Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Time is such a weird thing. It sometimes feels like it moves so slow but then looking back, it feels so fast.

Can you believe that in three days, it'll be 2011? Where has time gone? It is freaking insane. I cannot even comprehend it. haha

Sometimes, when I'm talking to people and they mention that something happened in like 2001 or so, it doesn't feel like it was that long ago... but it was 10 years ago! How has that happened!?

Anyway, I just thought that I would write one final blog post for the year just reminiscing about my wonderfully crazy year that I've had.

January started out rough. I was at home and unemployed. Luckily I got a job which by...

February had turned into a really great job. Plus, I got to visit my boyfriend in Rexburg where I had my first real Valentine's day. hahaha Back on the work front, after Shawn quit and I was on my own for a while, Sarah came along in...

March where we worked pretty well for a while until she decided to take over which was alright because then come...

April, I headed back to school. I saw Josh and Jessica and went to Yellowstone. School started and then...

May was full of school and birthday adventures. I truly have the greatest friends. Before we knew it, it was midterms and also...

June. School was crazy and Rexburg was a non-stop adventure. Always something to do in the beautiful state of Idaho. I got to see my favorite sister missionary on Temple Square and Josh came to visit for too short of a time and then before we all knew it, it was...

July where we (Jessica, Vikki, Josh and I) watched fireworks in Idaho Falls. I said goodbye to Josh for 2+ years. We took finals, moved out, and came home for a couple short weeks. The six-week break started and then we blinked and it was suddenly...

August. Playing in Lake Tahoe, hanging out with the "cousins", working for previous employers, enjoying the break before...

September rolled around which threw us right back into school. New roommates, new professors, a whole new semester. There was also a very tearful missionary farewell and another missionary hitting her year mark. Also, roommate bonding while skydiving and before we knew it, it was...

October which means Rexburg deciding to be cold. Also Halloween and other fun roommate adventures. Those roommate adventures carried over to...

November where we celebrated another birthday for a new favorite 19 year old of mine. Thanksgiving with cousins in Mexico, strep throat on the cruise, and the start of the end of the semester and before we knew it...

December came. Snow, cold, drama, so much craziness. Saying goodbye, coming home, relaxing, Christmas, old friends and good times.

It's been a great year. And it's so crazy to think how so much has changed in these past 365 days.

On to recent news,
Being home has been good.
Christmas was wonderful.
Missionaries are splendid. :)
"Cousins" visiting is crazy.
Temples are joyous.
And life is swell.


Can't wait for the adventures of 2011!

P.S. This is my 52nd blog post of 2010. That means one per week. haha I couldn't have planned that better. :)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Spell Check

I know I just blogged yesterday but I thought that this was really funny and that I should share it with someone. And I just updated my facebook status so here is the next best thing. haha

While writing a paper for my Chem lab, spell check informed me that I spelled a couple of words wrong... I know they are spelled correctly so I just wanted to see how Microsoft Word wanted me to spell them.

The first word: Molarity.
Microsoft's suggestion: Morality.

Thanks, but sadly, that just doesn't work.

Word number two: NaOH (Technically not a word but whatever...)
Microsoft's suggestion: Noah.

Again, not going to cut it. haha I just thought that it was really funny.
Unfortunately, those are the only two words that were "spelled incorrectly" that had funny suggestions.

On another note, I'm listening to Christmas music... kinda. It's weird that today is the last day of November. Where has time gone?!

Monday, November 29, 2010


Thanksgiving week was CRAZY busy. So, instead of boring you with the details, I'll just do a short recap.

Friday-I left Rexburg, drove to SLC, and then flew to LAX where my family picked me up and we then drove to La Jolla, CA.

Saturday- Woke up early and Dad+Jack and I went to the San Diego Temple and did baptisms. The inside of that temple is prettier than that outside... and that's saying something.

Then we went back to the hotel, ate breakfast and changed our clothes. Then we picked up Colleeny and off to Legoland! Unfortunately, it was POURING rain the entire time, but it was still fun. Then dinner with Bruce and Silvia, took Colleen home and went to bed.

Sunday- Woke up early, went to a TINY ward in La Jolla, came home, finished packing, drove to San Pedro, got on the Mariner of the Seas, saw the Bements, set sail, etc.

Monday- At sea (or as they liked to tell us sometimes, in the ocean which is a horrible way to phrase it...). Went rock climbing. Got a sore throat.

Tuesday- Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. We were tendering! (My faveee) Much sicker than I was on Monday. Stayed in bed almost all day long (besides eating and going ashore for a little while). We also went ice skating (on the ship. :) )

Wednesday- Mazatlan, Mexico. Still sick. Went into town a little bit. Not too exciting. We got to ride fun trolleys though.

Thursday- Puerta Vallarta, Mexico. Went to the doctor, got some medicine and such for my cough and strep throat. Became bff's with the doctor (she kissed me on the check when I left. haha). Went shopping at Walmart and the little market. super precious.

Friday- At Sea. Woke up early for an [unnecessary] ice skating lesson. I was so good they said I could be in their show. Except they actually didn't let me. Uh, that's like all we did.

Saturday- At Sea. I'm pretty sure we did nothing. Just kidding. It was the most exciting day of my life. We got to go on a tour of the bridge (which for those of you who aren't aware, it's the cockpit.) We got to sit in the driving chair and see all their controls and everything. Then we went on a tour of the galley (which is the kitchen.) We went on a tour of the galley on the Princess cruise we went on last summer and it was much more infomative... but it was still fun. And the bridge was fantastic. Other than that, we watched A LOT of the style network and it was hilariously great.

Sunday- Woke up very early, packed, ate breakfast, disembarked, walked like 7 miles to the car (okay, really like 1/2 mile but still...), drove to LAX, flight delayed, standby on earlier flight, heartattack waiting to know if I was on the early flight, got on it, got to SLC at about the same time anyway, because of the silly snow, waited for the shuttle, drove from 3 pm until like 9... and my hair kept freezing to the window.

But it was so great to be back in Rexburg. Minus the snow and sickness. And all the work I have to do... Oh well.

Anyway, that's all. hahaha :)

Also, the only turkey I ate the entire week was on my sandwich for lunch at Legoland. hahaha

Friday, October 29, 2010

Fun Facts:

1. I really hate the word photo. I'm not really sure why but it irritates me to no end.

2. I also really don't enjoy when people call their husbands "hubby". Can you really not just say "my husband did _____" Hubby just sounds gross. My husband will never be called my hubby.

3. I don't know how to study.

4. I don't know why I'm on facebook all the time.... it's so boring.

5. I plan on never making a Bucket List. I'll do whatever I want in my life. haha

6. I wish I had some fun cool facts to share with you.

7. I'm really thirsty right now.

8. It's weird to think how much has changed in a year.

9. I miss my job from winter semester. Kind of a lot actually...

10. I want a puppy.

11. Like really bad.

12. Mostly so I can cuddle with it. haha

13. I wish I didn't have to pick a major.

14. I'm kinda ready to go to sleep now... and it's not even 10:30 on a Friday night. NO BIG DEAL.

15. I miss my bestest friends a lot.

16. It's rather strange that it's November already.

17. I am nervous for what the future holds.

18. Is my favorite number.

19. I miss not being in school.

20. Yet, when I'm not in school, I miss it. Dilemma. haha

Well folks, this is where my list will stop now. Mostly because I don't really have anything else to share/I'm tired of writing this. haha that is all.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Fall semester is basically halfway over. I'm confused. What just happened?

Things are going well though... just the normal ol' school stuff. Class, homework, studying, group projects, etc. Plus there is also the super fun adventures that we go on. Like to the store at 11:45 pm to get ice cream. Because we all know that we can't watch How to Train Your Dragon without ice cream.

Anyway, the reason I decided to blog after not blogging in SO long is because I've decided to make some goals. And what better place to make the goals than on a blog. So without further adieu, here we go:

1. Study better/be more productive when I "do my homework".

2. Write in a journal. (I'm mostly just saying this because I just bought the CA-UTEST journal ever. And now I need to put it to good use. :)

3. Go to bed early.

4. Go to the temple more frequently. Like, every other week if not weekly.

5. Be nice.

That is all for now. I'm sure that there are lots more things that I need to do but it is time to go back to my homework. For real. So yeah.

