We took part one of our test yesterday (which was a little brutal) and then tonight we took part two. Which was an in-class essay with a prompt that we've had since our first day in the class. We worked alllll day preparing for it and then we took it. It was a little bit brutal but we are done! Oh and it was really fun that two pens died on me while I was taking the test. Good thing I had just gotten my pencil back from Sam or I wouldn't have been able to finish my essay.
Ahhh. It feels SO good to finally be done. All that hard work will hopefully pay off. Although I only need to pass the class... but I still want to do well. haha not that New Testament will be that much easier but the book is like half the size so I guess we've got that going for us. :)
Tomorrow we have out last Judaism class (besides our final sometime next week) and we also start New Testament! How ridiculous. We are now going to be Huntsmanites.
It also means that the semester is THAT much closer to being over. We have next week and then we're in Galilee for two weeks and then we have 3 weeks and then we LEAVE. Luckily, we will be down to 2.5 classes (because field trips doesn't really count) so we'll have plenty of free time to explore the Old City and be out of the Center walls.
And not going to lie, I am actually really excited to be home. It'll be sad to leave Jerusalem and all my friends here but being back home will be so nice. :) A room I don't share with 3 other people, none scheduled meal times, no homework for four months, and CHRISTMAS, yep, I can't wait. :)
p.s. it is currently POURING rain outside. I can hear the rain hitting the roof and echoing through the building and I am on the 6th floor. Which means that the ceiling is two floors above me. Insane. Love the rain. :) Although it did cause basically the entire city to lose power. Good thing we have a super speedy back up generator that restored power in about 10 seconds. Although it would've been kinda fun to have no power...
And now my friends, it is time for bed. :)
Its a little odd, but I find myself jealous of your rain filled adventure.