Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Can we say C-R-A-Z-Y?

Goodness gracious.

My day yesterday was absolute insanity. haha I was so crazily busy.

First, I went to work at the wonderful hour of 8:30 and immediately started assembling tax returns. We had 4 stacks of 4-5 so we had like just under 20 just waiting for us when we walked in. And let me tell you, it is quite a process. Stapling (probably 5 times per return, stamping, sticking, postaging (I just made that word up), hole-punching, etc. It is crazy. Then after it's assembled, we take them back upstairs to Ron who signs them and then he brings them back down to us and we mail them. So crazy. I think I handled more tax returns yesterday then I will again for the rest of my life. haha okay, maybe not really. I seriously was working ALL day yesterday. You know how sometimes I don't do anything and I watch movies or facebook all day? Not yesterday. Oh no. I was working at a constant pace from 8:30-5:15. It was ridiculous. It got quite tedious but it was easy work so it wasn't horrible. It was just boring.

And I was texting Jessica about it, and she was saying that she hates taxes. But without taxes, I wouldn't have a job right now. So I LOVE taxes (but I don't really LOVE paying them all that much...) It's funny because I don't like having all my money stolen by the government through taxes but at if it weren't for taxes, I wouldn't have a job right now (because really, we wouldn't need accountants if we didn't have to pay taxes...). What a vicious cycle.

So then, I went home for like 30 minutes where I changed out of my work clothes and into some jeans and tennis shoes and then I ran over to Colleen's (okay, I didn't run but it was a fast walk) and then we had a crazy party. Not really. But we did go to dinner at Fresh Choice (basically Sweet Tomatoes) which was delicious. Especially the ice cream. But Colleen and I did feel a little bad because Katherine gave ice cream up for Lent and then we ate it in front of her. Her loss. We gave her a legitimate excuse to cheat so oh well, sucks for her. Then, across the street was a Hollywood Video that was going out of business so all their movies were super cheap. We all bought a few movies (and Colleen and I bought some HSM/HSM3 trading cards!) and then we needed candy. So we went to Target, bought a bunch of candy, went back to Colleen's and started our movie marathon. We only watched one movie but our marathon is going to continue for the rest of the week I believe. We watched The Little Black Book which was pretty precious. Then I went home, and went to bed. Kinda. I pretended I was going to bed but I really talked to Josh on the phone for 35 minutes slash we were both like falling asleep. haha but THEN I went to bed. It was a crazy day.

And now I'm at work again, doing nothing. haha oh what a difference a day can make. So I'm sitting here blogging/reading Dear John. haha pretty good day I'd say.

p.s. this is my 50th blog post. what a milestone. haha yay for me!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you have friends there this week! I was about ready to jump on a plane and come visit. well not really.. but I would if I could. haha. and Im glad that you LOVE taxes so much. hahaha. anyways. I miss you. Have a super awesome time with your friends! I love you bunches!