Also, I'm going home this weekend and I couldn't be more excited. It is going to be marvelous. :)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

And I went..... Skydiving!

So, it was Erin's Golden Birthday on Monday (because she turned 20 on the 20th) so we decided that we would go skydiving. Erin went last year with Shelley and she loved it and wanted to go again. We all decided that we would go too because how fun would that be?

Before we left!:

We were supposed to go last weekend but Erin couldn't get work off so we went today. We made tie-dyed t-shirts and wrote on them and we just got all ready! Then we left today at like 9 am. We got to Ogden Skydiving Center at about 12:30 and we got all ready.

In front of Ogden Skydiving Center!:

We filled out all the paperwork and such. It was so crazy. We had to wait a little bit because we walked in but we didn't have to wait too long...

Signing our paper work!:

haha and the wait...

Then we got all suited up and ready to go! Erin, Jessica, Breanna and I were the only ones who actually dove from the airplane but Shay and Michelle were there for moral support and to take out pictures.

Our scared faces!:

And our silly faces!:

Haha but we met our diving buddy and mine was really weird at first. It was funny because he brought pizza and a bunch of fruit on the airplane and ate it right before we jumped. His name was Ryan and he was hilarious.

Ryan tightening all my straps:

Our little airplane! :)

He found out that I went to BYU-Idaho and he told me that we were going to have to break school rules to jump because we were going to be spooning. haha so when he strapped me to him in the airplane after that, he started singing "I'm the big spoon, I'm the big spoon!" It was so funny. And then my straps over my shoulder were super loose so I asked him about it and if he would tighten it and he was like "Geeze, I cuddle with you a little bit and you just want more..." He was great. He definitely made the experience a whole lot better.

But I was super excited until we had been in the airplane for a little bit because I knew that at any moment we could be falling out. I was the third to leave the plane and once Breanna left in front of me, I was freaking out. But then we just scooted right up to the door opening and I got my feet hanging out and then we rocked back and forth a little bit and then we just fell out! I didn't arch my body enough so he had to like pull my legs back with his legs so that we were in the right position. But we did flips and everything as we were free-falling. It was SO ridiculous. It didn't even really feel like falling, it was just like there was a huge fan blowing air against us.

Falling I'm with the bright pink parachute!:

We did a bunch of spins and stuff and he showed me how to do it at first and then he let me do it. It was so great! I don't even know what to say about it anymore, it was just so insane! I was falling from the sky and doing tricks. HOW INSANE.

But yeah, once he pulled the 'chute, it was kinda fun. When he actually pulled it, it like shot us up in the air (not really but that's what it felt like). And it hurt. Haha it just yanked us right up there. But then he adjusted the straps on my legs a little bit so that I was in like a sitting position and then it was really nice. We kinda just floated down and we spun in circles and just drifted down to the ground. Ryan was awesome and him being the guy I was with definitely made the experience. We landed on our butts and just kinda sat on the ground. haha and then we were done and they ran off to get another parachute and do it all again with another group. Crazy!


We took some pictures and kinda just took it all in! We also got a sweet certificate and a pen and a bumper sticker and a bunch of other fun stuff.

Alive and on the ground again! :)

After we got all unsuited and everything, then we went to lunch at Olive Garden. I'm not really much of an Olive Garden fan and I would've much rather gone to Chick-fil-a which was RIGHT next door. :( I was so sad.

After that, we came home pretty much and we were all so tired during that 3 hour drive. But we got back to Rexburg just as the Relief Society broadcast thing was ending which was kinda funny because we were still on this huge skydiving high and everyone else was on this spiritual high. But now we've really done nothing and we're exhausted. Skydiving takes a lot out of you.

But yep, that's my exciting day! So great!! :))

p.s. anyone who wants to go, I'll totally go again.
And we fell from 12.000 ft but it didn't feel like that at all.... I wanna go higher. hahahaha

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I wish:

Sometimes I just wish I could fast-forward through time. Like, just a little bit. Time usually goes really quickly except when you want it too and then it drags on and on and on. It's been almost 80 hours since I've been able to talk to my best friend. Which doesn't seem like that long but I've talked to him everyday since October I'd say (with maybe the exception of 4 days, at the most). It has been so hard to adjust to this change. I know that once I start hearing from him, not just his sister or mom, I'll be able to feel better. Hopefully I'll be getting a letter tomorrow (I better at least...) and P-day should be just around the corner.

Ugh. This week has just been... draining.

In pretty much all ways possible. I've cried more these past 80 hours than I have like my whole life. hahaha maybe not but definitely more than I've cried in the past 3 years. It's been bad. AND, the only person who can relate at all and who I want to talk to about it, is the one person I can't talk to.

It would be great if we could just fast-forward to like.... August. That would be really great.

Okay, wellllllllllll anyway, school is going alright. I understand Chemistry I think.... but see, I never really know.... hahaha and everything else is just busy work pretty much. But that just means I have to stay on top of things and work hard and do well.

Um, yeah. That's my life right now.
so great. :)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Oh..... Yeah....

I'm back in Rexburg!! Hahahaha and I have been for.... 10 full days.

I am obviously horrible at remembering to blog/I haven't really had oodles of time.

It is SOOO good to be back though. Like seriously, it feels wonderful. It's amazing how my whole Rexburg routine just fell back into place. Even though I'm living in a whole new apartment with some new roommates and just a bunch of new stuff. But it feels like home and I love it.

There are 6 of us living here: Erin, Jessica, Michelle and me plus our two new roommates, Breanna and Shay, who are both freshman. It's cute and we're all friends which is good.

We've officially had 7 days of school. It was SO nice because I only have one class on Thursdays and classes started on Thursday so I got to work my way into school rather easily. I am only taking 12 credits but it is really more like 15 credits since I am in classes for 15 hours AND it's all real classes. Chem 105, Math 110, D&C, and Natural Disasters. No fun classes for Danielle. :(

But yeah, I really like my Chem class which is good, since it's 9 o'clock every morning. My math class is so retarded. We never really do anything in class and today we cut paper into boxes which is obviously very educational.... :/ I love Natural Disasters; it's probably my favorite. I just find it so interesting. And it's also kinda why I want to cluster/minor in Geology. haha we shall see though. And D&C is with Erin Young so that's presh, as always.

We've done so much stuff since being back in this little ol' town.

On Saturday, a new little diner opened up here and so there was a huge grand opening. It's called Sammy's and it's super cute. They have delicious food and shakes (which are apparently famous haha) but it's a little pricey which isn't good. But yeah, we had dinner and then as part of their two-day grand opening, there was a free concert in the street and it was a good concert. The Neighbors, Benton Paul (love him), Fictionist, and Mindy Gledhill (whom I also adore). It was super fun. And it was free. haha

Monday, after our super fun ward activity, and after getting snowcones, we had a late-night ice cream run to G's Dairy. We got the Holy Cow plate or something which is 13 scoops of ice cream. So good. mmmmm :)

Tuesday, we tie-dyed shirts for our skydiving adventure. It was really fun. And then Wednesday we opened them all up and our shirts are so cute! They're all different and reflect our personalities I think. I'm excited to wear it! Unfortunately, our skydiving adventure got postponed a weekend but that is okay.

Last night, we had Toy Story night. We watched Toy Story and ate Toy Story Macaroni and Cheese. Tonight is Toy Story 2 Night. We're watching Toy Story 2 and eating Toy Story Popcorn. haha and then tomorrow is Toy Story 3 night! Woooo! :)

This week has been kinda.... bittersweet. Josh leaves on Tuesday for Utah/Provo/the Empty Sea. But his Stake president is leaving on Sunday night for a while SO Josh is getting set apart on Sunday right after church. Which means the last time we get to talk is pretty much Saturday. Except I'm waking up kinda early to talk to him before my church on Sunday. But yeah, it's not going to be bueno. Thinking about him leaving is reminding me of Nicole leaving and it's making me miss her too. It's reminding me of the last time I talked to her on the phone on September 16th at like 11 am, right before she entered the Empty Sea. I was like bawling when I got off the phone with her and I have a feeling that is how it'll be on Sunday morning as well. Hahahaha I'm already like crying right now. LAME. But yeah, Nicole's year has flown by so I'm sure Josh's two years will as well. It'll just be hard to adjust for a while. :(

Speaking of Troll, I need to write that chica a letter... Maybe I will do that now...

