Remember that one time when I was living in Jerusalem and this new crazy thing called Spotify was introduced? Well, I didn't really know what it was and I didn't really have a reason to care about it. I was living under a stupid rock, I had figured out a way to hack into youtube, and that's all the music I needed. Plus, I couldn't download other random things. So it was all good. And on top of that, I didn't have facebook telling me that "So and so listened to such and such song on Spotify".
But once I entered the semi-real world (Vienna), and I saw it all over facebook, I downloaded Spotify and started listening to Michael Buble Christmas music and Erin Young, constantly (I mean, when we were home and Nicole didn't get sick of it....). But this new discovery and new access to tons of music was suddenly halted 14 days after I downloaded it.
The copyright deals are different in Austria. And silly me, without even really realizing it, made it so that I only got the 14-day free trial that Austrians get. And now Spotify is making it IMPOSSIBLY hard to change my country to the US even though it clearly knows that I'm in the US.
Which means that I've been Spotify-less for a good 2.5 weeks. And it's starting to get tough, let me tell you.
Why can't it just politely allow me to change my country and not have to deal with silly little payment issues.
Oh Spotify. You just lost a supporter. (I would say you lost business but I wasn't actually paying for your services.... haha).
So frustrating thoughhhhhh.
haha you hate it because you love it. I see!