Friday, January 29, 2010

The Work Saga pt. 2

Well, yesterday, I met the new guy. His name is Shawn. And he is 25. He's kinda weird and not very fun. He has two kids which is weird because he seems really young to have two kids but whatever. He seems way older than 25 but that's how old he says he is. haha but it was definitely an interesting day because he had to learn like everything in the two days before Fran left. He was definitely stressed. And I actually felt like I kinda knew what I was doing. I am excellent at answering the phone, distributing the mail and I am getting really good at putting together the tax returns for Ron.

It was funny today because Fran was definitely getting annoyed with Shawn and when he would leave, she complained to me about it. And Shawn was getting frustrated with Shawn and when she left, he would tell me all about it. haha I'm so glad people love complaining to me. It's so funny. But work today was SO boring. Like, it was insane how boring it was. We did nothing. Like, I think I'm going to go insane from sitting in that room for 4.5 hours a day. It made it worse because Ron is in Utah so we didn't even have work from him to do. So we just sat there. Oh, and it's so funny because although it's just Shawn, Fran and me (well, and I guess Ron), who work there, I'm like BFF's with Chuck (the UPS guy) and Melanie (the FedEx lady). They're so funny. I wish that they actually worked with us and were there for longer than like 5 minutes when they pick up our packages. Too bad. Hmm, so I was going to ride my bike to work today, but I didn't which is probably good because when I can home, it was pouring rain. Like the hardest rain since I've been home. So I'm glad I got to drive down the street instead of riding in it.

As a side note, we (my family) realized while we were talking at dinner last night that our names rhyme. There is Shawn and Ron and Fran and Dan. haha so they only rhyme when I'm at home because, most people don't call me Dan regularly. But yeah, it was funny when I was telling my fam the whole story because the names rhyme.

I have a lot more I could write about my super exciting work and all the drama between Fran and Shawn but I won't. But I'll definitely tell you how Monday goes... our first day without Fran. And I'm pretty sure we're going to crash and burn. Yeah, positive thinking... haha

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Back in middle school, for the last 10 minutes of school everyday, we had a time called 'workjobs'. Basically, we would just take out the trash and clean the tables and tidy up the room (because we didn't have janitors to do it). We always made fun of the name because in Spanish, workjob translates to trabajartrabajar. Which is the same as saying workwork or jobjob. How ridiculous.

I was just thinking about this today, not because I had to do workjobs but because I started work yesterday. I was supposed to start Monday but it didn't really matter much. Although, I did have a fairly eventful first day at work.

I got there at 12:30, the time I was supposed to. And Fran was there. She was nice and we kinda talked. And then we kinda got did some work and she showed me how stuff worked and stuff. We helped Ron assemble some of the tax returns. We helped people ship stuff. It was easy and nice and pretty low-key. But she kept leaving to go take phone calls with her doctor (because she's very pregnant and due in about a week) but I didn't really notice it or think it was that weird at all. Until she told me that she thought her water had broken and that her husband was on the way so they could go to the hospital.

So she left. And there I was, my first day on the job, and I was already in charge. Luckily, I knew how to do most things and there wasn't a whole lot to do anyway. But I was there a good two hours by myself. (Well, Ron was upstairs but he was busy and didn't know what to do in the store either. I just hung out there and met my new friends Chuck and Melanie (the UPS and the FedEx delivery people). They're super nice. I love them. haha I helped Ron with a few more tax returns and then just sat around and watched the clock basically. Or when people came in, they would ask where Fran went and I would have to tell them the long story. But it was a false alarm with the baby so she came back at like 10 to 5 and helped me close and everything which was good because I had no idea how to close at all.

Well, then today at work, we didn't really have anything to do. I did get to put all the mail away in the boxes which was fun. It reminded me of the good ol' times in kindergarten where on Valentine's Day, we had a little post office in the classroom and we all got to be the mailman and put the letters in everyone's little cubby. haha I loved doing that, so now I'm getting paid to do it. We also counted two huge boxes of quarters and rolled them. And we helped Ron again. And we answered a bunch of phone calls. And then we just sat there and waited for something to happen. As boring as the job is, I think I'll be able to endure for these 10 more weeks just because I'm going to make so much money. Haha :)

Hmm, so yep, that's my super exciting job and all it entails.
Tomorrow I meet my new work friend who is taking over for Fran (which is actually a kind of ridiculous idea actually...). It shall be interesting...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Maybe it's true, I can't live without you.

Well, I was supposed to start work tomorrow (or I guess today...) but now I'm starting on Tuesday. So that gives me one final day before I start working until April. Great. Tomorrow is like my last day of summer. And I'm going to spend it doing laundry and watching movies. haha so great!