But yes, I am back in Rexburg, constantly doing homework and dreading for it to turn into Iceburg.

Until next time!

p to the s. There was so much to write so I just didn't really write about anything. haha sorry team!

Sunday, September 5, 2010


So I thought that we were going to go to the California Academy of Sciences yesterday but my dad read some reviews online and didn't want to. So we didn't really know what we wanted to do... It took us some time but we finally decided to go to the Zoo, for Family Bondage. hahaha

We went to the Oakland Zoo (which we'd never been to before) and it was so cute haha. It's a smaller zoo so it was just quick and easy to see everything. They had lions and tigers and bears (oh my!) and just all the normal zoo animals. We got to see the alligators get fed and the elephants get fed. And this weird lizard thing get fed. We hurried past the giraffes so that we could go and see he elephants get fed and by the time we went back to really see the giraffes, they had been put to bed for the night because the zoo was shortstaffed at night so they had to do it early. It was SO lame because I LOVE giraffes. Oh well.

After that, we went to Fenton's for dinner and then ice cream. Although, we made a short little stop at the Oakland Temple to just walk around and stuff. Then we went to Fenton's and it was super busy because the Cal/Davis game had just gotten out so everyone was there from Berkeley. But it wasn't that long of a wait which was good. So we got dinner and then we had ice cream. SO good. It's a good thing it's in Oakland and not closer because I'd probably have to go all the time. hahaha

This is pretty much what it looked like. Thanks for the image google. :)

Then, after we came home, we put children to bed and then the girls (Jack, my mom and I) went shopping. First to DSW where I founds some awesome shoes (although I didn't buy them) and then we went to Target.

I got a new wallet (although it's much cuter in person):
But yeah, it was quite an exciting day.

Two more days until I'm back in Rexburg. And it's kinda bittersweet. I honestly don't know how I'm going to get everything back there but we shall see! haha

Tomorrow is Lunch with Colleen and Jill and then laundry and packing. It'll be a blast.

Friday, September 3, 2010


This week has been VERY interesting.

Monday, I worked at the bookstore that I worked at during the summer of '08. But it's owned by a family in my ward so I work there whenever they need me. I worked there on Monday and Wednesday.

Tuesday, I went shopping and got some new clothes (like pants and jackets!) and didn't really do a whole lot of anything. Although my day was pretty busy... shopping, lunch at nVidia, etc.

After working at the Bookstore all Wednesday morning (and into the afternoon) I then spent an extra 45 minutes at work buying books for my family. hahaha both my dad and my sister sent me with a list of 5+ books. That was an adventure. When I was done with that, I finally got home and got to relax and do nothing for a little while. But instead of doing nothing, Jack and I went to Target and bought LOTS of cute clothes. I am going to be so cute this semester. hahaha but yeah, that was fun. Then I had like 10 minutes at home before going babysitting for the Parent's. Recently, they have been my most frequent employer. haha which is good. Those kids are cute.

Thursday, I slept in (because I knew that I would be up late) and then we went to go and return some of the clothes that we had bought previously and exchange them for different sizes. As we were driving down the street, my phone rang and it was Lisa. Lisa is Ron's husband and they needed someone to work there (at his office and the mail place I worked at before). There had been some drama apparently the night before and Sarah hadn't showed up for work. So we went back home, I changed my clothes and I left for work. I worked there from 12-5 and then I had a babysitting job at 5:30-late. They were going to dinner and then to Wicked in San Francisco for her birthday. Well, I was at work a little late and didn't get out of there until 10 after 5 and then I had about 10 minutes home to get ready before I had to leave again. Babysitting was alright but everything on TV was about weddings or relationships or something of that nature. The Office was on but it was the Valentine's Day episode where they had the Lonely Heart's Mixer. I don't know why but that was definitely a theme with TV last night. Oh well. They got home a little before midnight and then I came home. It was exhausting.

Well, then this morning, they wanted me to work again (because they didn't know if Sarah would show...), at 8:30. I got up at 7:30, showered, got all ready, and left the house at 8:32. I drove the .3 mile and got there at 8:33. Sarah's truck was in the parking lot and she was just entering the building when I pulled in. I had a key so I couldn't just leave. I went up there and talked to her, gave the key back and just as I was leaving, she asked if I could work today because she didn't feel good (although she used different words that I won't repeat...). She called Ron in Utah but he wasn't in the office so she decided to just stick it out for the day.

Well, after I got home, at 8:40, I called Lisa and told her the story. She called me back like two hours later and told me the whole story. But before that, I'll tell you what I already know:

Apparently there was a big fight at the apartments that Sarah both lives in and manages for the Bushnell's (Ron and Lisa). It was at 2 in the morning on Thursday. Supposedly, the police got involved and somehow Sarah also got involved and got punched in the face, resulting in a black eye, and her phone was damaged. She didn't show up to work that morning and they didn't really hear from her except for an email retelling the above story. Well, she never showed and that's why they urgently called me in that afternoon. Lisa called the Sunnyvale Police Dept to find out about the incident and they had no record of it. So that is suspicious. This is also why they didn't know if she'd show up today. But I made sure to check her face today and guess what? No black eye. Surprise, Surprise.

So, Lisa told me on the phone that this wasn't the first incident that they've had with Sarah and that they had already given her a second chance. While I was there before, they were suspicious of her because money was suddenly missing. And I guess two weeks ago she appeared to be drunk at work (although she claimed to have taken some heavy pain medication because she got in a car accident on the way to work. But her car looked fine...) Anyway, Sarah has now given her notice and today was her last day. Fran will be working there in the afternoons next week but it really is too bad that I'm leaving. They could really use me. Luckily, they love me and I'm pretty sure that they'll rehire me come December. Lisa told me how glad they were that I was so dependable and trustworthy, "qualities that are so hard to come by in the world now." :)

That is the end of my crazy drama. That place is cholk-full of drama.

Tomorrow we're going to the California Academy of Sciences which I am SO excited to go to. I've wanted to go there since it re-opened a year and a half ago. Seriously, this place looks freaking fantastic. AND there is a special Extreme Mammals exhibit right now. I cannot wait.

After that, I have Sunday and Monday and then on Tuesday morning, I leave Cal-i-for-ni-a for 3.5 months and return again when I can no longer bear the cold of Idaho. My flight leaves at 7am out of OAK so it's going to be a loooooooooong day on Tuesday. Goodie!

haha tis all.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lakes, Oceans, Pools, Oh My?!

Well.... I have kinda lost my excitement for blogging. Which is why I haven't blogged at all recently.

I guess I've just had a lot of things going on but not enough time or will power to want to write about it. Especially since no one reads my blog anyway. haha But I guess I will blog now since i don't want to do other work. haha

SO! We were at Lake Tahoe for 8 days. We got back last Monday. But we brought the Anderson's back with us as well for Kirsten's wedding which was on Saturday. So we hung out with them and it was kinda crazy because almost every possible place for someone to sleep, there was someone sleeping there. We doubled the capacity of our house. But then on Wednesday night, Erin came to visit! So then I got to sleep in my closet on an air mattress which was kind of an adventure.

But when Erin was here we:

-Went to Rok for Chocolate Fondue on Wednesday night.
-Went to Fenton's (in Oakland) for lunch/dessert on Tuesday and then to the Oakland Temple/Visitor's Center.
-Went to Monterey Bay (but really Moss Landing) on Friday to kayak with some aquatic friends.
-Rok for dinner on Friday night.
-Swimming in the pool late Friday night

It was such a crazy couple of days but it was so fun. It's fun when people visit because it lets us be touristy and actually do things. haha

But then Erin flew home Saturday morning and then I went to lunch at Rok (hahaha yeah, again) with the adults who met me their after the wedding. And then we went to the reception for Kirsten and Drew's Wedding which was... interesting...

