Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sometimes I feel famous.

{because I know famous people.}

Remember this day?

I mean, of course you remember when the day that I got engaged/married/whatever.
(Especially since he was 16 years old.)

But what I'm talking about is the very bottom.
Where I talk about my future grandfather-in-law.

Well, remember how I saw Victor Ludlow walking through the Jerusalem Center one evening? While I was being super studious and doing my homework?

Apparently, when I saw both Ludlow's walk into the Jerusalem Center office, they were going to to this.

When Poppa Hunts posted about this on facebook the other day, I thought that it was recent. But NOPE.

They recorded this on that October day when I saw Victor and Jared Ludlow walking through the Jerusalem Center.
The '60 sisters' that Marissa or Melia prays about?
I'm one of them.

Actually, this whole thing just warms my heart.

So great to hear their voices!
And to hear their testimonies and their love of the scriptures and the Holy Land.
And especially, their testimonies of Christ.

I love them all.

I forgot how much I missed that place.
(Okay, not really but maybe a little bit.)

And is it a coincidence that "Viva la Vida" (by Coldplay) just came on pandora?
(I love that song because it mentions Jerusalem. hahaha)

Anywho, I just figured I'd post this little thing. It's funny how famous all my Jerusalem professors are, in real life.

Love it.

I was also reminded today of Brother Skinner and his wise advice to not go on my MesoAmerica trip. Mostly because he had a bit of a traumatic experience trying to change his clothes, while in a sleeping bag, while on a hammock. So great.

Unfortunately (or fortunately) we won't be sleeping in hammocks. But if we did, I would undoubtedly think about him and his experience. haha

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