Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day.

For some reason, I LOVE Leap Day. And I really have no idea why.

Maybe because the reason behind it is Earth Science-y and I love that.
Or because I just love extra time.

Actually, I have no idea why I like it.

But ever since I learned about it (say, elementary school at some point), I've always wished my birthday was Leap Day.

Just to be unique I guess.

Unfortunately I wasn't even born in a Leap Year so I had ZERO chance of that happening but still, one can still wish.

I also wish I had a twin.

Woe is me.

Anyway, today was marvelously wonderful.
Rain, constant babysitting (i.e. money) and down time.

Plus, just knowing that today is Leap Day makes the day so much better.
I hope yours was just as wonderful! :)

1 comment:

  1. So, I was going to tell you about how this guy in front of me at the grocery store cash register line was buying candles for his friends birthday and he thought it was hilarious that he was only buying six, (plus some emblesshments/exaggerations) but the post didn't go through. Now it's too late, (it wouldn't be as funny) BUT you should know we talked about twins in pregnancy. At first I thought it would be cool to be a twin, then I thought it would be cool to have twins, then I realized multiples aren't fair for any women's body, so I'm glad I didn't put my mom through that and that I most likely won't have any!
