Monday, March 1, 2010

I’m dreaming you’re out in the blue and I am right beside you.

So these past few days, Jessica has been listening to like all of Owl City's music and she's been sharing it with me and I love it. It's so weird and out there and so fascinating. I love it. haha I feel like it is semi-relevant to my life too so it's good. It's what I've been listening to like all weekend.

So I guess it's been a while since I blogged last. Well, yesterday at church, I spoke in Sacrament meeting, I was sustained, I taught my first lesson, I went to Primary for the first time in almost 7 years, and I was set apart. It was a pretty crazy day.

My "talk" went really well. I had to give Nicole's missionary report. Which basically just entails me telling the ward what she's up to and how she's doing. And since I made a deal with my mom, I didn't even have to write the talk, just give it which is really okay with me. If someone wrote the talk for me, I would speak every week. haha I just hate the preparation. But yeah, everyone in the ward loved the talk so that's good. And it was funny because they all came up to me to compliment me and I didn't even write it... but they don't need to know that.

Then I went to Primary. It's so weird being in Primary because I kinda remember those days but it's just so different from my perspective now. And it was even funnier because I babysit or have babysat like 70% of the kids in there. So they were all waving at me and trying to talk to me because I'm friends with them all. Hahaha it was cute.

My lesson went surprisingly well. At least I feel like it did. I don't really know. I was super worried that I wouldn't have enough stuff to teach for 40 minutes but it was the perfect amount of time. I even took them on a field trip to show them how big Noah's ark really was (thanks to my wonderful Seminary teachers junior year who showed us. haha). But it was good. I know basically all the kids in the class (because it's Allie and all her friends) so that was good that I didn't have to learn a bunch of names. So yeah. that was good. I'm actually kinda sad that I'm going to be leaving in 5 or so weeks because I really like this calling which is funny because if you had asked me on like Friday or Saturday, I was like counting down the days until I didn't have to teach anymore. Haha I've definitely had a change of heart.

A while after church, I was just so exhausted so I took a nap and it was definitely needed. It felt so good. Then I got to talk to Josh, which was SO necessary because we've hardly talked all weekend. Then we went to Zion Choir's fireside, I had people tell me that Josh "is a cutie", I came home, got to talk to Jessica for quite a while and then Josh and I skyped... again. It was so hard to say goodnight. I miss him so much now. It's so weird because I miss him more than I ever thought possible (sorry, I'm sure no one cares...) but uh, yeah.

I'm at work now. Which is super exciting as usual.

Oh, my weekend was also exciting because I babysat both on Friday and Saturday nights BUT I also got to hang out with my favorite dog. The FitzGerald's went out of town so I got to feed Kuma (well, and Topaz but she's definitely overshadowed) dinner on Saturday and then breakfast on Sunday. I am so tempted to just steal Kuma and keep her. haha I don't think they'd appreciate it. They are nice though and they've basically told us that we can borrow her whenever we like. haha but that just isn't the same.

As a side note, Nicole comes home in a year tomorrow. HOW CRAZY. These 6 months have literally flown by. Plus, 18 months just sounds so much shorter than 2 years so that's probably why. But yeah, she's 1/3 of the way done. Ridiculous. I am so excited for her to come home!! :)
Mostly because then my uncalled for marriage ban is over... (haha just kidding.)

Okay, until next time.

p.s. Sorry these are always novels... Maybe I'll try to learn to write shorter blog posts...


  1. hahahahaha Im glad I shared those Owl City songs with you! They are amazing! I love them! and I love you. Im glad your primary lesson went well!

  2. it wasn't too long. it was the perfect length.

  3. oh, well good. I'm glad you guys think they aren't too long because they seem super long...
