Tuesday, June 12, 2012


When you think of summer you think of pools, the beach, barbeques, freedom, sunshine, warmth.

And leisurely bike rides.

Yesterday, Jack and I decided to have our first one of the summer.

Mostly because we have some friends from Hollywood in town.

aka Ashton Kutcher, and a whole bunch of his friends.

When I say friends though, I really mean film crew (although I would bet that they are friends too!)

Jack and I rode our little bikes through a few streets, then stopped and stared.

And just watched them film.
They did this motorcycle part over and over again.

And on the first take, we almost saw motorcycle guy wipe out. (I think it was Matthew Modine but I'm not entirely sure.)
It was funny.

And everytime he got back on the bike to shoot again, thy had to jump the bike. Seems a little ridiculous? But great.

Plus, it was really funny to hear all the movie lingo and be a part of it.
They said "quiet on the set".
"Cut." (And my favorite guy working there would say "Cut-o").

Movie sets are fun.

Oh, and I forgot to mention why they're here.

They're making a movie (entitled Jobs) that is about Steve Jobs and the starting of Apple.
So what they're currently filming is inside Job's childhood home (and the garage that they built the first Apple computer in).

Fun Fact: For those of you who don't know, Steve Jobs went to the same elementary school, and high school as I did. And the same middle school that I was would've gone to had I not done the whole private thing. And the Chipotle that I frequent, is the one surrounded by Apple's campus. Essentially I would lunch with Apple geeks frequently in high school. (That's like my big fact when I need to feel cool about myself. ha.)

So yep. That's what's going on now. They're filming for three days.
And today, the entire street was blocked off.
Too many nosey little neighbors.

Definitely a good beginning to the summer.

Oregon, here we come!

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