Monday, February 28, 2011


I lost my camera.

I'm 85% positive that my dad kidnapped it and lost it. And my mom and my sister think that's what happened too.

But it's really sad because I liked it a lot. And I guess that if we don't find it soon, I might have to get another one... surprise, surprise. haha

but yes, I miss my little camera. :((

And I want to find it... hahaha hopefully it'll be found soon. :)


I was just googling my camera to find a picture to include here and they make my camera in purple now. Looks like I've found my replacement. :) Exhibit A:

Cute blue, ugly brown, adorbs purple, mine.

It appears I might be heading back to the 'burg with all new updated electronic device.

New phone last week.

New computer shortly.

New camera potentially?

Cool beans.

By the way, I'm in love with my new phone.

People, you should go get an Atrix. :)



day 15 - put your ipod on shuffle: first 10 songs that play

First of all, I don't have an ipod. I have a Zune HD. Which is even cooler.

1. One Fine Wire -- Colbie Caillat

2. Vegas -- Sara Bareilles

3. Apologize -- OneRepublic

4. Dear John -- Taylor Swift

5. Desperate -- David Archuleta (or as my sister likes to spell it, Archuletta... and they call him David Enchilada...)

6. Carry Me -- Jericho Road (WOW. this is old...)

7. River of Birds -- The New Blue of Yale University

8. I'm Jealous -- Shania Twain

9. The Other Side of Me -- Hannah Montana

10. Honest -- Jenny Phillips.

hahaha what a nice variety. :)

Sunday, February 27, 2011


day 14 - a picture of you and your family

I realize that I've posted this a lot and that it's old but it's the most recent picture of all of us together... at least until Wednesday. :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011


day 13 - your 5 favorite books and why

This is really hard for me because I've read A LOT of books and I really don't like to pick favorites. I like a lot of books that I read but none of them are my FAVORITES. But I'll do this anyway. haha

1. The Doctrine & Covenants (and Book of Mormon)-- I like D&C better because it's more modern and I don't really like history. haha and I've been to a lot of the sites where it takes place so it's easier to relate to. But obviously the Book of Mormon is just as important and great.

2. The Icing on the Cake by Elodia Strain-- I love this book because it takes place in Monterey Bay, CA in places I've been too and know a lot about. It's a super cute story and I just smile the whole way through.

3. The Rhea Jensen Series by Sheralyn Pratt-- It's intense, cute, and really well written. I really like these books because they keep you on your toes and you just get into it.

4. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald-- I read this Junior year and I had a really good teacher and this book was the first book that I read in school that I actually enjoyed.

5. Uh.... I'll say my last favorite is whatever I'm currently reading. Right now it's The Rouge Shop by Michael Knudsen.

Friday, February 25, 2011


day 12 - write a poem to someone you love

S- Smart.
H- Handsome.
M- Magician.
A- Alligator.
C- Chocolate Chip Cookies.
K- Kicking Soccer balls.
A- Always tardy.
L- Lonely.
E- Energetic.
Y- Yawn.

poetry is great.


day 11 - write a bucket list of things you want to do before you die
This is my bucket list of things I want to do.
There are a lot of things that I wanted to do (and did) so they aren't on my list.
1. Graduate with a degree I actually like.
2. Get married in the temple.
3. Visit every continent... twice.
4. Have a cute little family.
5. Serve a mission.
6. Teach.
7. Visit 50 countries...
8. and all 50 States.
9. Parasail.
10. Live to be 100.
And I guess I'll share with you some of the things that were on my "bucket list" that I've completed.
1. Graduate high school.
2. Skydive.
3. Be in two places at once (Niagara Falls, NY & Niagara Falls, Canada)
4. Go to a college I love.
5. Swim with sting rays.
(Also, I apologize that this is a day late... I was skiing all day yesterday and therefore, couldn't blog.)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I'm kinda addicted to blogging.

And reading people's blogs.

I'm pretty sure I spend more time on blogger than I do on facebook now... WEIRD.

hahaha so yeah, if you want me to like you a lot, blog a lot. :)

That is all.


day 10 - songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad.

Taylor Swift
Mindy Gledhill
David Archuleta
Plain White T's (Like Rhythm of Love)

Be With You-- David Archuleta
Mine-- Taylor Swift
Ours-- Taylor Swift
The Saltwater Room-- Owl City
I Run to You-- Lady Antebellum
Need You Now-- Lady Antebellum
Vanilla Twilight-- Owl City
Like You Do-- Angel Taylor

Pretty much whatever I like at the moment.