Hmm, well, this past week was... interesting.

I went to lunch with KFuller again but this time BDisher came along with us which was super fun. We went to Chipotle and then I went back to 6th with them (because it was yearbook and who doesn't like to watch the insanity that is Pegasus?) But that was so weird to be back at Homestead with all the small high school children. Insane. But it was fun to hang out with Kelly and Bailey again. Oh and Bailey introduced me to a cool new website I would check it out if I was you. Basically she would go and yell at people and every now and then she'd come back and find a new things for me to read on theoatmeal. haha oh yearbook memories. After I got home, I picked up the children, ate a few cookies and then picked up Jack. Then, Jack and I got to go over to the church and clean the font. hahaha um, that was a fun adventure. I vacuumed and swept the font and then we came back home to finish getting ready for Aldergator's baptism. But the baptism was good. She apparently said a few funny things (like she didn't want all the kids to come up close to the font to watch...). And she didn't cry after going underwater which was good and a little bit unexpected. But it was precious. I gave a pretty good talk on baptism if I do say so myself and Jack gave the Holy Ghost talk. Hmm, we had to clean everything up after so we got home kinda late. But then we went over to the Haight's to give them some leftover cream puffs and then we had to make a quick Taco Bell run.

So then on Saturday, we were all pretty exhuasted so we did absolutely nothing. Oh wait. No instead we ate the day away... First at Olive Garden (with Bro. Pedersen and Doodle Jump) and then we went and got gelato at our favorite gelato shop in downtown Palo Alto and then we went to Rok to try the new sandwiches. After that, well, we were pretty stuffed. It was insane. Hmm, then I went babysitting for the Derham's who are so precious. I miss not seeing them weekly. But Averie and I are still pretty tight. Oh and I watched the U.S. Figure Skating National Championships which was super fun. I love ice skating.

Mmm, then today, we went to church with was normal as usual. Then after church, I skyped both Josh and then Jessica which was definitely needed. Although, Josh and I didn't really talk for that long but it's okay because we skype semi-frequently. But Jessica and I talked for quite a while and it was amazing. It was definitely needed. And we're also pretty... cunning I'd say. haha :) but um, yes it was fantastic to actually have a conversation with her and actually see her face and hear her voice. Gosh I miss that girl... well, actually, I really miss both of them so so much. It was quite fun to spend the day skyping though. Although, Grandpa and Grandma leave tomorrow (bright and early) so I should've spent time with them but I didn't... :/ We said goodbye to them tonight which was kinda sad. Which is weird because most of the time they were here, they were giving me so much crap about Josh. But I'm actually sad to see them leave.

Well, I should probably go to bed now... Especially since I have nothing else to write about...

Monday, January 18, 2010

Untouchable like a distant diamond sky...

Well, this weekend has been ridiculously busy.

Friday, I went to lunch with KFuller. We went to Alotta's and mmmm it was delicious. I got all caught up with the Homestead drama and it was so fun to just hang out with Kelly and hear about her life. Plus, she was really interested to be filled in on certain aspects of my life too.... But Bailey was jealous so I might be going to lunch with the both of them again this week. haha :) After I dropped Kelly back off at school, I went and ran some errands and I picked up all the kids up at school and I helped rearrange the master bedroom with mom. haha that was interesting. Oh and we started watching ChakDe! which was fun but it was super long so we stopped it at intermission (which was awesome) and went to bed.

Saturday, the missionaries came over, and then Grandma and Grandpa got here. We had to unload the 700 lbs. of wheat that they brought us which was an adventure. Then we went to Rok and mm it was so good. haha we got the cheese fondue of the month and it was the best one we've had. So good. And I got the fajitas even though they're not on the dinner menu. Oh and we met Meghan who is the new hostess (who Nicole trained) and she is the cutest person ever. Seriously. But yeah, that was way yummy dinner.

Sunday, we had early church. And we it was alright. It was fun because mom forgot some of her props for her YW lesson at home so I got to come home and get it which meant I would've been way late to Sunday School (okay, not REALLY since its like a 4 minute drive home but whatever...) and then I went to YW. It was super exciting because at the end of church, some small child pulled the fire alarm so we all had to evacuate. But after church, The Lasko's came over to home teach us and then the missionaries came over to finish up the discussions and then after they left, we were all way tired so we just relaxed. Hmm yeah, it was fun.

