Work at 9 for 4 hours.
Which was fairly dreadful. Standing/running around the office. Assembling tax returns like a mad woman.
Stamping. Stapling. Sticking. Scanning. Stop.
I also slammed my knee into the cupboard thing at work and it hurt so bad. I felt like my knee was swelling while I was working for the next couple hours. But there is hardly a bruise. LAME.
And once I left, I was ravenously hungry. But I didn't want to eat anything besides Mexican food.
(I think that the lack of Mexican options in Jerusalem is finally catching up to me because I crave Mexican food daily now. And last week I had it approximately 6 times. (Not including my frequent snacking on chips & salsa.)
I came home to my friend, whom I'll call Brenden, hiding in this plastic fort he made:

We ripped our fire place out and so he's finishing putting in the hardwood floor. It's super presh.
I ate some lunch, watched The Amazing Race from last night and then went and picked up little Shmack from school.
Which was a tidbit traumatic. I tapped the car in front of me while we were waiting to go through the little loop. And I was freaking out because I thought we'd have to do the insurance swap and such but the was hardly any damage (just approximately two baby scratches on the bottom of her bumper and nothing all that new on my car) so she said it was fine and not a big deal because it would be a hassle to deal with insurance especially since there wasn't even damage. I hit her at like 1 mph so of course there was no real damage. It was a little bit nerve wracking though. (Thanks lady for being such a gem! I owe you one!)
I then drove Shmack home, and then headed right back to Homestead to be a swim coach.
Which in itself is hilarious because I've never coached before. haha but I was Nan's little assistant. And she was late to practice which was interesting for me. But yes, I got to understand how annoying little high schoolers are. Oh gosh.
It was extremely hard for them to understand this set:
4x50 on the :50- Free; swim.
1x100 -drill/swim (3right, 4 full, 3 left)
I think towards the end of it, they started to understand but... wow. (And I realize that most of my readers will have no idea what that means. hahaha. It's four 50's every 50 seconds, that you swim freestyle. Followed by a 100 freestyle drill/swim (drill for the first 25; swim for the next; etc.) with the drill being 3 on your right, 4 full and then 3 on your left. Not too complicated. But I understand they're youngin's.
Anyway, after practice, I came home and was starving. Something about being at the pool makes me hungry. haha
So following dinner, Shmack and I headed to Target because she needed black pants for Stake Play tomorrow. Target was successful; black pants, bought all the rest of the Cars macaroni & cheese, etc. We also found these little snacks that are called "Loaded Potato Skin bites" and so obviously we had to buy them and try them.
We cooked some up, and they taste freakishly similar to spud pizza. And you have no idea how much it made me crave spud pizza.

They look like cinnamon-sugar turtles. Aka cinnamon soldier turtles. :)
Only 28 more days (at the most) until I'm reunited with all my loves in Rexburg: Erin, Spud Pizza, delicious pad thai, jimmy john's, nielson's, fry sauce and school.
I'm supes glad that your loves are all food except Erin and school, and that only one of them is a person...