Friday, November 4, 2011

Battered from Basketball.

We've started a powederpuff basketball league here in the Center....

My team of 6 decided that we should start practicing asap so that once games roll around we're actually good.

We held our first practice tonight with our two coaches: JJ and Josh Ludlow. hahaha

Practice was pretty successful except within the first few minutes, I jammed my right ring finger. And then I proceeded to play basketball on it for the next hour or so. Definitely a good idea.

We were also scrimmaging and I was guarding Josh and he went up for a shot and then his elbow came down pretty hard and my head happened to be right below him. And there was a pretty hard eye to elbow collision. I'm semi-hoping that I have a sweet bruise from it tomorrow. But I know that it'll make him feel really bad. He actually did feel pretty bad about it. But I've been hurt playing sports before and it wasn't nearly as bad as being punched in the face that one water polo game....

So I have a massively swollen finger and a brewing bruise on my eye. Tomorrow could be good.

The worst thing about having a finger that isn't functioning properly is how hard it become to wash your hair. And I neeeeeeed to shower and wash my hair sometime before church tomorrow morning. It will be great.

Time for bed so that I can rest up my poor body.

Basketball was really fun though. Our team is going to be great and we obviously have the best coaches available. I'm excited.

The Golddiggers make their premire on Sunday Monday night. It'll be great.

1 comment:

  1. The idea of you playing basketball made me chuckle. Then as I read on, it got even better! Good Luck! and when you get back we are definitely going to start a recteam. Don't worry we won't really.
