But earlier this evening, Brother Ludlow comes to outside his apartment to throw away their pumpkin guts from carving and I happen to be sitting in the lounge outside their apartment. He shows me the guts (because Middle Eastern pumpkins are different from American pumpkins) and then he asks me what I am going to be for Halloween. I tell him I don't know and that I haven't really thought about it. He tells me I should be papparazzi. He's hilarious. I tell him I couldn't really do that because that's what I am everyday. So I suppose we've found one thing I can't be.
About an hour after that, Joe Ludlow comes and starts talking to me. He then informs me that I look like an actor (although I'm pretty sure he meant actress) but he can't remember which one but that she is from the Disney Channel. Definitely narrows it down. I suppose that's an option.
On Friday, at the service project, Malia tried to convince me to be a character from Candyland with her. I would do that if I actually had any means to get a costume.
These Ludlows are all extremely helpful.
Tomorrow, we are going to go and buy some candy at Arab Costco so that we can have trick-or-treaters! I'm super excited! :) Maybe I'll throw on my comforter cover and be a ghost... or something. haha I still have time...
We are also watching a silent film, The Phantom of the Opera, that will be accompanied by President Ohman on the Jerusalem Center Organ. It's going to be awesome.
Plus, we only have one class tomorrow! Halloween will be a good day!
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