I feel like the weekends always have so much going on that it must be posted about but then it seems like I am blogging way too much.
On Thursday when we went to Walmart, there was a big bag of LiveSavers (Wint-O-Green) that I wanted because for some reason I was really craving some minty candy. So I bought a pack that is seriously huge. There are 73 servings of 4 in it. That equals 292 LifeSavers. I have been eating them basically notstop since I opened them on Friday morning. It is ridiculous. I haven't even ever liked them all that much. (I like them, I just have never craved them constantly.) My room is starting to smell like them because there is just such a huge volume. They are pretty delicious though. And I guess its better than some other candy because these are minty. Here is my new best friend:

So Friday, I helped Jessica with an art project (which was for her Child Development class) after I slept in and didn't really do that much all day. I did a little homework but not as much as I should have. I also ate a ridiculous amount of lifesavers. At 8 or so, our FHE bros came over and invited us to go and see Transformers 2 in the "dollar" theater (it's really $3). The movie started at 8:50 so we went with them. I had reeeeeeeeeeally low expectations so it was pretty decent since I thought it was going to be way worse. It was a little long and tedious but fairly decent. We came back home and we were starving so we ordered some Domino's and had a little feast with our 2 large pizzas at midnight. It was super funny because we were all super tired and we were saying crazy things.
Saturday, I had a swim meet at 9:00. Warm-up started at 8:00 AND our team had to set-up (put in the lane lines and put up the flags) so we were supposed to be there at 7:45. I was exhausted because we didn't go to bed until about 1:30 and I was going to wake up at 7:15 but I decided against it and got out of bed as late as I could. Which was 7:40. I got dressed which was really just putting on my suit and throwing on a sweatshirt and sweatpants and then I walked to the Hart. The swim meet was pretty....standard. There was screaming, swimming, and some madness. I swam 50 Free, 100 Free and in the 200 relays (Medley and Free). I don't really know exactly what my times were but I felt slow. And I left early so I didn't hear if we won either. Oh well.
I came home and showered and ate breakfast all while Jessica and Michelle were sleeping. I then spent a while doing homework which really means being on facebook which eating lifesavers. Jessica and I then went to the temple at 1 which was fun. We walked up there and while we were walking, we were attacked by some yellow jackets. They were everywhere. And one landed on me and just sat there for a while. I had to blow him off because I didn't want him on me. At the temple there is a baptismal entrance on the west(?) side and then the regular entrance on the east. Well, we didn't know that so we went into the main entrance and the guy working at the desk seems a little annoying. But whatever, we went to the real entrance and the people there were nice. We got all suited up and then just waited in a little chapel until our turn. The have scriptures and Ensigns and New Eras for you to read. It was super nice. The inside was a lot like the Seattle temple especially since I am pretty sure we were in the 'basement.' It was really nice to go to the temple. It took us a little over 2 hours but it was nice. I want to go back a lot more often now, especially since we know what we are doing.
After, we kind of did homework or played around and did whatever. I had ZERO motivation to do homework yesterday. Which is too bad because I still don't really have the motivation but luckily, the rest of what I have to do shouldn't be that bad. So at about 6:30, Erin came home. And she was on such an adrenaline high because she went down to Ogden with her friend and her friend's friend and they all went skydiving. The whole time she was gone, I was super jealous ( I was even looking up skydiving places at home online) and then when she got home, and I heard her stories, I was basically even more jealous. It was so funny to watch her though because she was just crazy. We went to Broulims because she needed to get some shampoo/conditioner and she needed to get out of the house. When we were back in the parking lot, she was going to park in a spot but she had already passed it a little so she started backing up but there was a car RIGHT behind her so she hit him. The guy was SUPER close because when she looked behind her, she didn't see him at all which is obviously a sign that she couldn't see him since his lights couldn't be seen. He flipped out (he was like an old guy) and made her give him her information even though there was NOTHING wrong with his car. It was a little stressful I think for Erin because she seriously didn't do anything wrong. And her car does have a dent in it. We were then trying to decide what we should do on our Saturday evening when Dave called Erin and told her to go to Guitars Unplugged. So we all went and it was a pretty good show. There were some people who were a little weird and others who were super funny but some of it was annoyingly loud. It was a good show and I'm glad I went. After the show, there was a dance and we weren't planning on staying but Erin went to go and say bye/thanks to Dave and he convinced her to stay for the dance and they in turn convinced us to. Except for Jessica was super tired so only Michelle and I stayed with Erin. It was super fun. The DJ was actually good. The music was good and it was fun to hang out with Dave and his friends. It was pretty crazy. But really fun. Some of the girls were, a little scandalous which was annoying. It seemed to annoy the guys a little bit too because they were like throwing themselves are them but oh well. The thing about dances is that you are always so gross and then when its time for a slow song you just don't want to dance with guys. There will only 3 slow dances during the whole dance (which is hardly any but it was perfect) so we didn't really have to worry about it because we didn't slow dance with guys. We left at 11(during the last song) but we were hungry so we decided to go galavanting around Rexburg to find some food. The unfortunate thing is that everything closes at ridiculously early times. So we went back to Broulim's and bought ourselves some TV dinners. I bought a Marie Callender's Chicken Pot Pie which was delicious. yum. So we didn't go to bed until late because we got home past curfew (oops) and then we all had to cook our dinners and we had to wind-down from the crazy dance.
This morning, we had church and we were late again. oops. Sacrament meeting ended like 10 minutes early which was pretty nice so we came home. We then all took naps since we were so tired and I've been up for 2.5 hours and have done practically nothing so I should probably get to work.