Then today (Monday), Colleen was home for a volleyball tournament that she had at SJSU so we went to lunch with Brittney and Courtney. It's funny because we went to Alotta's again but it was just as delicious as it was on Friday with KFuller. Oh but Colleen's teammate was here and so we ditched her at Peet's (with her permission...) and then we all went to Colleen's house and we skyped Katherine and then we went to Starbucks and got our traditional peppermint hot chocolate (since its been pouring all day today...) and then we went back and skyped Molly and then Tejasvi and then we played Band Hero for a while. It was super fun to hang out with them all again. And then tonight, we finished ChakDe! and it was a pretty cute movie. Oh and while I was busy hanging out with Colleen, they made homemade rootbeer with our leftover dry ice which is super yummy. We're thinking of making it a lot more. So good.

Oh I also talked on the phone/skyped Jessica and Josh a lot this weekend. I miss them both so much. Like, its almost getting a little bit ridiculous how much I miss them. I cannot wait until I am back with Josh (even though it'll only be for 4 days...) in February. And hopefully I'll see Jessica in early April but if not then, in mid-April. Oh gosh, I miss them both so much. Ugh.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Well, I just got back from lunch with my parentals. We obviously went to Rok because well... when you own a restaurant, you're going to go there a lot. They added fajitas to the lunch menu in like... October so I've been anticipating being able to try them when I got back from school. And since I've been home, I've had them three times. Ahh they're so good. I could probably eat them everyday. They're the best fajitas on earth and I am not exaggerating.

The only problem with this is that fajitas remind me of Josh. Actually, like everything somehow reminds me of Josh but fajitas really remind me of Josh. You can't say the word fajita without me immediately thinking of Josh. The reason why is because the night we went to dinner and he ordered fajitas, it was kind of a turning point in our relationship. Actually, I guess that isn't completely true because after that, we had a few more turning points which changed our relationship but this was one of the important ones. Anywho, its impossible to try and eat fajitas without constantly thinking about him. But they're delicious so I do it anyway.

Hmm, so I'm getting really irritated with the whole job situation. I've been offered a part time job starting the last week of January. And I accepted it but I haven't heard back from them. So technically, I don't really know if I have a job there or not. So hopefully I do or I'm going to be way sad. And hopefully I'll be able to go out to Rexburg in February. I am not going to be happy if I can't go out there. It is like, vital that I go and see Josh soon. Also, I'm trying to find other work but I just... don't know how to plan stuff if I do/don't have this one job. Its getting frustrating.

Oh, its also been raining here. Like pouring rain. Hmm, it'd be perfect if Josh was here. haha too bad I'm not kidding at all...

It's exciting because I actually have plans for this week! Tomorrow, I'm babysitting and meeting with a potential family to babysit. Friday, I'm going to lunch with KFuller and I'm babysitting. Saturday, the grandparents are coming (which should REALLY be interesting). Monday we're going to the California Academy of Sciences (which I've been wanting to go to since it re-opened last February or March so I'm super excited for that), plus, we're finishing the missionary discussions and Allie is getting baptized next Friday. Wow, I'm going to start being way busy, which is good.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cause I can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain...

Well, since I do nothing productive most days, I guess I can blog.

I've been kinda looking for a job. Probably not as much as I should be but meh, whatever. As a last resort, I know I can always work at Rok (which is like a last, last resort). I just want to get a nice little office job that pays like $15/hr but so far, that hasn't happened yet. Anyway, I babysat for the Dunn's on Tuesday Night and she was telling me that I should just babysit/nanny for people and that she knows a few people who would be interested in having me help them like every week. So I'm doing that. She emailed a bunch of her friends telling them about me and that I'm interested in babysitting/nannying for them so now I just get to wait to hear back from people. I have heard back from one person in my ward who I've babysat for before and their kids are adorable and I'm going to work for them a lot so thats good. At least I'll be making some money. It'll be good though. Hopefully a lot of people will want me (yes Jessica, I just set you up again and I realize this... haha).

Hmm, the children went back to school this week. Which would've been really fun except for Nate and Allie have both had fevers so they both stayed home from school yesterday AND today. Which makes the fact that I don't have to go to school way less fun. haha But I've been looking for jobs (but mostly stalking people on facebook and playing solitaire) and writing my resume which is really no fun at all. But hopefully, I won't NEED to get a job once I start being really busy babysitting/nannying. We'll see though.

I really wish I was in Rexburg now. I miss it so much. Except for the fact that its 9 degrees there right now... and its 52 here. haha But I really just miss my way of life there. And as weird as this sounds, I really miss going to school. And like, having homework (I know, I know, weird). I also like, really REALLY miss Josh. Like, now that he's back in Rexburg, I miss him so much more. Hopefully, I'll be going out there to visit in February but as of now, um it may or may not be happening. We'll see. But I like need him so I'm basically going to do everything I can to go out there.