Spice Girls
Taylor Swift
Mindy Gledhill
Katy Perry

Well, I don't really have that many mad songs... usually my mad songs are my sad songs. hahaha because I'm usually only mad because I'm sad. So see above. :)

Monday, February 21, 2011


day 9 - something you're proud of in the past few days

Uh... I haven't really done anything these past few days. Hahaha I actually feel like I've picked up on everything at work really fast. When I walked in today, I had only 9 hours under my belt and I knew exactly what I was supposed to do. There are still a TON of people I don't know and so I still need to get used to that but I feel like I've got their system down, which is good. :)

(But seriously, there are 15 people working there and it my old office, there was me and one other person and then like 5 people whose voice I had to recognize/try to recognize. So I don't feel TOO bad with my people learning progress...)

So yep. hahaha I also have successfully kept my neighbor's cat and dog alive for two days. :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011


day 8 - short term goals for this month and why

hahaha well, this month only has eight days left. But my goals for these eight days are:

1. Teach my sunbeams today... after I finish my lesson.
2. Be more productive at work. And do EVERYTHING right.
3. Finish my online class. Or at least most of it.
4. Get ready for Nicole (who comes home in 10 days!)

Why are these my goals? Because I need to get stuff done and be better. haha

Saturday, February 19, 2011


day 7 - a picture of someone/something that has had the biggest impact on you

I'll do a something and a someone.

My something is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. From birth, this church has formed who I am and has helped me make some important decisions. It brings a sense of happiness and assurance that is hard to find anywhere else. I cannot imagine my life without it.

My someone is my family. haha as cliche as this is. But they've always been there to support me and I've always been able to rely on them. My life would be drastically different without them and I love them so very much. :)

Friday, February 18, 2011


day 6 - favorite super hero and why

I think I might be breaking the rules by this one but I'm okay with that. I don't really like normal super heroes but if I could be any super-person, I would be Elastigirl. Although, I just did some research and apparently she is actually a real super hero from DC comics... good to know. But I want to be Mrs. Incredible/Elastigirl. :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011


day 5 - a picture of somewhere you've been

This is a really hard one. I've been to a lot of cool places but the most beautiful place in the world, hands-down, is Alaska. I want to live there someday. But here are a couple of pictures taken either by me or my family of Alaskan beauty.

This is a lake up in the mountains outside of Ketchikan, AK.

We landed on said lake and this was the view. Absolutely breathtaking.

Here we are, perched on a seaplane's foot. Quite a thrilling experience: standing on a tiny piece of airplane, in the middle of a lake, in the barren wilderness of Alaska.

I adore Alaska.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


day 4 - a habit that you wish you didn’t have

I have a horrible habit of biting my fingernails. And it's not really like a nervous thing. It's like a bored habit. Like I have to be chewing gum or eating something or playing with something while I watch movies. If I'm in a movie theater, I play with my ticket stub while chewing gum or else my nails will disappear. hahaha so yep, my nails are super ugly but oh well. :/

I'm getting better at not biting them that much. So that's good. :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Kids say the darndest things.

Since I've been home, I've been babysitting quite regularly. These kids do some rather hilarious things while I am watching them.

I always come home from these adventures with funny stories to tell. I figured I'd just share a couple of the funny ones with all my devoted readers.

I'll start off with Millie. Millie is two years old and cute as a button. She doesn't really like babysitters. Millie is in my ward. They are pretty new to the ward and her mom is in YW with the Mia Maids and her dad is the 2nd counselor in the Bishopric. So our families know each other pretty well (with my dad in bishopric, my mom in PEC with them and my sister in YW). Well, Millie's mom had to go and help out at the elementary school for a little while one afternoon so she brought Millie over here (to my house).

Millie and I watched her Barbie movie that she brought over (The Princess and the Pauper) and we just watched that. Usually Millie doesn't like babysitters but that day she was pretty good. During the movie, while the characters were kissing (or about to kiss) she would cover her eyes and tell me how yucky it is. Cute.

She did skin her knees that day and she wouldn't walk (which is pretty understandable and expected for a 2 year old). But during the movie, she leaned over and told me that she could crawl, she just couldn't walk. OBVIOUSLY. She was so silly about it because I'm pretty positive that it would hurt more to crawl on skinned knees than to walk on your legs. The next day we had a ward activity and her parents told me that she kept crawling until she miraculously was healed a couple hours before the activity. So funny.