But yesterday I didn't really do a whole lot really. I went to Colleen's for a little while and we hung out and then swam and I got to play with my favorite dog Kuma which was great. :)

Today, I went to work (at Bushnell & Associate's) where I did tax stuff and then I got to serve someone papers. hahaha which was exciting. I also got to drive the company car, which was fun. :) on the way back to work, I got Chipotle and then headed back to work and quickly got ready to go, then ran home, ate really quickly and then went to the Parent's to do some babysitting. haha it was SO cute because Teagan fell asleep on me which is the most precious thing ever.

I was home for a little while and then I got to go to the Norling's to talk about BYU-Idaho which was fun I suppose. I didn't really do anything but it was still kinda fun. haha But it has been SO hot here. Like during a lot of the day it was triple digit heat which is no bueno at all. But all the ice cream was on sale so I went to the store and bought four different kids of ice cream. hahaha it was great. :) But yeah, that's my day/week/past couple of weeks.

I'm watching Bachelor Pad right now. It's so funny how full of drama it is. And how they make it seem so intense. But it's a wonderful show.... with far too much on-camera making out.

Tomorrow, I have three babysitting jobs. I'll be babysitting for like 9 hours tomorrow. Good thing it won't be 9 hours straight.... :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


So, I wrote most of this last week but for some reason it didn't publish. So here it is along with some more recent happenings:

Well, I've been home for like 12 days.

And in those twelve days I haven't really done anything exciting at all.

I babysat all day Satuday (at a wedding at the Temple in the morning and then for a fam in the ward in the evening.) So that was good because I made money... a LOT of money...

I also work in the Nursery on Sundays which is good. (Also, my mom is now Relief Society President which is going to be crazy...) but yeah, I give children snacks and play with play-doh all day on Sundays. So great. hahaha

On Monday I worked at Beehive Bookstore for like 4 hours. That was fun. It's crazy how everything just came right back to me. I remembered everything that I was supposed to be and it all just became second nature again. It was kinda fun. I wish I was working there more than I am but whatever. It's fine I guess. And I'm glad it was Dalene I was working with instead of other people. Although I do miss working with Lora. But yep, I miss working in general. I want a job...

Yesterday, I woke up early (well like 8:50 haha) and then we went ice skating. Nate and Al are in a class from 10-10:30 and then it is free skate. SO we went skating and we skate while they are in their little class and then we all skate together. It is quite presh. But Jack and I are preetttttty good. And we do lots of tricks and stuff too. It's great. Then we come home and do various things and then we went to dinner with the Lasko's before they move to Tennessee tomorrow. We obviously went to Rok and it was obviously delicious. Then I went to Courtney's and we all hung out which was fun. We haven't all hung out in a very long time so it was fun to have the whole gang back...

Today we went ice skating again and now we're just hanging out. I think I am going to go and get my car washed because it's super dirty.


So, that was all last week...

I thought I posted it but I guess I didn't. But I'm posting it now.

After a semi-crazy week last week that did include lots of ice skating (which makes me a pro now...) I am now on vacation.

We left Sunday afternoon and drove to South Lake Tahoe, California. Which was a nice pleasant 4 hour drive. The Bement's (our "cousins" from Highland, UT) had already arrived. We got ourself situated sorta and ate dinner and such before the Anderson's (our "cousins" from Albany, OR) arrived. It took us a while to get all situated but once we finally did at like 10, we just threw the kids in bed. From the three families there are 16 children with me being the oldest and the youngest being a year old. SO crazy.

Good news though! I have a new boyfriend and his name is Ryker. He is 3 years old and he is the cutest thing ever. We hold hands when we walk around and he says my name the cutest way ever. And I'm bff's with his sister Haley, who is 5. It is just to precious. And it's nice to hang out with such little children. Which is kinda my only choice since I am not a part of the high school clique of girls or the middle school gang of boys and my lame-face sister is in Georgia. So I'm ALLLLLLL alone with extra small children.

Tomorrow we're actually going to the lake. Yay!

So I am sure that there will be pictures and more exciting stories to follow!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I'm Back!


Sorry I'm horribly inconsistent at blogging.

But I've also been rather busy these past few days.

Last Monday-Wednesday we had our last day of classes(!) which was stressful because that's when everything was due. All the projects, papers, assignments, all that jazz. And then, we had to take finals and pack and clean on Thursday and Friday. Basically after my crazy ridiculous final on Thursday (that I studied for for like forever), I was pretty much done with school. I just had a presentation Friday morning at 7:00am but other than that, I was done.

But I did have to pack and clean the entire apartment.

Jess and I were up until 3:30 am packing and cleaning and doing whatever else needed to be done (we also had a car party and car-flirted which was super funny) and then we had to wake up at 6:30 on Thursday morning. We were exhausted on Friday. We got out of class at like 8:10 and then from then until 2 we were packing plus some cleaning. We were running all day long. I have never been so stressed. Then we had to walk across to the shuttle station where there were hundreds (okay, maybe not hundreds) of people there waiting too. All the little AFY kids and everyone else who was going home. It was precious. The bus was rather late which was annoying. But I sat by myself until IF until I got to sit by a cute little old lady all the way down to Salt Lake.

Once I got to Salt Lake, I checked in, went through security, and then sat at my gate... I was supposed to be sitting there for like...20 minutes. But out airplane had some mechanical failures and it was MIA. So we kept getting more and more delayed (but it did give me the opportunity to get some TCBY.) Instead of leaving at 7:53p like we were supposed to, we left at 9:30ish after we stole a plane from Denver. But that meant that I got home later which actually ended up being okay. But theeeennnnn we got to drive to Auburn. That was an adventure.

We got to out hotel in Auburn and by then, I had been up for 22 hours and had been traveling for 11 hours. I was so exhausted. I feel asleep in like two seconds and then slept like a rock. We had to wake up at 7:15 for our rafting adventure. We went to breakfast and then got all ready. We drove to the rafting location and then watched a fun training movie. Then we went down to the river which was great. But it was SO hot. Once we got in our little rafts though it cooled down. And we got to go swimming in the river which was fun. And super cold. But it was quite an enjoyable day. The best part was when we got SUPER stuck in rocks for like 30+ minutes. We kept maneuvering our raft around but it was pretty slow. We were getting almost done when we had some assistance arrive. Three strong men came and saved us. Then we got to the end and everyone was so curious as to what happened to us which was funny. Then we had to roll up all the rafts and everything and pack it up and it was SO hot standing in the sun waiting.

Then we drove home. And on the way home, we stopped at Chick-fil-a which was SO good. mmm :) And it was so nice to finally be home after so long. We went to bed kinda late as well on Saturday night.

Sunday morning, I had to wake up early for church. And then I got to work in the Nursery so after church i was way tired. Sunday was busy because the Bishop was out of town so my dad had to do everything and so I helped him. We watched UP! but I was so tired that I couldn't even watch the whole thing and I went to bed at like 9:30. So lame.

These past few days have been pretty low-key. Just going to Target (twice), Rok (twice) and just hanging out and sleeping in until 11. It's been a wonderful start to the summer. Plus, I've bought some super exciting things while at Target... Some things I won't mention here. haha

This week is going to continue to be super crazyyyy.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

La Biblioteca

I've fallen in love.

For some reason, doing homework in the library today was the bestest. Jessica and I both brought our computers and we found a super secret little spot on the third floor and we each had our little tables and our super comfortable chairs. We had our snacks and we listened to our music and we just sat there and wrote our papers. We were SO productive. This might be a more frequent occurrence (in our week of the semester left). But seriously, we got more done in those 3 hours than we would've had we been at home.

The only thing that ruined our perfect Saturday evening at the library was the fact that they kicked us out at 9. Seriously? The library closes at 9 on the Saturday before finals? It was fun though because they played really good we're-kicking-you-out-of-the-library music. So that was fun. It would've been a lot better if they didn't kick us out though because everything was so perfect.

Since next semester is going to be so insane academically for all of us, I have a feeling that nights like tonight might be more common next semester. Which is really okay with me because I love the library now. I just wish that someone would make a video like this about the David O. Mckay Library, just like they made one for the HBLL. Too bad. But I guess I'm starting to be more like the scholar I am by not studying in a cave...

