Friday, February 3, 2012

Fantastic Friday.

Remember that one time how I go to Provo tomorrow?

Yep, and I just started packing approximately 20 minutes ago. But I'm not worried about it. Especially since my flight leaves at 10:45... when normally I fly out at 6am. And I'll only be gone for 6 days. Plus, it's been super warm there (for Utah standards). So I'm packing warm stuff but I'm not packing my warmest stuff. Ish. I don't know, it's kind of a weird trip.

Because I also have to be super cute all the time. Uhllll. What a pain.

But I spent the majority of the day (okay, really all of it) watching The Amazing Race. Which is my favorite show. I watched the entire past season in the past 24 hours. And I am feeling much better, although I have a little bit of a cough. But that's why I needed to rest today. :)

So I should probably go and finish packing for my little trip.

I was just on a blogging spree this week so I figured I'd finish it up.

I probs won't really post while I'm gone so just know that things are going great, I assume.

Another funny thing: Michelle is trying to set me up with her brother while I'm in Provo. So maybe I'll be going on a hot date with my future husband? We shall see.


  1. Danielle. You always meet your future husband all the time. It's not fair!
