Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wonderous Wednesday.

Happy February!

It is so marvelously strange to me that it's already February. Anyone else?

But, in honor of this lovely first day of the month, I'd decided to go back on Pinterest. Which is weird because I missed it for a little while but then I kinda forgot that it existed. And now that I'm back on I'm just like, "wait, I missed this?" I don't really find it addicting or exciting at all. SO I guess Josh Ludlow deserves a special shoutout/thank you for breaking my addiction. What a great husband he is. :)

If only he could just do that for facebook now... I feel like this weekend-ish in Provo will help my facebook addiction. Oh, and the worst thing about the facebook thing is that I went like four months without it. Maybe that's why I am constantly on it now... interesting.

Did you hear about this guy?

Makes me kind of want to do it. But I know that I don't have enough friends or things to do here to keep my time occupied. Plus, I feel like I kinda did that a little bit in Jerusalem. Granted, we did have most internet (like email and blogs and such) but without facebook and youtube and without a cell phone, we were pretty disconnected. And it was so nice.

Anyway, I'm here sitting at work again. Such an exciting life I have.

This morning I printed out some tax returns.
I chatted with Studlow on facebook for like 20 minutes.
I caught up on all my blogs.
Assembled two tax returns, with the assistance of Ron, while talking about RV trips.
I pinned a couple of things.
And now I've just been sitting here kinda bored.

And the phone has only rung like 8 times in the past three hours.
So yes, it's been a party.

Now I just have to wait for the mail to get here and then I get to do my favorite job at my job.

Oh, and did I mention that my brother has been home sick with a sore throat all week. And today he woke up crying at like 6 because he felt miserable and his throat was killing him and he has a fever? So like a good mother, my mom took him to the doctor and guess what? Strep. And I woke up this morning with a sore throat. And I get strep whenever anyone in the neighboring state has it. So looks like I'm going to need to get myself drugged up before I leave the state. But here's the thing: having strep is WAY better than having some sort of virus. Because you just get your antibiotics and you are feeling better in no time! Virus' just have to "run their course". I hated when doctors told me that.

So yes, clearly my immune system hates me because this is the second time in a week that I've gotten sick. But oh well.

Provo weekend will not be ruined. :)

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