Saturday, December 5, 2009

Falling into Place

Things this week have been so much better than anticipated.

Being back in Rexburg has been wonderful. I love being back with my roommates and sleeping in my fun loft bed and just being here. School has been good too. I was kinda expecting to come back and be way stressed out about school since finals are like in a weekish but it hasn't happened yet. I'm sure it'll come. Right now though, its so nice because I don't really have to worry about it all that much. I'm not really looking forward to going home at all though which is actually really surprising but I'm really going to miss Rexburg and I feel like I'm going to be way bored at home. Hopefully I'll be able to fill my time.

Things with Josh are going absolutely splendidly. :) I was really worried last weekend to come back to Rexburg because I was pretty sure things would be awkward with Josh but it has been the complete opposite. Its so weird and different now but in a really good way. It is really too bad that our relationship has an expiration date of sorts (not only the fact that I'll be gone in 2 weeks but that he still has to serve a mission...). But currently, things are great. I just wish there was an easy solution for our current problem.

Anywho, tonight (or I guess last night...), Jessica, Erin and I went to David Archuleta's concert that was here and it was so fun. The opening act was Benton Paul and he was sooo good. I would've gone to the concert just for him. 'Chuleta was really good too. He was so funny because he was like visibly nervous and sometimes he like got off track and confused which was so cute. It was way fun. And I got a nice ol' shirt with his face on it. Erin bought his Christmas CD and Jess bought Benton's CD and they're both way good. I love them. Its really too bad that we moved to California from Murray or I could've been best friends with 'Chuleta. Its really quite a shame actually...

In other news, its freezing here. The weather is the only reason I'm excited to leave Iceburg...I mean Rexburg. Our high here is a like 15 degrees colder than the low at home. That is a big problem so I'm excited to go home to warmth. I'm just not excited to leave my roommates or my boyfriend or my way of life. Hmmm.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE BENTON PAUL AND DAVID ARCHULETA!!! and I love you Danielle Quist!
