Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Letter to you, From Me.

Dear Rexburg,
I will be there in 11 days. Please get warmer! I can deal with the 40's but none of this 30's nonsense. I was cold when I left work today and it was 58 degrees outside... And please don't snow again until like.... October. Deal?

Dear Residents of Los Altos,
I am bored to death at work. If you would like to send a package of any sort, please come and visit me. hahaha

Dear Jessica,
Please give me a call and fill me in on your life-changing events (aka tonight.) Slash I will be seeing you in 11 days! Excited? yes ma'am. (And it's your birthday in 7 days!)

Dear Joshua,
Sorry I stay up so late (like right now) and sleep in so late so that we can never talk. And please pass on my message to the City of Rexburg. Also I'm not going to tell you when I blog anymore because you always know anyway.... stalker? yeah...

Dear Erin,
Please keep better track of your car so I don't have to be a detective from 800 miles away. And please be prepared to party it up in 1.5 weeks. :) (p.s. I randomly just picked purple for this text color for you but then I remembered that I picked purple out yesterday to be your wedding color so I feel like this is fitting....)

Dear the three of you,
I miss you all dearly. And I love you.

Dear Anyone else who read this blog,
Thanks! :)


p.s. Maybe I'll blog for real at some point in the near future. Since I know you all care so much about my life.... :/

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Can we say C-R-A-Z-Y?

Goodness gracious.

My day yesterday was absolute insanity. haha I was so crazily busy.

First, I went to work at the wonderful hour of 8:30 and immediately started assembling tax returns. We had 4 stacks of 4-5 so we had like just under 20 just waiting for us when we walked in. And let me tell you, it is quite a process. Stapling (probably 5 times per return, stamping, sticking, postaging (I just made that word up), hole-punching, etc. It is crazy. Then after it's assembled, we take them back upstairs to Ron who signs them and then he brings them back down to us and we mail them. So crazy. I think I handled more tax returns yesterday then I will again for the rest of my life. haha okay, maybe not really. I seriously was working ALL day yesterday. You know how sometimes I don't do anything and I watch movies or facebook all day? Not yesterday. Oh no. I was working at a constant pace from 8:30-5:15. It was ridiculous. It got quite tedious but it was easy work so it wasn't horrible. It was just boring.

And I was texting Jessica about it, and she was saying that she hates taxes. But without taxes, I wouldn't have a job right now. So I LOVE taxes (but I don't really LOVE paying them all that much...) It's funny because I don't like having all my money stolen by the government through taxes but at if it weren't for taxes, I wouldn't have a job right now (because really, we wouldn't need accountants if we didn't have to pay taxes...). What a vicious cycle.

So then, I went home for like 30 minutes where I changed out of my work clothes and into some jeans and tennis shoes and then I ran over to Colleen's (okay, I didn't run but it was a fast walk) and then we had a crazy party. Not really. But we did go to dinner at Fresh Choice (basically Sweet Tomatoes) which was delicious. Especially the ice cream. But Colleen and I did feel a little bad because Katherine gave ice cream up for Lent and then we ate it in front of her. Her loss. We gave her a legitimate excuse to cheat so oh well, sucks for her. Then, across the street was a Hollywood Video that was going out of business so all their movies were super cheap. We all bought a few movies (and Colleen and I bought some HSM/HSM3 trading cards!) and then we needed candy. So we went to Target, bought a bunch of candy, went back to Colleen's and started our movie marathon. We only watched one movie but our marathon is going to continue for the rest of the week I believe. We watched The Little Black Book which was pretty precious. Then I went home, and went to bed. Kinda. I pretended I was going to bed but I really talked to Josh on the phone for 35 minutes slash we were both like falling asleep. haha but THEN I went to bed. It was a crazy day.

And now I'm at work again, doing nothing. haha oh what a difference a day can make. So I'm sitting here blogging/reading Dear John. haha pretty good day I'd say.

p.s. this is my 50th blog post. what a milestone. haha yay for me!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Guess what I can't wait for?

Reunited in 20 days?


(Rexburg bound in 18 days. Reunited with these lovely ladies in 20. SO excited.)

I miss Rexburg, Idaho.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles, If I could just see you...

Well, it's St. Patrick's Day today. I'm not Irish, at all. So it's been a pretty meaningless holiday. I don't actually even know what is celebrated really besides leprechauns, green and gold. haha But I did make sure I wore green today because I do have young siblings who I know would pinch me. Well and my dad. But yeah, we don't have a crazy Irish dinner or any traditions so it's just a normal ol' day.