The other unfortunate thing about the Mckay Library is that Cafe Mckay isn't open on Saturdays. We were super hungry but we couldn't get ourselves a Celestial Sandwich. :(

Uh, I suppose I should stop talking about the library and my new love for it. I should go and finish my super duper paper!

Less than a week left in the 'Burg. Ridiculous. But I can't wait to be home and be reunited with my fam, Cupperton, my amigas, Kuma, my sunglasses that have been missing since September but have been found!, Rok!, Chick-a-fil, Chipotle, Real international food, Target, California sunshine, water polo, sunday night swims, the beach, sleeping in, road trips, "cousins", weddings, work, no homework/school, etc. Can't wait! :))

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Nothing is happening.


I go to class, I come home, I do homework (or watch tv for hours on end...) I eat, sleep and then repeat.

And, things have gotten kinda awkward within Apartment 20.

Everyone is walking on eggshells. Mostly because there are a couple of roommates who are bothering the others.

Example One:
As previously discussed, Jessica and I decided that for the 4th of July we would have a BBQ. Vikki was here and Josh was here so we decided that we would cook Sunday dinner. We bought lots of meat and buns and condiments and everything. T (C's friend) came over with them and asked if we needed help. So we sent him down to the grill to get it ready and cook our meat. Well, it took a lot longer than expected so C and L decided to come back up to our apartment and just cook stuff on the stove. So they used two of my pans and one of Jessica's (and one of their own) and cooked our food. After our dinner, we came up and put away all the food and everything and then we looked at the stove. It was caked in grease and the four messy pans were just chillin'. So after we did all the other dishes, we washed them too. Two of the four pans had like super thick gross layers of grease sitting on the bottom. It was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. So basically we cleaned EVERYTHING up while they sat in their room, listening to music, on facebook whatever. AND we had guests here. Usually when they make dinner, we all do our own dishes and they use a Crock Pot so they just wipe it out. We were SO pissed with them. And it didn't help that there were some annoyed boys in our living room yelling at us. That is what kicked off our annoyed-at-our-roommates attitude. Oh, and as a side note, they didn't ask if they could use our pans and they semi-ruined Jessica's pan. That just isn't acceptable. We had to clean up a huge mess they made. We weren't happy.

Example Two:
On Sunday, Jessica had to go to church early for all her meetings but they were done early so she texted me and told me to hurry because she was sitting in the chapel all alone. So I left at like 1:05 (when she texted me) but I left S home because I didn't think she'd be ready or anything. And she was all locked up in her room PLUS they leave without me every week anyway soooo I just left (and C and L were both out of town.... so it was just S). During Sacrament meeting, we couldn't see S so we were kinda confused. We went to the fun Sunday School and saw her so we sat behind her and Jess asked if she was in Sacrament meeting and S just gave her the death glare and then turned around. We were both SO confused. And then in Relief Society, S sat all the way in the back and there was no one even close to her and then immediately after the prayer she was gone. She like ran home and locked herself back in her room. It was SO awk. Once C and L got home though, she acted like everything was okay. It was quite strange.

Example Three/Four/Five:
Michelle sent Erin, Jessica and I a package like... 6 weeks ago? It was full of candy and silly little games and stuff. Well, all the candy melted in transit so we got a bag full of foil and rehardened chocolate. We put all the chocolate in a big bowl and we kinda ate what we could but it was A LOT of work. So it kinda sat on the table for a while. Well one day, I come into the kitchen and L and C are melting all OUR chocolate in a pan on the stove. So we just kinda let them do it but it was OUR chocolate and they were using it as their's. Whatever, we let that slide.

2 weeks later, we had a Rexburg-wide water fight. We were all planning on going but we didn't for various reasons (mostly tennis and a visiting boyfriend). But C still went. AND she brought two of our three little water guns from Michelle. She decided not to tell us what happened until we started wondering where they went. Then she told us that the "got misplaced" at the Water fight. She didn't really apologize for taking them and then losing then and she didn't offer to buy us new ones, nothing. We didn't understand why she thought it was alright for her to take our stuff and then lose it and THEN not tell us. Whatever, they were like $.75 guns and we really weren't going to use them but STILL.

Jessica and I sent Adam a package on Monday and we used the box that we had gotten from Michelle to send it off. We put all the stuff that was still in the box, and put it on a corner table that is between the two couches. There were three cans of silly string and some poppers and other silly things. We just figured that we could just leave them on the table for a little while because they're ours, right? Well, apparently that isn't how things work in this apartment. If they're out in the open, they're kinda free game. I came out to cook dinner the other day and I started talking to C and L who were in the living room and L said that C had "a little accident" and I looked outside and saw silly string EVERYWHERE. OUR silly string. And they didn't say, "oh, sorry we kinda got in a silly string fight. We'll buy you some more." NOTHING. They probably wouldn't have even told us unless we asked. And now there is still silly string all over our balcony. It's been two days. There is silly string everywhere. And I kinda want to bring it up and talk to them about it and be like, "Uh, where's our silly string?" I also heard from Erin that C was eating my Cheez-it's earlier today because they were on the same corner table.

Jessica and I are SO done with them. We are literally walking on eggshells.

I'm at the point where I do want to just confront them and have them be mad at me. I'd rather have them be mad at me then for me to be mad at them. So tomorrow I might ask them what happened to my Silly String. We shall see. We have a week left and I honestly don't really care if they get mad at me when they deserve to know that what they've been doing is unacceptable.

Thanks for listening.
Sorry about that.

But yes, I cannot wait to live in Birch with Shmerin and Michelle. It will be such a breath of fresh air.

I will be back home in the fantabulous city of The Talls (Los Altos), California in 190 hours. YIPPEE!! :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Everybody's gonna love today...

Goodness gracious.

SO MUCH has happened since I blogged last.

Let's see, I went down to Salt Lake on the 25th to pick up Josh/see Nicole. I met Josh at the airport and then we took the shuttle thing to the Square. Nicole, being the rude missionary she is, had to postpone our appointment so Josh and I had a lot of free time to spare before we met with Sister Quister Twister. So we went to the Nauvoo Cafe for lunch and then to the Conference Center for a tour. Then we met up with Sister Quist and Sister Kinman (who by the way were late...) and they took us to Assembly Hall and then into the South Visitor's center. It was pretty precious. Basically what when down is Nicole and I talked while Sister Kinman taught Josh. haha It was great. Then we hurried to get to our shuttle and all that jazz. The shuttle was uneventful. It was SUPER hot inside the bus which was a bummer. But it was so nice to just be with Josh again and be able to talk to him face-to-face.

Sister Kinman, Sister Quist, Me, Josh

When we got to Rexburg, we hung out with Jessica and Erin and Ricardo and such. Erin's roommate's fiance is in a band and he was playing at Relay for Life at Madison High School so we went to that, which was fun. Except for there was a lightning storm so it was postponed for a while. But it was still fun to hang out with all of them.

Saturday, Jessica and I had a tennis match at 1:00. Except our two matches were postponed to Monday. So we just sat there and cheered for our teammates. It was still fun although the weather was perfect so it would've been nice to actually play but whatever. It was fun to sit and watch a bunch of tennis. Then that night, Josh and I went on a date (and Jessica tagged along for the ending). We went to dinner and then to Toy Story 3. It was SUCH a good movie. I would watch it all day long if I could. It was great.

Sunday, Jessica and I went to Rigby for church because her cousin was getting blessed. And I'm basically a part of the family. Plus, we always look for an excuse to not go to our super late church. So we went to that, and then to a brunch after at the Barton's house. It was fun because her family is super fun. And they had a dog that I got to play with so it was great. Then when we came home, Josh came over and he and I hung out and played wii and stuff while Jessica took a nap. haha it was a great Sunday. We also made pancakes for dinner and watched The Singles Ward 2. It was precious.

Monday I had school and everything. Josh came over and watched me do my homework and tried to distract me but it was good having him here. Then we had tennis and FHE and it was just crazy. But super fun. For FHE, we had a water fight/capture the flag with the neighbors which was fun because it was so hot. We kinda just hung out and did normal ol' stuff besides that.

