-You spend a whole afternoon playing with the "What-if" calculator on I-Learn figuring out how badly you can do on a final and still get an A in the class.
(And see how good you need to do in order to keep that A. haha)
-A big reason you go to class is to go inside an air conditioned building.
-You have ZERO motivation to go to your hour and a half long MATH class that starts at 3:15. But you go and then half pay attention/play games on your phone like the rest of the class.
-You realize that you bought a $100 book at the bookstore and you haven't opened it yet and can assume that it won't be opened at all. Good use of money.
-You stop having homework. You just have lots of huge impending tests.
-Although some teachers didn't get that memo and they assign you way more homework assignments due on one day than you've had due all semester long.
-You spend time writing letters to missionaries/reading blogs when you know you should study for your tests that are in a week.
(I'm sure there are PLENTY more things I could add to my list but I can't think of any right now.)
But here is a sneak peak at my favorite photo assignment that I've had to do all semester.
(For FDHUM we have to take pictures every so often. This one was a themed assignment and the theme was "Apples".)
I was SO SO SO tempted to take all my pictures of this kind of "Apple" but I figured Brother Davis wouldn't appreciate it.... or he would love it. And I didn't want to risk it.

So I suppose that sums it up. My apple photoshoot was so fun. Loved it. :)
Time to study now? Perhaps.
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