Anyway, Josh think I'm addicted to Facebook. And so does my whole family. But really, I could stop at any time. Well, to prove that, I haven't been on Facebook ALL day today. Starting at midnight (last night/this morning) I haven't once been on that website. It's been kinda weird but kinda nice at the same time. I've obviously found other ways to make use of my time (like I started reading the 100 hour board again. haha it was so nice to be reunited at last!). Plus I went to lunch with Jack today since she didn't start school until like 12:30 so that was fun. We went to Red Pepper and we were the first ones there today and it was super yummy. Mmm delicious. And then at work, it was pretty busy which was nice. I mean, it wasn't SUPER busy but it was busy enough so that I didn't have a lot of free time. So yeah, it hasn't been all that hard to not go on although I definitely would've made time at work or at home to get on if I wasn't doing this. haha :)

Oh, I also forgot to mention that I'm back to working part-time again. I started on Monday but I've been working 12:00-5:00 so that's been nice because I've gotten to sleep in. It was especially nice on Monday since I was up until 2:00 am registering for classes because BYU-Idaho's system is super retarded. But yeah, it's been nice to be able to sleep in now. And then I go to work for a little while and then I come home and just get to hang out I guess. I don't know. But it's weird because I'm like more tired after I come home from working 5 hours then I was when I worked 8.5 hours. It's weird.

I forgot that it's been so long that I've blogged. I had a pretty eventful weekend this past weekend. Early Saturday morning, my dad got free tickets to the Shark's game for later that afternoon. But he only got 5 tickets so it was all the kids and then him and we headed down to the SharkTank (aka HP Pavillion in San Jose) and we had our little tickets checked at the down and they lead us right up to our box. haha yep, that's right, we got to sit in the HP's box. We got snacks and drinks, and pizza and chicken fingers and lots of delicious other things and we had pretty dang good view of the game (that they lost unfortunately) but it was still super fun. Especially since Nate and Allie were so funny. But it was great. Oh, and hockey players are so hot. haha dang. (Maybe this is why I like Josh so much....?) But my personal favorite is now this guy:

Patrick Marleau. mmmm :)

And then we went to the Warrior's game that night (because we got like $10 tickets) but our seats weren't very good at all (aka way up at the top and we basically all got like weird headaches. haha) but it was still kinda fun. Obviously the Shark's game was better because there were much more perks but eh, it was still fun. Then on the way home, we stopped at IHOP for dinner (at like 10:00 at night...) and I obviously had to get stuffed french toast because it is SO good. mmmm. But yeah, we got home from that way super late. But it was a super fun day. And it was weird because we never go to sporting events. Well I sometimes do with the FitzGerald's but we don't ever go as a family. So that was kinda fun.

Um, nothing else all that exciting has happened. I don't have keys for work anymore, which is weird. haha I kinda miss that a little. And I feel like Sarah still doesn't know everything but she is definitely getting better at most stuff. But I still have to teach her stuff and I've realized that I'm not a very good teacher. Oops. :/ And the weather here has been gorgeous so yesterday I rode my bike (okay, Jack's bike) and then today I was going to scooter but I had to take Jack to school at like the same time I was supposed to start work so I drove. But I don't think I'm going to drive anymore. It's just so nice outside to not ride a bike/scooter or walk. So yeah, that's fun.

Uh, yeah. It's been almost 24 hours since I've been on Facebook but I'm going to go to bed now and not check it until the morning. I know, what dedication. Alrighty, until next time.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney.

I don't really have much to say. I just feel like blogging.

Oh, well a couple weeks agoish, I was looking at classes that I am going to take next semester and I kinda decided to change my major. I declared a Ecology/Range/Wildlife&Fisheries Major (with an emphasis in Ecology) but now I'm thinking of majoring in Environmental Biology with I guess Geology and Geography clusters. hahaha so um, we'll see how that goes. If I had to pick the perfect major, it'd be Environmental Science but they don't have that program at BYU-Idaho. So, I'm just doing the next best thing-ish. This all might change again. Who knows.

Hmm, work is uh, good. Sarah (who is the new lady who replaced Shawn after he replaced Fran) started working officially on Monday. It was... interesting. She has a lot more responsibilities and stuff than I do but I open up in the morning and I have the keys so I lock up at night and stuff too. It's just weird because there isn't a whole lot to do but there are now two of us to do like nothing. It's really nice though because I let her answer the phone and stuff so I don't really do a whole lot. Hahaha but it's probably good that she's doing most everything since I only have like, 5(?) weeks of work left. Maybe not even that many. But yeah, I feel like I know how to do my job... for the most part so that's good.