The rest of the week kind of followed suit. We didn't really do anything too exciting besides school and hanging out with the gang. We did go to Snoasis a couple of times (since it was Josh's new favorite thing) and we went to the grocery store a few times as well. It was quite great. We also had a HUGE freak thunderstorm on Tuesday night. The city streets were like rivers it was raining so hard. It was ridiculous. We played in the rain for quite a while which was super fun.

Wednesday, tennis practice was cancelled so Jessica and I decided to go and play/practice by ourselves. We went at like 8 when the sun was just starting to set. We play two sets; 2-6 and then 7-5. It was so great because I've only been playing tennis for like 10 weeks... and now I'm pretty much a pro. We were both playing really well so it was super exciting. The only problem was that we were playing in the prime mosquito time so I got quite a few bites, which wasn't good. Then we came home at like 9:30 and we were both starving and we had a 15 pound watermelon sitting on our table so we decided to split it in half and eat it. It was so good.

After that, we had our two empty halves so for some reason we decided to put them on our heads. Josh walked in while we were wearing our new hats and taking pictures of them and his face was priceless. It was so funny. Those watermelon rinds were so heavy, which was kind of unexpected. But it was great. She and I do the most random things sometimes.

Thursday, I had a very busy day of classes but once I was done, I was done until today, which was good. I had a 4 day weekend. But on Thursday afternoon, Jessica's friend Vikki came to visit from Colorado. It was fun. I had to go to a meeting for extra credit on Thursday night but after that, the three of us went to Craigo's which was delicious. And we walked to Jessica's grandma to get an air mattress and stuff for Vikki to sleep on. The walk back home was super long but it could've been worse. There was a dog that freaked out and scared all of us which was quite memorable.

Friday, my class was cancelled and Jessica doesn't have class so we went to Broulim's and Walgreen's (and Josh got some Snoasis...) and bought our daily groceries. Then we came home and we were lazy and just sat around for a while. But then Vikki and Jess went and played tennis and Josh and I went to dinner with his grandparents. I was kinda nervous for the dinner but it was actually pretty good. They were fun and it was good. We went to Original Thai which was de-licious. And then we went to the park to play. It was so fun to just be kids again. I loved it. I love swinging a lot. haha after that, we just kinda hung out and then when Jessica and Vikki (plus Eric and Logan) came home, we decided to go to the park to play soccer. But the park was kinda dark so we just sat around and talked and played which was fun. But then I started having really bad allergies and I didn't feel all that well so Josh and I walked home earlier than the rest of the gang. But when we got home, I pretty much passed out on the couch and Josh sat next to me and then he fell asleep. It is so easy to fall asleep cuddling with that boy. Then he went home a little after curfew (oops) and then I went to bed.

Saturday we slept in and then got all ready for the day and while Vikki and Jessica were getting ready, Josh and I watched the World Cup which was fun. It was an intense game. Then we walked to Nature's Nook to get Jessica's grandma's car and then we went to Walmart to buy some stuff for our BBQ on Sunday and then we came home and got ready for our trip to Idaho Falls to see fireworks! So we got to Idaho Falls, went to Red Robin, ate some delicious food and then we found a sweet parking spot and then we found a sweet spot on the lawn by the river and right next to the temple.

We played Phase 10 (and I won) and then we played Your Team (which Josh didn't approve of) and then we sat at waited for the fireworks to begin. Jessica and Vikki had to go to the bathroom so they walked like all over the city to find an acceptable bathroom. Josh and I waited for them to come back for like an hour. I was semi-afraid that something happened to them but Josh was very good at assuring me that they were fine. And they were fine. But from our little spot on the grass, we couldn't really see the fireworks except from through a tree. But it was still funny. We saw these guys wrestling for a light up sword but it looked like they were making out. It was a grand ol' time. Then after the (not as great as it was supposed to be) firework show, we decided that it would take us like 2 hours to deal with all the traffic so we went to Denny's and got some... dinner? I don't know what meal it was but we were all hungry. We parked and walked all the way there because there was SO much traffic. But we first sat at the breakfast counter or whatever it's called. And it was nice because we got seated right away but we were all SO far away from each other. So after they all got their soda floats (and Josh spilled his all over everything) we moved to a table right nearby. Jessica was sad we left the view we had. and then she started hallucinating. It was one of the funniest nights ever. It was so awesome. I loved it. We were laughing the entire time. People kinda hated us I think. We were acting like we were drunk mostly because we were just so tired and being so crazy. It was grand. And the food was good. Then we walked back to the car (while Jessica was talking in a man voice the whole time...) and then we drove home, dropped Josh at Biddulph at like 2 and then we drove the car home to Grandma's and then we walked home which was kinda creepy since she lives in the semi-sketchy part of Rexburg and it was 2:30 in the morning. But we got home a little before 3 and then we had to do some things and then we finally went to bed at 4. It was so eventful.

Sunday, we had church at 1:30, which was good because we were all SO tired. Church was pretty good, as usual. We combined three wards so Hannah from tennis was there which was fun. And Josh was there which made it even better. :) It was Testimony meeting which is always enjoyable. But Josh left after Sunday School to go and pack so we had to endure through Relief Society by ourselves... I mean, obviously we would since he would have to go to Elder's Quorum but whatever. Then he came over right after church and we had our BBQ. It was really good but it didn't go as expected. And there was a tension between me and Josh mostly because it was his last night and we didn't know what was going to happen between the two of us once he left.

After dinner, we had to do the dishes (and I really felt like a housewife...) and then we went to the park to play soccer.

Matching Outfits for Soccer! :)

It was so much fun. We were all so tired though. Josh was so good at soccer and the rest of us were just mediocre. First we played girls against guys but they kept beating us by a lot so then they decided that we should switch up teams but that Josh and I couldn't be on the same team (because we were dating and because we were both the best on our respective teams). So it ended up with Jessica, Josh and Vikki on one team and Eric, Logan and me on the other team. Josh was still the best but it was still way fun. I got a nasty jean burn on my knee though from Eric's pants though. After that, everyone went and played on the swings and Josh and I went to go and talk and hang out by ourselves. He had a hammock so we set that up and just cuddled in the hammock for a while. But then it was freezing so we came home where everyone else was still watching Zoolander (even though it was past curfew). Josh stayed for a while after that and we just sat and talked on the couch and ate ice cream and just enjoyed our final hours together before he went back home and then on a mission for two years.

Monday morning, I woke up to go and see him off on his shuttle. We kinda just sat there enjoying just being together and near each other for a while. By the time it was time for him to go, we were both crying. He got on the shuttle and he was crying and I was bawling the entire time I walked home from the Hart. Seeing him leave was horrible. He has never been the one to leave me; it has always been me leaving him. I cried for a good hour and a half and ate some ice cream. Then I took a nap, woke up and continued crying. haha and then we went out and did stuff (Wendy's, Walmart, Payless) and then we came home and watched the Bachelorette. Josh called me once he got home and we talked for a while and I cried again. It was so hard being away from him for after being so close to him for the week. I then cried myself to sleep. I'd never cried so much in my life. It was ridiculous. And I think that it might happen again tonight. And since he is gone and he will be getting his mission call (probably tomorrow) we just decided that it would be better to end our relationship now. We're still really good friends and there are no hard feelings but it's definitely going to be tough to shift from boyfriend/girlfriend to friends. But I know we can do it so it'll be fine. I don't think it's fully hit me yet so we shall see what happens with this week.

BUT, I got a letter from Connor-kins today (finally) and I got my new battery/AC adapter so I'm using my computer again. After it stopped working suddenly last Wednesday (which was a nightmare).

It is all good.
Sorry this is the longest post ever. I hadn't blogged in more than two weeks, and A LOT had happened.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Pretty Please?

Recently, I have really wanted a puppy.

For some reason more so now than before. haha I mean, I've wanted a dog for... 16+ years but I just really want to play with a puppy right now.

Is this not the cutest thing ever?

