[ooh haha.]
Last week, at one of my swim practices that I coached at, my favorite coach ever, gave me two tickets to the Sharks game on Monday. Clearly I readily accepted them because sometimes I like to pretend to be groupie. And yes, maybe I don't understand all the rules of hockey but I know enough.
So on Monday, little Shmackely and I headed to the Shark Tank (aka HP Pavillion) to watch our little Sharkies play the Ducks.
I anticipated a win but apparently the Sharks had a different agenda.
[They lost 3-5.]
But it was still super great, nonetheless.
Here's the thing I've noticed recently and that I very quickly was reminded of at the game:
There are quite a few words in the vocabulary of most people that are four letters long and I haven't heard in a looooong time.
Within 5 minutes of the game, the wonderful lady sitting next to me said a 'S' word approximately 8 times, in a row. And pretty loudly. And her husband followed that with a couple other choice words.
Let's just say I haven't heard those certain words in months, so I was a little shocked upon hearing them again.
And it was funny because the girl in front of us was/is literally addicted to social networking. We figured out more about what was going on in the game from watching her tweet/status update (yes, we're snoopers like that) than we did from actually watching the game.
During one of the breaks between periods, twitter/facebook addict + boyfriend decided to take some pictures on her phone. Which was beyond presh.
And then of course Jack and I decided to do the same, in a semi-mocking tone. (Oh, and not to leave you with a cliff-hanger, but her phone then died after their photoshoot so she had to use his phone to text her friend/tweet/facebook.... really?!)



Game highlights:
When the goalie decided to start swimming across the ice- priceless.
Everyone being on their smartypants phones. And playing 'Draw Something' along with the guy in front of us.
Getting really good at the The-Sharks-just-scored-a-goal cheer.
Binocular Boy next to Shmack (who then moved over a chair).
The fight that broke out. (it's not hockey without a fight, right?)
Finding a mysterious cell phone in my dad's car on the way home.
(And then getting to play detective.)
Game lowlights:
Not being able to cheer when the Ducks score.
Not winning a new phone.
Not winning two free tacos.
Not seeing Sharkie.
Not eating delicious looking nachos.
Not being able to do the fun cheer after we got so good at it.
So I would say, it was a rather successful outing.
I love getting to watch the Sharks for free.
[Thank you, Nan!]
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