So, its official (as of last night). Josh and I are officially going out. Which seems really weird to me but in a good way. Its been pretty awkward between us and hopefully this will make things better. We've had our little DTR. haha So it hasn't been exactly a week but 5 1/2 days since we've known we've liked each other. Its just weird to me because in 6 weeks, I move back home and then when I come back, he'll be gone. So basically, this is only going to last 6 weeks at the most (because a long distance relationship right before he goes on his mission...really?) So yeah, I feel like I'm being too cautious because I know that fact and I don't want to get hurt but we'll see.
So in other news, I've been sick. Sore throat, congestion, achy (is that a word?), etc. It is not pleasant. I've missed class too which makes me feel like such a slacker. The good thing about it though is that the teachers here are way sympathetic about missing class when you are sick (because they have to be because of swine flu and stuff) so basically, its not a huge deal but it is when you take advantage of it... I'm not at that point though.
I also got a very pleasant surprise on Monday from my parentals. Well, I guess I better start from the very beginning of the story. My dad works at NVIDIA and they made the graphics chip that is in the Zune HD so he's been talking about getting them since September (they were released on the 16th, the same day Nicole went into the MTC). So he's kinda been teasing us/taunting us about them for a while (which is usual) so we didn't really expect that much from him. But a few weeks ago, he called me and asked me what color I would want. I wasn't home so I couldn't go online and look so I told him I'd tell him later. I told him I like platinum but that I didn't really care if I got one ( I have a perfectly good MP3 player currently). Well, I then found out that when we buy them through NVIDIA with the company discount, you can only get it with the NVIDIA logo etched on the back and not something of your own choosing until after Christmas. So I decided I didn't really want one.
Well, coming back to the present, my mom told me she sent me a package of cookies (because they made them for Nicole but she said she didn't want that much sugar anymore) so they said to expect a package. Well, I was expecting to get them on Saturday but it never came. On Sunday, my dad was texting me and asked if I got the package to which I responded no and he told me I needed to hurry and get it. I thought he was just worried ab
out the cookies. When I ended up getting the package on Monday, there was a small box of cookies and then next to it was another small box wrapped in wrapping paper with "Merry (early) Christmas" on it and then wrapped in a grocery bag. I knew what it was from the second I saw the wrapping. So I opened it and started getting it ready to work. It is way fun and I love it. I just wish that I could get all my music off my old player now... :)

okay first of all.... I love that you and josh are just soo cute together! and I completely know what you mean about the whole long distance thing.. but hey maybe it will work out and you two will get married and have 10 kids and live happily ever after:D hahahaha
ReplyDeleteI would be the slacker.. not you. I have missed more classes then everyone in this dorm combined. We still need to have our sick party! haha thats what we can call our little trip to IF on saturday since we are basically all sick.
and that was soo funny when you opened the package because you had been talking about your cookies for ever! I love it! so funny!
oh and you are my absolute favorite Danielle:D love yur guts!!!!!