Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Favorite thing I've read today:

Boys drive me crazy. There's too many of them and they always think I am mad at them....That makes me mad at them. Then I think what's my problem! Why am I mad. Then I think "oh ya, its cause I am dealing with a boy!" ;)"

Erin Young really knows how it is. Oh that girl is delightful.

For some reason, while reading that, I start laughing out loud. Am I the only one who thinks it's hilarious? Probably. haha oh well.

I just figured to post this little gem with all of you (mainly you Erin haha since no one else reads this blog.)

Final Update:
Humanites: DONEZO. (B+)
Family Foundations: DONE. (A)
Advanced Swimming: DONEE (A). (Also, just a sad side note, that was the last class EVER of Advanced Swimming.... they don't offer it anymore, rude.)

BioStats project: DONE
BioStats Take home final: in progress.
BioStats TC final: to be completed tomorrow.
Botany: Friday at 7.

Maybe I should go to bed now.
tomorrow equals tests+homework+packing(boo)+cleaning+last night with all the roommates. :(

And by tomorrow I obviously mean today since it's after midnight. hahaha

It's also this kids 20th birthday!:

(tell me this isn't the cutest picture ever. or don't, whatever. haha)


  1. AHhahahA a picture of your boyfriend holding a puppy. brilliant. Sad news about the swimming class. I guess I'll never be advanced. :(

    ALSO thanks for the shout out ;)

  2. Lol I laughed :)Ya totally the cutest picture ever!
