Nicole passed out (and sneezed while she was out) which always adds to my exciting life.
We were sitting in the Forum waiting for Announcement time to start and she had been reading her book The Help and apparently she got to a pretty graphic part so she stopped reading and put her book away and she felt like she was going to pass out. Well just after she put the book away, I turn to her and ask her why she wasn't reading and she says that she feels like she's about to pass out. And about 3.45 seconds after that, she passes out.
Her head kinda flops back and she kinda convulses a little bit and her eyes were open (creepy!) so being the superstar sister that I am, I support her head and help her (?) and I sent for the doctor (i.e. I tell Charlotte that Nicole just passed out and she runs to the back and gets Doctor Chapman). They both come running back and I quickly explain what happened and we are just about to lay her on the floor when she comes to. And then he helps her lay down on the floor. hahaha and she sits there for the duration of the Announcement meeting. Everyone around was wondering what happened because I didn't really make a huge deal about it but some people saw her passed out and were kinda freaking out. haha sorta. They thought that I was super calm about it but there really wasn't much I could do in that situation and I figured that there was just a graphic scene that made her queezy. I was right.
The doctor walked her home and then she has kinda been resting for most of the day. Which is too bad because she has a huge paper due tomorrow for her Old Testament class.
In other news, we also had our last Hebrew class today. So weird! It was such a fun class and it's going to be weird not having it anymore. We don't even have to meet again to take our final because she gave us our final today and it's a take home due in like 2 weeks. So crazy!
When we got out of Hebrew class, we were informed that East Jerusalem and the Old City were off limits to us today because of all the recent events (i.e. the Israeli soldier coming back to Israel and how him being returned equals the return of 1000 Palestinian prisoners). Which means that we are on lockdown today! We've been waiting for this day this whole semester! This is so exciting! haha although, it shouldn't be all that exciting but it is. And we are safe as can be in this little Center. :)
We leave for Jordan in 6 days! Yippee!
And they informed us today that at the end of this week, we will reach our halfway point of the semester! Insanity.
Anywho, that is the exciting-ness of my day today.
I love that you used "i.e."...Love your blog :)