This past week, we had their whole family over for FHE because we bought lots of dessert at the dessert auction (activity mentioned previously) and so we had to share. Millie LOVES pink. She's convinced that her eyes are pink. You can ask her what color your eyes are or anyone else's and she'll tell you (blue, brown, black, etc) but if you ask her what color her eyes are, she'll say "PINK!!". I guess that's what happens when you have two older brothers...

Charlie is three (and in my sunbeam class!) and his younger sister is 18 months (I think). Well, his mom was my mom's 1st counselor in Relief Society but she was just put in as Young Women's President a couple of weeks ago. But I would babysit them while our moms would go and visit people in the ward.

During late December-early January Charlie and family were in Utah for Charlie's uncle's wedding. I knew about the wedding because my mom is in the know. Well, I babysat these two kids last week and I saw the wedding announcement on the fridge so I asked Charlie about it. He used some cute name to tell me that it was his Uncle ____'s wedding. Then he informed me that his parents were "going to get married on Saturday. Or maybe Wednesday." Cute kid. (His parents have been married for 5 years or so, he just wants to be there for it it seems...)

Sadie is almost three and she is one of my favorite kids to babysit for because both her and her brother (James, 5) are old enough to talk and actually play. There aren't fussy toddlers just playing with adorable little kids. Well, they used to live in our ward like 4 years ago and I would babysit James and baby Sadie. They moved a couple of times since then (up to Stanford for their dad to go to school) but now they're back in our stake (in our neighboring ward) and so I've babysat for them like 4 times in the past 3 weeks.

Anyway, I was over there during the day because their mom had to go to the dentist and we were sitting on their couch which is parallel to their piano and Sadie got off my lap and said "Let's sing songs!" So I said "Okay." But then she wanted me to play the piano. And I did kinda learn how to play the piano for 10 years or so but I wasn't ever very good because I never practiced. I tried to tell Sadie that I didn't know how play the piano. She replied by saying "Sure ya do! I'll teach ya." So then she banged on the keys to show me how to play the piano. When I kept trying to tell her I didn't know how, she kept responding the same way. Eventually, I went over and sat on the piano bench and she got on my lap and started picking our songs for me to play. I (badly) played the right hand of them but luckily, her mom came home soon and Sadie immediately asked her mom "Can you come and sing songs with me?"

Last Friday, I was over at their house again and they were eating their dinner and their mom asked Sadie what kind of sauce she wanted on her spaghetti. Sadie responded by saying, "I was ice cream on my spaghetti." Definitely my kind of girl. Especially since earlier that day, my mom asked me what I wanted for dinner and I said, "ice cream."

They do lots of funny things but those were definitely the funniest. Although, I don't know if you'll will appreciate these stories as much as I did so sorry I'm not a very good story teller.


day 3 - a picture of you as a child

This is me (on the left) and my cousin Kathryn on the right. Our families were hanging out at Hires Big H in Salt Lake while we were in town because of a layover. Quality.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day.

I used to think Valentine's Day was dumb. Even when I had a boyfriend. But I think it's because the only thing I ever saw was high school kids celebrating Valentine's Day. And their relationships lasted a couple weeks, maybe.

I've kinda had a change of heart recently (no pun intended). And by recently I mean today.

I started a new job today and people at work were so cute. They were pretty much strangers to me and yet their cute little displays of affection for each other was presh.

One of the partners at the CPA office walked in and greeted the receptionist by saying "Happy Valentine's Day Brandi!" Now, obviously this was just out of friendship and he greeted a couple other people with the same phrase but it was still really cute. I also saw a husband bring in his infant daughter and a huge bouquet of red roses to his wife that was working there. ADORABLE. Who doesn't want their two favorite people surprising them at work with flowers? It's cute. haha

I think that people who go overboard on Valentine's Day are a little ridiculous but I think a holiday encouraging you to do something cute and simple for the one you love is delightful. I love (giving) surprises so I think it's fun to do cute fun little things. And if people feel the need to send me flowers or something, I definitely won't complain. But I'm also not asking for that.

I don't know. I think Valentine's Day is precious.

And yes, I realize that this post is completely opposite of my post last Valentine's Day.

I love LOVE! :)


day 2 - the meaning behind your blog name

Um, well, unfortunately there isn't a cool story. I made a blog once and I wanted a cool title/name. And my sister's blog had a cool name and I wanted something cool too. I saw this quote on my friend Lindsay's facebook (she used it as her senior quote) and I stole it. So now it's my blog name. But yep, I think it's pretty cool cause it's pretty true. What you do in eternity will imitate what you do in life. You aren't going to have a crazy, sudden change of heart once you die. I don't know, it's just something to think about.