Primary is going.... good? haha it's still really weird being in Primary and everyone is super surprised when they see me with my class. haha it's funny. But yeah, apparently everyone in my class likes me. So that's good. I think it was because I made a really good first impression on them last week by taking them on a field trip but today it wasn't really as good of a lesson so uh, oops. :/

This week was pretty intense and drama filled but luckily it's all in the past and things are good now. :] It was pretty crazy though. I went running on Monday to clear my head and I haven't gone running in... years. Probably in like, 3 years? Hahaha so yeah, it was a crazy week. It's still so weird to me that it's March. This year has been flying by. Oh and for anyone who is curious, Nicole comes home in 349 days! Less than a year. How craaaazy.

I watched only the greatest movie tonight as well too. My mom has never seen Finding Nemo (I'm not really sure how but whatever...) and Jack and I quote it all the time so she felt left out so we watched it tonight. I've forgotten how funny that movie is. It is great. I was like laughing the whole time. hahaha love that movie so much. I had like completely forgotten about the whale part (which is like the best part) so that was fun. Because I love Dorie and how she's so good at speaking whale. So great. What a wonderful movie to quote all the time. haha :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

I’m dreaming you’re out in the blue and I am right beside you.

So these past few days, Jessica has been listening to like all of Owl City's music and she's been sharing it with me and I love it. It's so weird and out there and so fascinating. I love it. haha I feel like it is semi-relevant to my life too so it's good. It's what I've been listening to like all weekend.

So I guess it's been a while since I blogged last. Well, yesterday at church, I spoke in Sacrament meeting, I was sustained, I taught my first lesson, I went to Primary for the first time in almost 7 years, and I was set apart. It was a pretty crazy day.

My "talk" went really well. I had to give Nicole's missionary report. Which basically just entails me telling the ward what she's up to and how she's doing. And since I made a deal with my mom, I didn't even have to write the talk, just give it which is really okay with me. If someone wrote the talk for me, I would speak every week. haha I just hate the preparation. But yeah, everyone in the ward loved the talk so that's good. And it was funny because they all came up to me to compliment me and I didn't even write it... but they don't need to know that.

Then I went to Primary. It's so weird being in Primary because I kinda remember those days but it's just so different from my perspective now. And it was even funnier because I babysit or have babysat like 70% of the kids in there. So they were all waving at me and trying to talk to me because I'm friends with them all. Hahaha it was cute.

My lesson went surprisingly well. At least I feel like it did. I don't really know. I was super worried that I wouldn't have enough stuff to teach for 40 minutes but it was the perfect amount of time. I even took them on a field trip to show them how big Noah's ark really was (thanks to my wonderful Seminary teachers junior year who showed us. haha). But it was good. I know basically all the kids in the class (because it's Allie and all her friends) so that was good that I didn't have to learn a bunch of names. So yeah. that was good. I'm actually kinda sad that I'm going to be leaving in 5 or so weeks because I really like this calling which is funny because if you had asked me on like Friday or Saturday, I was like counting down the days until I didn't have to teach anymore. Haha I've definitely had a change of heart.

A while after church, I was just so exhausted so I took a nap and it was definitely needed. It felt so good. Then I got to talk to Josh, which was SO necessary because we've hardly talked all weekend. Then we went to Zion Choir's fireside, I had people tell me that Josh "is a cutie", I came home, got to talk to Jessica for quite a while and then Josh and I skyped... again. It was so hard to say goodnight. I miss him so much now. It's so weird because I miss him more than I ever thought possible (sorry, I'm sure no one cares...) but uh, yeah.

I'm at work now. Which is super exciting as usual.

Oh, my weekend was also exciting because I babysat both on Friday and Saturday nights BUT I also got to hang out with my favorite dog. The FitzGerald's went out of town so I got to feed Kuma (well, and Topaz but she's definitely overshadowed) dinner on Saturday and then breakfast on Sunday. I am so tempted to just steal Kuma and keep her. haha I don't think they'd appreciate it. They are nice though and they've basically told us that we can borrow her whenever we like. haha but that just isn't the same.

As a side note, Nicole comes home in a year tomorrow. HOW CRAZY. These 6 months have literally flown by. Plus, 18 months just sounds so much shorter than 2 years so that's probably why. But yeah, she's 1/3 of the way done. Ridiculous. I am so excited for her to come home!! :)
Mostly because then my uncalled for marriage ban is over... (haha just kidding.)

Okay, until next time.

p.s. Sorry these are always novels... Maybe I'll try to learn to write shorter blog posts...