. I don't really know what's going on but I just feel like I'm missing something.... like my other half. hahaha which sounds weird.
But it's true.
I've gotten to the point where I am used to Josh being away and such (since it has been TEN months and all...) but sometimes, I just reach the point where I need him. No one is a decent enough substitute. I've pretty much felt like this these past couple of days. And it's hard to figure out how to get out of this situation because the only thing that I KNOW will make it better is him. But that isn't really an option.
And for some reason, I've seem more couples/noticed them more this week than normal. And it always makes me kinda sad. haha I mean, I don't necessarily WANT to be in a relationship right now but it's hard to lose something good for no reason at all (granted, it was a good reason haha but it's just... hard?) Yeah, I don't know.
I think that's why I love this song.
Um, yep. hahahaha I just miss that boy a lot. :(
10 months down, 14 more to goooooo.
(fun fact: he's been gone as long as we dated. haha, 10 months of dating, 10 months of mission, and in 10 months, I'll be TWENTY-ONE years old. crazy.)
So um, yes. I suppose that's all to share right now. I apologize if this was more emotion than you were expecting. haha
I should probs study/do homework/be productive. :)
so sweet. You are aborable! I miss you tons. I wish I was going to Jerusalem with you AND Nicole ;)
ReplyDeletePS. I feel like that sometimes too and I've never had a boyfriend. So I don't know if that means its worse for you or what, but just hang in there!