I guess it's important to live now how you'll want to live forever. :)

Those are my two cents for the day.
And my blog name's story. :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011


day 1 - recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.

Oakland Temple with Shmatie and Shmackeley. :)

1. My favorite movie is Finding Nemo.
2. I recently showed my mom how good I am at speaking whale... She didn't appreciate it.
3. I love airports. Longest stay in an airport = 13 quality hours.
4. I always have my toenails painted and never have my fingernails painted.
5. This is like the 3rd list of interesting facts that I've done in the past month...
6. I love to cook. I just don't like to cook for no reason.
7. My favorite color changes weekly. But it's always the same few colors.
8. I regret not learning how to play the piano at a more advanced level.
9. I wish I was playing collegiate water polo.
10. I've traveled using all forms of transportation (I think).
11. I have an unhealthy obsession with Taylor Swift. Her songs are just so... true.
12. I'm going to train guide dogs.
13. I am a grammar/spelling Nazi.
14. I'm really excited to decorate my own apartment and have a super cute kitchen.
15. I officially hate making these lists now.

Saturday, February 12, 2011



Only I'm actually going to do one-a-day AND these are different.


30 Days of Blogging

day 1 - recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
day 2 - the meaning behind your blog name
day 3 - a picture of you as a child
day 4 - a habit that you wish you didn’t have
day 5 - a picture of somewhere you've been
day 6 - favorite super hero and why
day 7 - a picture of someone/something that has had the biggest impact on you
day 8 - short term goals for this month and why
day 9 - something you're proud of in the past few days
day 10 - songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad
day 11 - write a bucket list of things you want to do before you die
day 12 - write a poem to someone you love
day 13 - your 5 favorite books and why
day 14 - a picture of you and your family
day 15 - put your ipod on shuffle: first 10 songs that play
day 16 - a picture of yourself
day 17 - someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
day 18 - plans/dreams/goals you have
day 19 - write about a sweet memory from your past
day 20 - write a letter to someone
day 21 -a picture of something that makes you happy
day 22 - what makes you different from everyone else
day 23 - something you crave a lot
day 24 - post your favorite quote or verse of scripture and why
day 25 - what I would find in your bag
day 26 - list 10 things that you are thankful for
day 27 - my day job verses my passion
day 28 - cruise a thesaurus and pick out 10 words you like the sound of
day 29 - favorite TV shows and why you like them
day 30 - movies you can watch again and again

Friday, February 11, 2011

Perfect Ten

9. A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most:

Obviously my mom (in the middle) is the winner in this category. But these two other ladies are my other moms and they've had such a vital role in my life as well. :) (Auntie Danielle, Mom, Auntie Karryn)

8. A picture that makes you laugh:

It's impossible not to laugh when you see this picture.

Although, I kept looking, and I realized that THIS one is the winner:
HAHAHAHAHA don't worry world, the photographer has been severely punished.

7. A picture of your most treasured item:

I realize they're not an item. But they're everything to me. :)
And, I didn't really realize this when I picked this picture, but the Statue of Liberty symbolized freedom, justice and liberty, something I think we frequently take for granted.

6. A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day:

It's my dream job to work here but I don't think that'll happen. But I want to swim with an orca SO bad.

5. A picture of your favorite memory:

Homestead Girls' Varsity Water Polo 2007: League Champions. :)

4. A picture of your favorite night:

Soccer with the boys, last night with Josh in literally years//sleepover with my favorite girls. :)

3. A picture of the cast from your favorite show:

Phil Keoghan -- The Amazing Race. My FAVORITE show.

Pushing Daisies/Gilmore Girls/Modern Family

2. A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest:

Nick, Dan & Jack (Although in this picture it's Dan, Jack & Nick)

‎1. A picture of yourself with 10 facts:
1. I am a obsessive-compulsive water drinker.
2. I would live underwater if I could.
3. I have to re-make my bed (practically) every night because I like my sheets super tucked in and my bed completely wrinkle-free.
4. I've come to realize that I have really bad circulation in my hands.
5. I want a puppy. Really bad. As soon as possible, I'm getting one. Probably.
6. Getting married scares me.
7. I cannot stand it if my BARE feet touch other BARE feet. If there are socks involved, it's all good. But I don't like barefoot on barefoot interactions.
8.I hatehateHATE the sound of metal utensils against teeth or other metal. I will yell at you if you do this in front of me. haha
9. I love ice cream.
10. I can't believe how old I am... and I don't like it.