Every Friday night, I get to babysit my favorite kid(s). I guess I have to call them all my favorite but really, just one is my favorite. We'll call him Andrew.
It's fun though because his dad (whom we'll call R) is my second cousin.
And for those of you who aren't following, R's dad and my mom are cousin's.
R is married to a lovely lady whom we'll call M.
And I babysit R +M's kids.
They have three.
One time, I went on a date with M's brother.
Which was awkward because Andrew (who is now two) knows me more than his uncle.
And (obviously) likes me more.
Back to the story.
Every Friday, I fight rush hour traffic on 101 to drive 20+ minutes to their house.
This past Friday though, both of Andrew's older brothers were going to their own playdate/birthday party so I got to have a supes presh date with Andrew.
Here is the adorable proof that he actually knows my name. :)
We ate pizza.
Played with trucks.
Read books.
Ate hot dogs.
Made the trucks all crash.
Drove them through tunnels.
Painted our toe nails.
Read more books.
And cuddled on the couch.
Oh, did I say that I painted a two year old boy's toes? Yes.
And it was literally adorable.
Here's what went down:
I had a little hole in my sock right where my big toe is. And my toes were painted pink but the paint has chipped off all my toes except my big toes.
So he saw the pink/red because of the hole and he was intrigued. So I took my sock off to show him why it was pink. And then I took the other off to show him my other toe.
(And he so adorably took my socks and put them in the laundry for me.)
I asked him if he wanted red toes too and he would try and grab the red on my toes and put it on his.
I figured his mom would have nail polish so I went in her bathroom and found some almost immediately.
And then I painted his. And it was adorbs.

He was literally obsessed with his toes.

It was all he would talk about the rest of the night.

Even as we were 'sleeping' on the couch, he would just grab his toes and talk about them.

(He also informed me that I'm his favorite babysitter, of course.)
It was a marvelous evening.
And once his parents got home, I explained the whole thing to them and they thought it was super cute. Which was good because right after I did it, I texted Jack one of those above pictures and said "R is going to kill me." But they thought it was great.
Today, M emailed me (about the logistics for this coming Friday) but the first thing she said in the email was:
"Have I told you that you are wonderful? Andrew talked about you all day on Saturday and his "red toes." I love them and wish I could put sparkly flip flops on them. :) "
Moral of the story:
I love dates with two year olds.
{And sorry my blogs are so frequently about small children. I am starting to feel like an annoying mommy blogger who only posts the "adorable things" their kids do. That'll stop soon, I promise. Aka this is probs my last post about little kids. I just don't have an exciting life.
And I also have a bunch more funny videos but I refrained from posting. So you just got the shortest ones of the batch.}
aaaahhh that kid looks so cute! I wish I was there to hang out with you two. I could be the third wheel. ;) The red toenails just made me laugh. :) I miss your face. And I can't wait till you come this month, if only for a night. That is all. :)