About two months ago, I rekindled a former love of mine, trampolines.
Well, this week has made me bond with one of my other old friends:

I've always loved swings. In fact going to Porter Park in Rexburg and swinging on the swings is one of my favorite activities (and one of the reasons that I should continue living SO close to Porter).
Back in the day, I would swing standing up on the little kid swings. That was one of the tricks that Katie and I had.
Nothing is more fun and exciting that a good swing sesh.
(Which is why it makes me so sad when parks don't have swing sets/the take them down because of the 'danger'.)
Anywho, on Thursday, I had to hang out at the park with 4 year old twins because my mom stole their mom for official RS business. Anyway, they're old enough to play at the park by themselves without having someone following them around. I just needed to watch them. So I sat on the swings, and swung, while watching them. And it was perfect because the swingset was right in the middle of the playground so I could always see them.
And then I pushed them both for about half an hour. And my arms got pretty tired. haha
Then today, I was babysitting three little ninas and they have a wooden swing on their tree. And I swung on that while the children were riding bikes/jumping on the trampoline. And it was a beautiful day today so I was in the shade of the tree, enjoying a nice little breeze from the swing all while seeing three adorable girls playing in the sunshine.
Good day.
And I want to go swinging again.
(During both of these expeditions, I wanted to take some pictures but all I had was my phone. And I've been a little gentler with it recently because of it's injury. And I don't really think that the giant cracks and sand would've gone all that well together. So, thanks Google!)
i love swings! haven't been on one in ages. we'll have to go swinging soon together. i miss you. like a lot. i want to go back to jerusalem. we'll walk through damascus gate and down the cobble stone streets, trying not to slip. then we'll get falafel at that corner shop. you'll get a bag of peach rings. we'll wander aimlessly through the tiny alley ways. maybe have some Hanukah donuts. then go back to our cave and laugh about something ridiculous. and wait for junior to come sit with us. and laugh some more. and watch the sun set. take me back. please.