Oh goodness, I want that one on the left. It can sleep next to me everynight. and I can sit here and pet it as I pretend to do my homework. I want a puppy. haha

plus this precious video. ca-ute. :)

Um, yes, that is all. If anyone wants to let me rent/borrow a dog for a couple days, that would be great.

P.S. I miss my Kuma-bear. :(

Oh, and I think this is all my dad's fault. Yesterday he was telling me that we are moving to Tetonia, ID so that Jack can get her pony, I can get my dog and Nate can get his motorized scooter. hahahaha but mostly for my dog and her pony. So then it reminded me of how much I want a little doggie. :(

Okay, that is all, for now.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Heartbeat Melody

Goodness, this week has been ridiculously busy.

The homework load has definitely been a lot more laidback but everything else has just been insane.

Well, I suppose it has just been the past couple of days.

Thursday is when the real excitement started. After a busy day of classes, we went to Desert Book because David Archuleta was in town for a book signing. So we got to meet that boy. And have him sign our books. He is so cute. haha and his hair was all tousled which was way cute. Someone asked him about it and he said he just didn't feel like doing his hair that day. CUTE. So yeah, we were there for a while just breathing his air and such. It was great.

Then we finally went to the temple on Friday morning, which was much needed. Then we came home and got ready for the day and just did random stuff until it was time for me to go to class. My only class on Friday, which is an hour long, got out 30 minutes early. It was fantastic! :) Jessica had a hott date Friday night that we had all been anxious about so we had to help her get ready and what not. She left and then we kinda all just hung out. Well, Lori's old roommate is visiting so they all went out and did stuff and went to part of a bonfire but I stayed home which was actually super nice. Once Jessica got home, she and I walked up to the temple to talk about her date. We sat down right across the street from the temple but still on campus. And we were just sitting there and talking and this guy on his bike rides past us. But as he's riding past, he takes out his headphone and while pointing to the temple says "Don't worry, I'll take you there someday..." and then he just keeps riding. It was hilarious. This is why I LOVE Rexburg. After we talked for a while, we were going to walk home but Erin walked up to talk to us, so we went to the other side of the temple and just layed out on the grass and talked to Erin. It was so fun. I also love looking at the stars in Rexburg. That's what I did the entire time Jessica re-capped her story. Erin also had a pretty exciting story as well, involving Subway and an Archuleta. Then we came home and went to bed, because by then, it was pretty late.

Saturday, we got to sleep in except neither of us really did. haha Jess and I both woke up semi-earliest to talk to people on the phone. Then we just kinda did nothing until our tennis match at 1. That was the worst time to have it. AND it was SO hot so we did really bad. Bummer. Then we went to a basketball game and then to Subway for some dinner. After that, it was time for David's concert! We were super excited for it. David Osmond opened for him and he was SUPER good. I love him now. And then Archie was really good too. He played a bunch of new songs for us from his album that comes out later this year, which was fun. We were the first people to hear the songs! Lucky us. He was so cute though because he isn't very good at talking so he was like rambling and stuff. It was just funny because he didn't know how to talk. And at the end, he sang a hymn which was SO cute! This concert was a lot more fun than the first one we went to in December because it was all his fun music, last time it was his Christmas concert so it was super Christmas-y. But we got to dance and be all crazy and scream for him. It was great.

After the concert ended, we got to meet David Osmond! Woo! He was super funny. He was joking with us and talking with us and stuff which was way cool. I really like him a lot. I bought his CD and it's what I've been listening to ever since. I kinda like him a lot now.

When we left the concert, we just decided to do something but we didn't know what. So we kinda just walked around (after a mini-frosting fight at home). We went to the park and then just walked around for a little while. And it was funny because we were all talking in British accents which was hilarious. I haven't laughed as hard as I did last night in a loooooong time. Then we came home and went to bed and whatnot. It was a super exciting past couple of days.

AND, I get to talk to Sister Quister tonight! Woo! Super excited. I just wish that we didn't start church so late....

P.S. The title of this blog is my new favorite song from David Osmond. :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I don't hate many things. In fact, off the top of my head, I can't really think of anything that I actually hate... except one thing:


Every year, without fail, they come and ruin my life. Back in the day, I used to go every Friday without fail, for some good ol' immunotherapy (which is just a fancy word for allergy shots haha). Eventually, I started getting too busy (with polo and swimming and life) and I didn't think it was needed so we just kinda stopped. We would take our Zyrtec and be juuuuuuuust fine. And see, that's the problem. I was fine for a while. I didn't take my medicine for quite a while because I wasn't having problems. But now I'm dying a very slow and painful death from these dreadful allergies. I've been taking Zyrtec but it hasn't been working as efficiently as it has in the past, probably because I haven't taken it in so long...

I've been sneezing ALLL day long and my throat has been itchy and ugh, I'm just miserable. It would be really great if Rexburg wasn't just deciding now to be Spring. Because it's June. I dread the spring every year because of this and for some reason, I thought that I wouldn't have allergies in this silly city because I was doing SO good. UGH.

but yep, that's all.

Here is another fun fact: I finished all my homework today before 8. WOO! I'm going to bed at 11. Guaranteed.

Anddddd I think that is all.
This week is cray-zay.

P to the S. I'm meeting David Archuleta on Thursday. Future husband? I think yes. :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010


I feel awkward everytime I look at my blog and I can see that couple's picture. Since you know, I don't even know them. So I'm posting just so that isn't the first thing that is seen. haha

Although, I was thinking today while eating my bag of Riesens that I think it would be absolutely presh to be proposed to with a candy gram. I was thinking that because Riesen is such a perfect word for that. Like "you're the only Riesen I need to wake up in the morning" or something equally as cheesy. Plus, I want a Ring Pop ring so a candy gram proposal would definitely fit in with the theme. And to make it even more perfect, it would be super great if we were in Hershey, PA or something equally as sweet. ha get it? But yeah.... that was random. (I don't really know why I think about being proposed so much... this might be an issue...)

Annnnnnywho, we went up to Sal-mon (please pronounce it just like that) this weekend. And when I say this weekend, I just mean for like 21 hours. But it's alllll good.

Before we went up there though, Jessica and I had a tennis match. And we played extraordinarily well. Never in our tennis careers have we played so well. It was grand. I was doing amazingly well, if I do say so myself. I was doing well. And Jessica was upset at first and then she took all her anger our on the game so we did well. We still lost 4-6 and 5-7 but it was still WAYYYY better than we've ever done before! Plus, it was funny because Kody, Hannah, Todd and Nate were all coaching/cheering for us. Everytime we would switch sides, Hannah and Kody would give us our water and give us a little pep talk. It was so funny. But then after we went to breakfast at the Flap-Jack Shack. Well, Nate ditched us so it was us four girls and Todd. But it was SUPER fun. I love our team. It was fun.

After our tennis-filled morning, I came home and caught up on some of my tv shows while J-baby took a little nap. Okay, a rather long nap. Then we packed up, and drove to Sal-mon. We stopped at Wendy's quickly on the way up which was delicious. And then had a super fab time driving up there. We got there and it was like 10:15 and they were just about to start playing capture the flag but Erin and I didn't wear real shoes so we jumped on the trampoline (and it was definitely more successful than last time) and cheered on our teams. It was great. Then we stayed up too late, slept on the floor, like a huge sleepover! which was grand. Then we went to church in the morning and heard Adam talk and then we came home. But I hugged him for the last time in two years. Crazy. My 'cousin' is all grown up now and leaving on a mission! He is stopping by tomorrow on the way down to the Empty Sea but since he's already been set apart, no hugs for him.

But yes, that was my rather exciting weekend. I have finished all my homework and I am going to bed before midnight tonight. Yay.

Until next time team, enjoy this rather amusing video, brought to you by stumbleupon. :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Oh, I also happen to think this is the most adorable thing ever:

If you notice, the ring on her hand in the picture they're holding is a Ring Pop. CA-UTE. I've already said I want a Ring Pop proposal though but I didn't know someone else has thought of it before me... Lame.

I just can't get over how cute this picture/idea is. hahaha

(You might be wondering how I found this picture... Facebook stalking of course!)


Well, since I haven't blogged in FOREVER (and that bothers some people) I guess I'll blog now.