Hmm, no other exciting news here. Except for my silly putty. For some reason, Jack has been playing with a piece of Dad's big ball of silly putty so then I wanted one so now we both sit at our computers and play with our putty. It is so fun. haha. the end?

[for anyone wondering, most of my blog titles are infact song lyrics...]

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Well, its the last day of break. Kinda. For like everyone except me. I'm excited for Jack/Nate/Al to go back to school because then it'll be so much more peaceful around here but it sucks because Colleen is back in SD, Katherine is back in Eugene, Molly is back in Vancouver and so now I can only hang out with Neha who goes back to Berk on the 18th and Brittney and Courtney who work like all the time. So fun. Hopefully I'll be able to get a job really soon so I can have stuff to do with my life.

Josh wakes up in like three hours to go fly back to Rexburg. I so wish I was going back too. I feel like I'm going to be completely bored out of my mind here and I'd much rather be there dating him instead of like 800+ miles away. But we'll deal with it. I just miss him so much. And I keep thinking of all the things that we could be doing together. Like all day, everyday, everything I do, I just wish he was right here doing it with me. Running errands, watching dumb movies with my family, just hanging out at home, even sleeping (obviously in a VERY Mormon way...). I just miss being with him. We don't even have to be doing anything in particular, just to feel his hand in mine is all I really need right now. (I mean, obviously I want more than just that (a little making out never hurt anyone....) but thats what I really need; just for him to be close to me.)

I also would love to have a job. That would be grand. Because as much fun as it is to sit at home all day, I'd be super fun to actually make some money. And be able to do something semi-productive. What I really need, is a job like Nicole's last last summer. $20/hr doing nothing except facebooking and reading. Success. haha but right now, any job will do. I can't be that picky since I desperately want a job.

The fact that I don't have a job is really messing up my life. I can't plan for Jessica to visit because I don't want to be working the whole time, I can't plan my trip to Rexburg in February because I don't know if I'll be able to take time off so its just causing quite the problem.

In a nutshell, I'm longing for:
-A social life.
- A job.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Start of a New Decade

Well, its 2010.

Um, for New Year's Eve, I went to a super crazy party at Colleen's. Well, technically, we (the family) went to lunch at Rok which was heaven. This was the second time Jack and I went this week but yesterday we had the entire mean and not just a delicious salad. MMM so yummy. Especially now that they have fajitas, its so much better than before and its what I always order. haha. Anywho, we made stir fry at Colleen's and it was pretty good but I was so full from lunch I didn't really eat. We then played Band Hero for like.... a really long time but it was super fun. Especially since we got to play Taylor Swift songs (or T-Swift or T-$wift haha). We did a little gift exchange thing too and that was fun. I got some delicious smelling perfume from Victoria's Secret and I'm way excited about it. We did the whole countdown thing and such and we freaked out Kuma and Topaz with all the noise. Then we decided to play a nice fun game of Charades. Pretty fun. Then I came home at like 2:15ish but didn't go to bed until 4. oops...

Hmm so its really weird that its 2010. At the party last night someone said that in this decade, we're all going to get married which is just a little bit scary. Haha marriage right now seems so distant and like... scary but in reality, it could happen in like... a year (hypothetically). Crazy. I cannot picture myself getting married that soon though so fear not.

So 2009 was a pretty good year. I'm a little sad to see it leave but not really. It was definitely a year of change. Probably the most change that has happened in a long long while. I went to BYU-Idaho, Nicole left on her mission, Jack started high school, etc. There we're lots of changes. Its going to be weird to be home from now until April but hopefully, I get a really excellent job. haha I should go and search for one more though...

Since its a new year, I've kinda been, contemplating life. And my life. haha And I've basically had so many different ideas about what I want to do and what I should've done differently and I've basically have many-a vents sessions with Jessica about it. Hahaha I so wish that she lived like 900 miles closer. But I've been thinking about everything and its been extremely tiring. Because I just have all these thoughts and ideas rolling around in my brain. Super fun.

I don't really make New Year's Resolutions but Jessica and I decided that we will go to the temple once a week when we are in Rexburg and I am so excited about this. Its going to be so fun. (I'd do it here too but the Oakland Temple is so much farther away and I don't really have the time to drive all the way up there once a week...)

I don't really have anything to say now. I'm pretty excited for school to start on Monday because I'll get some peace and quiet haha. I'm also super excited for Josh to go back to Rexburg on Monday because then we won't have the super annoying time difference anymore. Woo!

Here's to a super 2010?