Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Just a little video to show you what my life involved today.
(Sorry it's sideways, I forgot that it does that when it gets put on my computer. Argh!
It's also supes quiet so I would recommend turning up your volume to hear how cute it is.)

(One of the funniest things he does is that whenever you say "Ready?', he'll immediately say 'Go!' (which he does in the video at about the :26 mark.) Adorbs.)

He was seriously in love with this horse. Hence the kisses. So presh.

1 comment:

  1. oh my that kid is supes cute! I wish I could hang out with a little kid like that. :) oh, and I read your other post and I'm glad you didn't have to deal with the insurance people! that would have been lame-o.