Nothing in my life is exciting. I have a boring ol' life. I just took a quiz on I-Learn that I was supposed to take today before my class. haha oops. But luckily it was still up and he doesn't care if we take it after, it's just supposed to close. So lucky me! I got an 100% on that which was swell. :)

I've just been going to class and tennis and all that jazz. Tomorrow I have two classes in a row, then I get to come home, read about orcas, then go to class then come home and study for my two midterms and maybe take one (?) and then do some other homework and then go to bed early? Sounds good! Then Friday I get to take my second and last midterm. It will also allow me to go into the Testing Center for the first time this semester. :) I kinda miss that place. Only because I kinda did good on tests last semester. Friday I am going to get at least a C+ on my test. I don't really want to do badly in this class (although I already am). Ohhhhh wellllllll. And it's funny because I've kinda given up on it. COOL.

Today, Jessica and I went on a VERY long walk. And the entire time we were talking about our weddings. hahaha of course. Neither of us want to get married and yet we have our weddings planned completely (minus the husbands, for the most part...).

I got a new toothbrush today. I HATE buying new toothbrushes because I always forget which one I like. And I hate to be disappointed. We shall see if the one I got today was good.

Also, for anyone who is curious, I hate allergies with a fiery- burning passion. I think I'm allergic to some silly flowers in my apartment so they are leaving tomorrow. I want to tear my eyes out they itch so much and I've had like three sneezing fits while writing this post. Obviously my fave medicine isn't working! :(

Oh, instead of going to devotional on Tuesday, Erin and I decided to draw on the sidewalk with some chalk. We did a mighty fine job if I do say so myself. We were sitting out there, drawing and eating popsicles. It's obviously summer. Then later that evening, Jessica and I did our homework outside on the lawn. SO wonderful. Too bad it's supposed to keep raining/being gross for the rest of the week.

Wellllllllllllll, that is all. :)

Please read on to learn many fun facts:

Your Boy Side
[x] You love hoodies.
[x] You love jeans.
[x] Dogs are better than cats.
[] It’s hilarious when people get hurt.
[] Shopping is torture
[] Sad movies suck.
[] You own a car racing game.
[] You played with Hot Wheels cars as a kid.
[x] At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter.
[x] You owned a DS, PS2, N64,or Sega.
[] You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers.
[x] You have watched sports on TV
[] Gory movies are cool.
[] You go to your dad for advice.
[] You own like a trillion baseball caps.
[ ] You used to collect hockey cards.
[] Baggy sweats are cool to wear.
[] It’s kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.
[x] Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors.
[x] You love to go crazy and not care what people think.
[x] Sports are fun
[x] You talk with food in your mouth.
[] You sleep with your socks on at night.
[eh, kinda.] You have fished at least once

[x] You love to shop.
[] You wear eyeliner.
[x] You wear the color pink.
[x] You go to your mom to talk.
[] You consider cheerleading a sport.
[] You hate wearing the color black.
[] You like going to the mall.
[x] You like getting manicures and/or pedicures
[x] You like wearing jewelry.
[haven’t seen it yet!] You cried watching The Notebook.
[x] Skirts and/or dresses are a big part of your wardrobe.
[] Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies.
[] You don’t like the movie Star Wars
[x] You are/were in gymnastics
[sorta] It takes you around one hour to shower, get dressed, and make-up
[x] You smile a lot more than you should.
[x] You have more than 10 pairs of shoes.
[x] You care about what you look like.
[x] You like wearing dresses when you can.
[x] You like wearing high heel shoes.
[x] You used to play with dolls as little kid.
[] You like putting make-up on others.
[x] You like being the star of everything.
[x] Pink is one of your favorite colors.

[] I am shorter than 5′5″.
[] I have many scars.
[x] I tan/burn easily.
[] I wish my hair was a different colour.
[] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair colour.
[] I have a tattoo.
[sometimes] I am self-conscious about my appearance.
[x] I’ve had/have braces.
[x] I’ve been told I’m attractive by a complete stranger.
[x] I have more than two piercings.
[] I have / had piercings in places besides my ears.

[x] I’ve slipped out an “lol” in a spoken conversation.
[] Disney movies still make me cry.
[x] I’ve snorted while laughing.
[x] I’ve laughed so hard I’ve cried.
[] I’ve glued my hand to something.

[x] I’ve laughed ’til some kind of beverage came out of my nose.

[] I’ve had my pants rip in public.

[] I’ve gotten stitches.
[x] Broken a bone.
[] I’ve had my tonsils removed.
[] I’ve sat in a doctor’s office with a friend.
[x] I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed.
[] I’ve had serious surgery.
[x] I’ve had chicken pox.

[x] I’ve driven / ridden over 200 miles in one day.
[x] I’ve been on a plane.
[x] I’ve been to Canada.
[] I’ve been to Cuba.
[x] I’ve been to Niagara Falls.
[] I’ve been to Ottawa.
[] I’ve gone to Sudbury.
[x] I’ve been to the Caribbean.
[x] I’ve been to Europe.
[x] I’ve been to Florida.

[] I’ve gotten lost in my city.
[x] I’ve seen a shooting star.
[x] I’ve wished on a shooting star.
[x] I’ve seen a meteor shower.
[x] I’ve gone out in public in my pajamas.
[x] I’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
[] I’ve kicked a guy where it hurts.
[x] I’ve been to a casino.
[] I’ve been skydiving.
[x] I’ve gone skinny-dipping.
[] I’ve drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.
[] I’ve crashed a car.
[] I’ve been skiing.
[x] I’ve been in a musical.
[x] I’ve caught a snowflake or snow on my tongue.
[] I’ve seen the Northern Lights.
[] I’ve sat on a rooftop at night.
[x] I’ve played a prank on someone.
[x] I’ve ridden in a taxi.
[] I’ve seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
[] I’ve eaten Sushi.
[x] I’ve been waterskiing.

[] I’m single.
[x] I’m in a relationship.
[] I’m engaged.
[] I’m married.
[x] I miss someone right now.
[] I’ve gotten divorced.
[] I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t.
[] I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did.

Honesty / Crime
[x] I’ve done something I promised someone else I wouldn’t.
[x] I’ve done something I promised myself I wouldn’t.
[x] I’ve snuck out.
[x] I’ve lied to my parents about where I am.
[x] I’ve cheated while playing a game.
[x] I’ve ran a red light.
[] I’ve witnessed a crime.
[] I’ve been in a fist fight.
[] I’ve been arrested.

Death and Suicide
[] I’m afraid of dying.
[x] I hate funerals.
[x] I’ve seen someone / something dying.
[] Someone close to me has attempted / committed suicide.
[] I’ve planned my own suicide before.
[] I’ve written a eulogy for myself.

[] I own over 5 rap CD’s.
[] I have an unhealthy obsession with anime / manga.
[] I own designer purses, costing over $100 a piece.
[x] I own something from Pac Sun.
[] I collected comic books.
[] I own something from The Gap.
[] I own something I got on E-Bay.
[] I own something from Abercrombie

[] I can sing well.
[] Stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant.
[x] I open up to others easily
[] I watch the news.
[] I don’t kill bugs
[x] I sing in the shower.
[] I am a morning person.
[i guess...] I paid for my cell phone ring tone.
[] I am a sports fanatic.
[x] I twirl my hair.
[x!] I care about grammar.
[] I have “?”’s in my screen name.
[] I love spam.
[] I’ve copied more than 30 CD’s in a day.
[x] I bake well.
[x] My favorite colour is either white, yellow, pink, red, blue, black, purple, or orange.
[] I would wear pajamas to school.
[] I like Martha Stewart.
[] I know how to shoot a gun.
[] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
[x] I laugh at my own jokes
[ehhh.] I eat fast food weekly.
[x] I’ve not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class.
[] I can’t sleep if there is a spider in the room.
[] I am really ticklish.
[] I like white chocolate.
[x] I bite my nails.
[x] I’m good at remembering faces.
[x] I’m good at remembering names.
[x] I’m good at remembering dates.
[x] I honestly have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
[x] All my answers were totally honest