Alright, since people have been hatin' on my lack of productivity in life, I've decided to make a couple of little goals to get things done. haha strange how that works...
Here we go! And obviously these aren't all necessarily hugely important goals.
1. Upload Jerusalem pictures onto facebook... after I go through all 9,000+ and figure out which ones people will care about.
2. Make Jerusalem book.
3. Catch up on my Jerusalem blog posts (aka add pictures and write about the other field trips. haha)
4. Clean and organize my Jerusalem stuff that is here.
5. Figure out trip to Provo details.
7. Be super crafty.
8. Figure out Rexburg details.
9. Find a superb job (it's so important it gets listed twice.)
10. Babysit like crazyyyyy. (Currently in progress, woot!)
And last but definitely not least, hang out with these lovelies again very soon:

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