Friday, November 20, 2009

It's Two AM....

I can't believe that tomorrow, I leave for Oregon. It is just way ridiculous. This week has FLOWN by. I can't wait though. Its going to be sooo fun.

This week has definitely had its ups and downs too though. Right now though, things are going wonderfully. Last night, Josh and I had a little....misunderstanding so Jessica and I went over there so that we could talk it out and I'm so glad that she made us. We were texting and basically we were both getting annoyed with each other so we had to talk face to face about it. Luckily, things all worked out and things are so much better between us. Its crazy how much it helped. If only we had done it sooner. But I'm still glad we did it. I was looking forward to a short little break from him to see what happens (Thanksgiving...) but now, I'm like really sad to leave. I know that it'll be fine but still, its going to be weird to come back after so long. I am so so excited to go to Oregon for a little vacation though (which I've already blogged about...)

Tonight, we went to Subway and then we went 'stargazing' for like an hour or so. And then Josh didn't leave until like 1:30 because he was too scared to go out in the cold again. But it was a way fun night. Things are getting less 'josh weird' which is so nice. Everyone is enjoying it a lot more.

We've hung out everyday for more than two weeks so its going to be super weird to go more than a week without seeing them...or him. hahahaha

um basically, I can't wait for Saturday. I'm going to Eugene for Katherine's game and then I'm spending the night with her which is going to be a party. :) So fun. The rest of the week should be pretty fun too. I'm excited. Especially for some real home cooking. I can't even wait for it.

I guess I should go to bed now since its 2:30 and everyone else is sleeping and I just got really tired....

[the post's title is from taylor swift's breathe even though it pertains to the current situation...]

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